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Hollow Haze

Информация о группе

Hollow Haze formed in 2003 by Nick Savio and Paolo Veronese with the common idea to put together a new original "Hard & Heavy” sound.
Matt Cingano joined soon the group and, after some sessions at Remaster Studio, the soul of the band was strongly outlined.
The most important thing was the singer: the band looked for somebody with talent and live exeperiences, somebody who gained fans' favour on and out of stage.
First, Dan Keying from Cydonia seemed the solution, but, due to personal commitements just a fews months later the first outset album "Hollow Haze” (My Graveyard Productions – 2006), he was replaced by Ivan Rave, who now is the official new singer of the band.
At the end of 2006 another member came into the new Hollow Haze MK II: the Keyboard player Simon Scar who finally completed the band.
HOLLOW HAZE offers an Hard Rock Metal sound mixed with a screaming, warm melodic voice and deep intensive chorus where the listeners can find many different music backgrounds taken from the past metal glories and from the modern rock compositions. Thanks to their professionality the group face every music style and innovations, trying to be competitive in the world-wide stage.


Ivan Rave - Vocals
Nick Savio - Guitar
Paolo Veronese - Drums
Matt Cingano - Bass Guitar
Simon Scar - Keyboards


Hollow Haze Full-length, 2006




Power metal

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Аццкий металлер
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Genre(s) Power metal

Current line-up
Dan Keying - Vocals (Cydonia (Ita))
Nick Savio - Guitar (Broken Arrow, ex-White Skull)
Paolo Veronese - Drums (Hypnotheticall)
Matt Cingano - Bass guitar


Hollow Haze Full-length, 2006  


Эта группа примечательна прежде всего тем, что на вокале сидит сам Dan Keying  (Cydonia), чей вокал очень похож на Майкла Киске.
Nick Savio - Guitar (Broken Arrow, ex-White Skull).


Gamma Ray IronWare/Freternia Crystal Eyes Heavenly Lost Horizon Timeless Miracle Dragonforce Persuader Dionysus Cryhavoc Holy Dragons Gaia Epicus Wolf Falconer Dark Moor Nostradameus Rage/Cryhavoc Cadacross Dorn COF

1765 | Дата рег-ции 10 Окт., 2007 | Отправлено: 19:09 - 10 Окт., 2007 | Исправлено: Snower - 10 Окт., 2007 (19:17) 1
Snootchie Bootchie

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А информацию о группе кто делать будет?))

И не надо меня благодарить

Продам родину. Дорого. Постольку поскольку сильно люблю.

1157 | Дата рег-ции 6 Янв., 2004 | Отправлено: 15:33 - 11 Окт., 2007 2

Аццкий металлер
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Snootchie Bootchie
ну я указал состав, дискографию и дал ссылку на сайт))

в общем, спасибо)

Gamma Ray IronWare/Freternia Crystal Eyes Heavenly Lost Horizon Timeless Miracle Dragonforce Persuader Dionysus Cryhavoc Holy Dragons Gaia Epicus Wolf Falconer Dark Moor Nostradameus Rage/Cryhavoc Cadacross Dorn COF

1765 | Дата рег-ции 10 Окт., 2007 | Отправлено: 15:58 - 11 Окт., 2007 3

Форум: Power, Heavy, Speed, Тема: Hollow Haze

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