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SLUNT is a hard rock band's hard rock band. Plain and simple. Jagged around the edges and bursting with huge riffs from abrasive guitars held in place by a one-two punch of a rhythm section that recalls AC/DC in their 'Back In Black' prime. Add to that a layer of girlie vocals full of rock star attitude, come-ons, put-downs, and plain ol' dirty talk that comes off sweet, tough, and sexy all at the same time. Did we mention that it's all for the sake of a rock n roll good time? Well, it is.

You won't find the word SLUNT in Webster's dictionary (use your imagination, folks) but it has arrived in the form of a badass, rock-now-ask-questions-later New York Fucking City four-piece whose world-conquering plans begin with the totally reckless and unafraid SLUNT EP (in stores Nov.16th on Repossession Records) -  a five-song raunch rock assault fueled by a completely irresponsible, no-subject-too-taboo attitude long ago lost on rock and roll. Songs about drinking? Check. Songs about screwing? Check. Songs about getting drunk and screwing your boyfriend's father? Uh ... check.

"There are so many bands singing about heartache, being abused as a child, their parents are alcoholics ...blah...blah...blah," says lead singer (& VJ extraordinaire) Abby Gennet. "We want to put the sex back in rock and roll.  We don't like to bring it down. We just bring it."

Unbelievable Rock Story No. 1: SLUNT's current lineup began taking shape back in 2002, when Gennet & SLUNT drummer Charles Ruggiero went looking for a lead guitar player. That's when they stumbled upon NYC band Gaggle of Cocks (and their frontman/guitarist Pat Harrington) at a club called Don Hill's. "He was ripping it up on the guitar," says Gennet. "The stage actually caught on fire that night. They had to stop the show."  "Abby came up to me and said, 'Smokin show, dude. You guys rock,'" remembers Harrington. "I said, 'Well, of course, we just fucking set the stage on fire.'" Harrington was in.

Unbelievable Rock Story No. 2: New hard-rockin' bassist, Ilse, went through just ONE week of SLUNT boot camp before she debuted on stage in front of a room full of screaming Britts. "Once she grabbed the bottle of Jack & started pouring it down people's throats, we knew she was a keeper," says Gennet.

As you can hear it in their uncompromising, Jägermeister and PBR-fueled SLUNT EP, co-produced by Scrap 60 (Eddiie Wohl and Anthrax's Rob Caggiano,) the band is moving forward with full headbanging force. From the cocky, tongue-in-cheek opener "The Best Thing" to the band's hardly-ironic cover of Romeo Void's "Never Say Never," the SLUNT EP is a brutally honest, no frills rock and roll catalyst to the greatest party you've ever attended.

So that's it, then. There are songs, there are chicks. Whichever one gets your rocks off is irrelevant... SLUNT is the full package. "We like to look sexy, but it's not like we're out there saying, 'Hey! We have tits. Look at us! Buy our record,' says Gennet. "We want people to listen to the music and we know that when they do, they're gonna dig it because it fucking rocks." And if some fans just want to gawk at the T&A? "That's fine as long as they buy our record."


Abby Gennet - Guitar, Vocals
Ilsa Baca - Bass
Charles Ruggiero - Skins
Pat Harrington - Guitar


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Собственно, Ньюйоркская банда с женским вокалом, играют чумовой хэви рокенролл в духе Motorhead и, скажем, Nashville Pussy. На лицензии не издаюццо, но по интернету кой чего удалось нарыть.

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707 | Дата рег-ции 14 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 17:17 - 9 Янв., 2006 | Исправлено: SUICIDAL - 9 Янв., 2006 (17:25) 1

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На Music.Download.Com можно слить сэмпл песни NOT ABOUT YOU (3:34) 192 kbps

Альбом "Get A Load Of This", вышедший в США на Repossession Records в конце декабря 2005 года, появится в Европе к июню 2006-го.

Repossession в Европе дистрибутируеццо через SPV, соотвецтно, велика вероятность для нас увидеть данный релиз в каталогах концерна "СОЮЗ"


707 | Дата рег-ции 14 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 8:47 - 10 Янв., 2006 | Исправлено: SUICIDAL - 10 Янв., 2006 (8:54) 2

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