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Steel Seal

Информация о группе

Steel Seal were born in Rome, Italy, in 2003 as a result of the efforts of the guitar player and songwriter Marco Valerio Zangani, former axeman of the local hard rock group Sacred Tiber. He got in touch with some more veterans of Roman Hard and Heavy scene (the vocalist Bruno Baudo, the bass player Roberto Fasciani and the keyboardist Adriano Rossi, who, after playing in several area bands, were touring on the local club circuit with the J.Y. Malmsteen’s cover band Black Stars) and got them togheter around a new project aimed at arranging novel songs to submit to the public and to the record companies.

With this line-up Steel Seal recorded their 'Demo 2003’, a 5-tracks promo CD with computer synthesized drumming that gained the attention of several record companies during 2004 and led the band to enter into a contract with the Italian label Underground Symphony (former producer of Labyrinth, Skylark and more well known groups) for the recording of their debut album 'By the power of thunder’.

Shortly after some problems with the line-up led to the giving up of Baudo, Fasciani (now with the Italian band Novembre) and Rossi (who contributed to the recordings of 'By the power of thunder’ as an additional musician, though). The bass player and the keyboardist were replaced by Andrea Orciuolo, from the local club circuit, and Fabio Bernardi, from the Roman group River of Change; from River of Change came also the new drummer Luca Iovieno.

About the vocal parts, both the band and Underground Symphony were sure that the quality of the songs could justify the cooperation of a well known international vocalist, so they submitted Steal Seal’s promo CD to some of the worldwide top metal singers and gained the willingness to take part in the recordings from renowned singers as Doogie White (Rainbow, J.Y. Malmsteen) and D.C. Cooper.

All this work took away most of 2005 but in the end it led the band and the Label to come to an agreement with the American singer D.C. Cooper, who had cemented his reputation as a great metal vocalist with Royal Hunt and Silent Force, as well as his solo album.

During 2006 Steel Seal and D.C. Cooper, after fine tuning the lyrics and the instrumental parts,  completed the recordings of the album and Underground Symphony reached an agreement for its distribution in Asia with the Japanese label Marquee/Avalon. Steel Seal’s 'By the power of thunder’ is scheduled to be released in Japan in December and 2 weeks after in the rest of the world.

Steel Seal’s music can be defined as a fusion of traditional 'good-old’ hard rock with contemporary neo-classical oriented power metal, both in the instrumental parts, guided by expressiveness and taste more than by virtuoso displays, and in the vocals, tought out to merge power and melody, harmony and aggressiveness. A special effort has been made in order that the lyrics could rely on verses of high lyricism and full of meaning, often inspired by rhymes of classic British and American poets.


DC Cooper - lead vocals
Marco Valerio Zangani - lead guitar
Andrea Orciuolo - bass guitar
Luca Iovieno - drums (Scapegoat (Ita), River of Change, ex-Enemynside)
Fabio Bernardi - keyboards (River of Change)


Demo 2003 Demo, 2003
By The Power Of Thunder Full-length, 2006




Neo-Classical Power Metal

Официальный сайт: http://www.steel-seal.com/


Аццкий металлер
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Группа премичательна тем что в ней поёт ДС КУПЕР, а по поводу альбома лучше скажет моя реца:

Прежде всего, релиз «By The Power Of Thunder» это третий альбом за год с участием вокалиста DC Cooper (Silent Force, Missa Mercuria, ex-Royal Hunt, Amaran's Plight), и только потом уже это дебютная работа итальянских неоклассик пауэрщиков Steel Seal. Чем смогли привлечь такого известного человека как Купер неизвестные ребята из Steel Seal – понять мне довольно сложно. К чести  музыкантов стоит отнести отличное качество записи, грамотные клавишные аранжировки, общий высокий уровень сыгранности и техничности. Купер же, как всегда на пятёрку исполнил все вокальные партии, тут явно видно, что этим ребятам чертовски повезло, раз они заполучили такого классного вокаллера. Ещё интересен факт того что музыка в некоторых местах по своему настроению (в частности из-за клавиш) напоминает старый добрый хард рок типа Uriah Heep. В общем то, как бы всё чинно-добротно – но не цепляет хоть убей, нету на диске какой-то изюминки, та даже нету элементарных ярких цепляющих мелодических решений, а про хиты я уже вообще молчу…Продукт настолько обыден и зауряден, что даже самые оторванные пауэрщики вряд ли смогут получить от него удовольствие.

Оценка: 6/10 (c) Froster.org


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http://www.froster.org - ведущий украинский метал портал

Играет: Korn - Word Up.mp3
1251 | Дата рег-ции 23 Марта, 2006 | Отправлено: 20:19 - 11 Окт., 2007 1

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