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Andre Matos is a musician who can conquer the most select audiences. Acclaimed as one of the best singers and keyboard players in the heavy metal scene, Andre Matos has proved he can go far beyond: his partnership with brazilian violinist Marcus Viana and the side project with Sacha Paeth entitled Virgo are the best examples of the challenges he has conquered along his carreer.

At age 10, Andre Matos commenced his piano and music lessons. As a teenager, he founded Viper, a band in which Andre Matos achieved early international recognition: two successful albuns with in Japan and Europe.

Without interruption to his studies of classical music and vocal improvement, he entered college, where he graduated in Orchestral Conducting and Musical Composition. His curriculum is excelled by habilitation in Lyrical Singing and Classical Piano. For many years he has taken up activities as Lyric Tenorist, participating in professional choires, including some exclusive theatrical compositions for acts which he wrote. He finished his singing studies with Professor Francisco Campos, with whom he’s studied for six years.

In the mid Nineties, Andre Matos left Viper and founded Angra, a Heavy Metal band that had a different proposal, to exploit a variety of styles that could be incorporated to heavy metal: classical and regional music elements. It was imediatelly successful around the world, along with a golden record award in Japan.

During that time, the name Andre Matos was considered to join Iron Maiden, in a contest to choose a leading singer to substitute Bruce Dickson. Andre Matos ranked amongst the three top ones.

With Angra, he developed an enviable carreer for nine years, with several international tours and numbers with over one million albums sold.

After the band broke up, in the late Nineties, Andre Matos created Shaman, continuing the music style that was being followed before. "Ritual", the debut album in 2002, was very well received in Brazil and also in international waters, released in 15 other countries. During the year 2003, the band Shaman was at the top ten of all specialized media, and the track Fairy Tale (written by Andre Matos) has been included in the original soundtrack of a brazilian soap opera which had an audience of 40 million people everyday. The high point was the recording of their first live DVD and CD, "Ritualive", with several special guests (Helloween, Tobias Sammet, Marcus Viana, Sascha Paeth), in a record audience concert at the Credicard Hall, Sao Paulo. The DVD (released in Brazil by Universal Music) was also a sales record. The Ritual World Tour provided the band with more than 200 concerts in several countries and celebrated awards everywhere.

Reason, their second album, was released in 2005, with many promotional tours throghout Europe, Latin America and Japan, to advertise the album.

Andre Matos has also developed his side project VIRGO, along with the german guitar player and producer Sascha Paeth, with a clear influence from Queen, Beatles, Soul Music and Mainstream Rock – expading even more his musical horizons – and with large acceptance.

Between 2003 and 2005, Andre Matos has been elected "Best Singer" and "Best Keyboard Player" in many countries, also receiving the Rock Radio Network’s "Trophy Radio Rock" as the best singer of all times in Brazil.

Andre Matos has maintained himself unquestionably as one of best singers in the world and is an absolute reference in everything that he has already made and still makes. If you search the internet, it’s possible to find more than 1500 web forums on him. Recent publications from specialized midia in Brazil indicate, by unanimity, Andre Matos as the absolute champion in categories such as "Best Singer" and "Best Keyboard Player" in 2006.

Recently, Andre Matos played the leading role at the Rock Opera "Tommy", from The Who, along with the Sao Paulo Symphonic Band and Choir, performed at the Latin America Memorial between June 16 and 18, 2006. That was his first experience as an actor in a musical, for which he was considered a success by public and critics.

(c) Off. site

Слева направо:
Andre Matos - вокал и фортепиано
Andre Hernandez - гитара
Hugo Mariutti - гитара
Luis Mariutti - гитара
Eloy Casagrande - ударные
Fabio Ribeiro - клавишные

Полноформатные альбомы:

2007 - Time To Be Free
2009 - Mantalize



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Аццкий металлер
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Freewind Rider пишет:
все творчество его, под маркой "AM" какое то отстойноватое. Лучше Reason переслушать

да, вкратце - так

— Дядюшка Мокус, можно я кину в них грязью?
— Что ты, Бамбино! Да, это плохие люди... Но у них могут быть хорошие дети, которые наверняка любят цирк! © из м/ф "Приключения поросёнка Фунтика"

2414 | Дата рег-ции 7 Фев., 2008 | Отправлено: 18:55 - 27 Авг., 2012 81

Аццкий металлер
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Первый альбом просто прекрасным был. Лучше всей ангры шамана и прочего. А вот дальше слив по всем фронтам((Какой потенциал был........

Друзья:Снеговик,brutalman,Freewind Rider,Pahan666,elivener,Hartmann,Odium,YaLexx,Kolodets,Stream,metaldrummer,Лупик.

5505 | Дата рег-ции 28 Дек., 2006 | Отправлено: 21:49 - 27 Авг., 2012 82

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