| E-mail | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP Beowulf Well, Foetopsy has been around since jan. 2002. jon and i met and wanted to come up with a band that didn't tread the sea of retardedness or bore the living FUCK out of everyone that heard it. we wanted to create something that would hopefully irritate, offend, and piss off everyone that heard it. oops. looks like we failed there. people seem to enjoy having us assault them with gore-grind. unfortunately, it's utterly lacking in our part of this shithole planet......so we continue to write grindcore as extreme and spazzy as we can so we can scare the piss out of the local tough guy 'hardcore' scene....bunch kung-fu experts that they are. we're basically the 'gorefreakshowblastbeattrainwreck' band around here. foetopsy right now this very second is: jon engman-blurred the fuck out blastbeats, jesse kehoe- vocals and insanity, and yours truly, eric fredrich- sludged out slop noise. we will continue regardless......we have been writing alot of new shit lately, and it's faster, crazier, and more total fucking chaos that you can EXPECT from us. to me, there is really no comparison to anything we have done yet, so you'll just hafta keep watchin' the site, http://www.foetopsy.com for anymore info on what we're up to. (Source: Interview) Оказываеться, что на барабанах у них нынешний драммер Brodequin и Liturgy. Так, что теперь с ритм-секцией все понятно.
----- Если кто-то спросит тебя, как ты можешь слушать этот ужас, зарычи, отбей бластбит об оппонента, назови его пидором и представителем ёбаного социума. Вообщем найди ответ. Вечный |
65 | Дата рег-ции 16 Ноября, 2004 | Отправлено: 11:15 - 18 Ноября, 2004 | 12 |