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A heavily Euro influenced Speed Metal act created in São Paulo during 1985 by teenage brothers guitarist Yves and bassist Pit Passarell. Joining them would be the equally youthful vocalist André Matos, second guitar player Felipe Machado and drummer Casi Audi. VIPER announced their presence with the four song ‘Killara Sword’ demo, which soon snagged a deal with the domestic Rock Brigade label. Promoting the 1987 debut ‘Soldiers Of Sunrise’ album VIPER would support MOTÖRHEAD. For gigs in 1987 and 1988 VIPER pulled in former WARKINGS guitarist RODRIGO ALVES. He would then depart to reform WARKINGS and figure in MERLIN and BLASFEMIA before going solo.

For 1989’s ‘Theatre Of Fate’ opus VIPER switched drummers, bringing in Sergio Facci. However, Guilherme Martin would be drafted on the drum stool for tour work and then the position was finally settled by Renato Graccia. At this juncture André Matos split away from the band, apparently over a conflict of interest in stylistic direction. The erstwhile vocalist would found the immensely successful Progressive Metal act ANGRA. Pit Passarell took over the vocal mantle as VIPER trimmed down to a quartet.

By now VIPER’s reputation had spread internationally with ‘Theatre Of Fate’ album would be licensed to Japan in 1991 and Europe the following year, through Germany’s Massacre label. 1992 would also see VIPER scoring a huge Brazilian radio hit with the track ‘Rebel Maniacs’. 1992’s 'Evolution' and follow up EP 'Vipera Sapiens' saw release in Europe under the billing of VIPER BRAZIL, this due to the presence of a German outfit laying prior claim to the title.

The 1994 ‘Live- Maniacs In Japan’ album would include the band’s cover version of QUEEN’s ‘We Will Rock You’ alongside a take of the RAMONES ‘I Wanna Be Sedated’. The ‘Coma Rage’ record, released in 1995, saw strong Hardcore elements being introduced into the band’s sound. However, the group then took a major diversion with 1997’s 'Tem Par Todo Mundo', Viper stretching outside of the standard band format to include violin, trombones, saxophone, cello and trumpet.

Yves Passarel would unite onstage for a slice of nostalgia with former vocalist Andre Matos in 2001 as Matos debuted his post ANGRA outfit SHAMAN. Ex-VIPER guitarist Rodrigo Alves resurfaced in 2004 with a new combo dubbed RYGEL, an assemblage of scene veterans including Paulo Sérgio of PUSH, Karol Silvestre, ex-HARVEST MOON and Danilo Lopes of CEREMONYA and ex-ETERNA.

VIPER marked a return to live action in mid 2005, citing a line-up of vocalist Ricardo Bocci, guitarists Felipe Machado and Val Santos, bassist Pit Passarell with Guilherme Martin on drums. This formation cut the demo 'Do It All Again', fresh material being enhanced by a re-work of their early favourite ‘Knights Of Destruction’.

VIPER entered Estúdio Ultra-Sônica in São Paulo during March 2006 to cut a new album.


Pit Passarel - bass, vocals
Felipe Machado - guitars
Renato Graccia - drums
Valdйcio Santos - guitars
Ricardo Bocci - vocals (also in Rei Lagarto)


Andrй Matos - vocals (Shaaman, Virgo (Matos/Paeth), ex-Angra, ex-Val'Paraiso)
Sйrgio Facci - drums (Vodu, Volkana)
Cбssio Audi - drums
Yves Passarel - guitars (Capital Inicial)
Guilherme Martin - drums


Demo (Demo) - 1985
Soldiers Of Sunrise (Full-length) - 1987
Theatre of fate (Full-length) - 1989
Evolution (Full-length) - 1992
Vipera Sapiens (EP) - 1993
Maniacs in Japan (Live album) - 1993
Coma Rage (Full-length)  - 1995
Tem pra todo Mundo (Full-length) - 1997
Everybody Everybody (Best of/Compilation) - 1999
Demo 2005 (Demo) - 2005




Melodic Power/Speed Metal


Официальный сайт: [url]


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Верните Элвиса, суки!
"В песнях должна быть гениальная простота. Не примитив, а простота, ясность, образность, метафоры и прочее" (с) Илья Резник

3678 | Дата рег-ции 18 Апр., 2005 | Отправлено: 16:48 - 28 Июля, 2006 | Исправлено: Achilles - 2 Марта, 2008 (2:48) 1

Аццкий металлер
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Слышал два первых альбома - напомнило более прямолинейный и тяжёлый вариант Ангры, но Матос уж слишком высоко тут поёт-  напрягает. Диски конечно так себе, но вот соляки на них просто потрясные...

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1251 | Дата рег-ции 23 Марта, 2006 | Отправлено: 1:33 - 29 Июля, 2006 2

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Верните Элвиса, суки!
"В песнях должна быть гениальная простота. Не примитив, а простота, ясность, образность, метафоры и прочее" (с) Илья Резник

3678 | Дата рег-ции 18 Апр., 2005 | Отправлено: 2:06 - 29 Июля, 2006 | Исправлено: Achilles - 2 Марта, 2008 (2:48) 3

Аццкий металлер
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ИМХО, бледновато, по сравнению с тем, что Матос делал и делает после них. Очень уж прямолинейно и неинтересно. Но, учитывая, сколько ему лет было в то время, можно простить эту прямолинейность. (гы, как пафосно! )

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3255 | Дата рег-ции 11 Янв., 2005 | Отправлено: 12:40 - 29 Июля, 2006 4

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второй альбом прям таки хелавин отдает)

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