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The beginning  
CRYSTAL TEARS is a heavy metal band from Thessaloniki, Greece, formed September '97. Their activities during that period were writing songs and giving concerts in different parts of their city. June '98 the band underwent some changes in its formation. The vocalist, the rhythm guitarist and the bass player left the group.
"Skies Of Eternity"  
August '98 a solid line-up was formed by Michael Glanias on vocals and keyboards, George Zaimis on the lead guitars, Kimon Pantelidakis on the rhythm guitars, Stelios Papadopoulos on the bass and Chrisafis Tantanozis on drums (necessary to mention that Kimon used to play the lead guitars before the change). CRYSTAL TEARS entered the studio September '98 to record their demo CD, "Skies Of Eternity". Their work was released January '99. The sales of the CD went very well and their activities to promote their work were numerous indeed. Many concerts were given with a lot of success (first concert 6th March '99) and they came in contact with many people that are dealing with the underground scene. Noteworthy are the facts that the italian record company Underground Symphony came in contact with them - but there was no contract signed after all - and that a journalist of a greek popular metal magazine voted "Skies Of Eternity" as one of the best 20 albums of the year '99.
January '00 CRYSTAL TEARS entered the studio to record a promo CD with two new songs. The CD was self-financed for one more time and was released July '00. However, just a couple of months before the CD's release, George Zaimis, the lead guitarist of the band, had to leave the band. Fortunately, his subtitute was found quick enough under the face of Dimitris Goutziamanis. "Promoworks" promotion went very well too, meaning that the band sold again a good number of CDs and performed a good number of shows inside and outside their city (first concert outside Thessaloniki 21st July, Kozani). Nevertheless, March '01, Michael Glanias, the vocalist and keyborder of the band, left CRYSTAL TEARS. The band became four-membered after Michael's departure and played some gigs with the drummer, Chrisafis, on vocals and drums - positive feedback was received. October '01 CRYSTAL TEARS found a new lead vocalist to replace Michael. His name was George Klokelis. With this line-up the band enters the studio to record the next release.
"Embrace The Horror"  
January '02 CRYSTAL TEARS started the procedures for their third work, full-length this time, titled "Embrace The Horror" - released November '02. After a couple of months, a greek record label from Thessaloniki, Foxy-B Music International, approached the band suggesting them a full contract. April '03 CRYSTAL TEARS signed a contract with the label, nonetheless, things didn't go as expected. Since nothing was being done, January '04 CRYSTAL TEARS broke up with the record company and brought "Embrace The Horror" to light again with a re-mastered sound. Necessary to mention that September '03 the band opened as special guests for the JAG PANZER's concert in Thessaloniki.
"Choirs Of Immortal"
2003 has been rich of activities and line-up changes for CRYSTAL TEARS: various concerts, Chrisafis' METALY INSANE metal project, while band members were quitting the group. Procedures for the new work commenced November '04, while the new line-up was being built by Natasa Pandreia on vocals, Dimitris Goutziamanis on the guitars (previously heard on "Embrace The Horror"), Stratos Dionisopoulos on the bass and Chrisafis Tantanozis on drums. October '06 and after contacts of various kinds (record labels, producers, cover artists, musicians etc.) CRYSTAL TEARS released "Choirs Of Immortal", their first official work, through german Pure Steel records. Cover was painted by Joe Petagno (MOTORHEAD, LED ZEPPELIN, ALICE COOPER, PINK FLOYD etc.) and mastering was done by R. D. Liapakis (MYSTIC PROPHECY, FIREWIND, CHASTAIN, ELDRITCH etc.). Noteworthy are the facts that CRYSTAL TEARS played as special guests at the RIOT gig, Thessaloniki, April '06 and opened for W.A.S.P., Thessaloniki, October '06.


Chrisafis Tantanozis - drums (Metally Insane, Futureless)
Dimitris Goutziamanis - guitars
Stratos Dionisopoulos - bass
Natasa Pandreia - vocals


Skies Of Eternity Full-length, 1999  
Promoworks Demo, 2000  
Embrace The Horror Full-length, 2002  
Choirs Of Immortal Full-length, 2006


Greece (Thessaloniki)


Speed/Power Metal

Официальный сайт: http://www.crystal-tears.com/index.htm


Аццкий металлер
Фото | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Спид-метал, да еще и с женским вокалом! Мимо такого я пройти не мог, и как оказалось не зря. Весь их материал очень напоминает так мною любимые первые альбомы White Skull с Федерикой Систер деБони. Быстро, тяжело, припевы есть. С хитами не густо, немного мрачновато но в целом весьма зачетно.

Gamma Ray IronWare/Freternia Crystal Eyes Heavenly Lost Horizon Timeless Miracle Dragonforce Persuader Dionysus Cryhavoc Holy Dragons Gaia Epicus Wolf Falconer Dark Moor Nostradameus Rage/Cryhavoc Cadacross Dorn COF

1765 | Дата рег-ции 10 Окт., 2007 | Отправлено: 18:21 - 20 Окт., 2007 1
Meat Wolf

Аццкий металлер
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Не спид это метал, причем ни разу не спид. Это самый настоящий хэви. И вокалит там девушка на последнем альбоме, да как вокалит! Суровый, как ты говоришь, голос) Очень мощный, я даже не ожидал, что такая девушка так могёт петь!

"...but the time has shown that from the practical point of view there is probably no Lost Horizon without Daniel (Heiman)."
Wojtek Lisicki

4526 | Дата рег-ции 10 Марта, 2006 | Отправлено: 18:47 - 20 Окт., 2007 2

Аццкий металлер
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Meat Wolf
спид бывает немного разный Ну хорошо, павер-спид. В любом случае они сделали оч классный альбом, который я слушаю уже третий раз подряд!

Gamma Ray IronWare/Freternia Crystal Eyes Heavenly Lost Horizon Timeless Miracle Dragonforce Persuader Dionysus Cryhavoc Holy Dragons Gaia Epicus Wolf Falconer Dark Moor Nostradameus Rage/Cryhavoc Cadacross Dorn COF

1765 | Дата рег-ции 10 Окт., 2007 | Отправлено: 18:52 - 20 Окт., 2007 3
Meat Wolf

Аццкий металлер
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Да нет там павера... и спида нет... ты про последний? Это хэви, самый что ни на есть хэвистый хэви... Ну ладно, черт с ним, спид так спид, не будем устраивать как в Найтвише) Немного, кстати, к концу альбома надоедает, все же чуть бы подразбавили...

"...but the time has shown that from the practical point of view there is probably no Lost Horizon without Daniel (Heiman)."
Wojtek Lisicki

4526 | Дата рег-ции 10 Марта, 2006 | Отправлено: 18:53 - 20 Окт., 2007 4

Аццкий металлер
Фото | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
чистый спид метал, к примеру.

Gamma Ray IronWare/Freternia Crystal Eyes Heavenly Lost Horizon Timeless Miracle Dragonforce Persuader Dionysus Cryhavoc Holy Dragons Gaia Epicus Wolf Falconer Dark Moor Nostradameus Rage/Cryhavoc Cadacross Dorn COF

1765 | Дата рег-ции 10 Окт., 2007 | Отправлено: 19:03 - 20 Окт., 2007 5
Freewind Rider

Металлер со стажем
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В первый раз про них слышу. Послушаю для общего развития..Уже качаю последний...)
Только бы не зря..
Meat Wolf

я даже не ожидал, что такая девушка так могёт петь!

Не знаю как поет эта девушка но думаю Анжела Госсоу вопит по громче... да и выглядит тоже по симпатичнее:

940 | Дата рег-ции 26 Мая, 2007 | Отправлено: 19:14 - 20 Окт., 2007 6
Meat Wolf

Аццкий металлер
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Freewind Rider
Энжела поет через не то, что примочку - через 10 примочек. А здесь такой натуральный голос, это не скрим, нет.

Насчет зря-не зря - не знаю, выдающегося ничего нет особенно, просто приятно послушать. Припевы хорошие)

"...but the time has shown that from the practical point of view there is probably no Lost Horizon without Daniel (Heiman)."
Wojtek Lisicki

4526 | Дата рег-ции 10 Марта, 2006 | Отправлено: 19:30 - 20 Окт., 2007 7

Аццкий металлер
Фото | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Могу точно сказать что так с надрывом но при этом чисто поет мало кто. Бальзам на душу после всяких Тарей

Gamma Ray IronWare/Freternia Crystal Eyes Heavenly Lost Horizon Timeless Miracle Dragonforce Persuader Dionysus Cryhavoc Holy Dragons Gaia Epicus Wolf Falconer Dark Moor Nostradameus Rage/Cryhavoc Cadacross Dorn COF

1765 | Дата рег-ции 10 Окт., 2007 | Отправлено: 19:37 - 20 Окт., 2007 8

Аццкий металлер
Фото | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Meat Wolf
кстати вокалистка на предыдущем тоже поет
скачать его можно тут http://anvil.nnm.ru/crystal_tears_embrace_the_horror
ой а ссылка сдохла, может кто переложить?

Gamma Ray IronWare/Freternia Crystal Eyes Heavenly Lost Horizon Timeless Miracle Dragonforce Persuader Dionysus Cryhavoc Holy Dragons Gaia Epicus Wolf Falconer Dark Moor Nostradameus Rage/Cryhavoc Cadacross Dorn COF

1765 | Дата рег-ции 10 Окт., 2007 | Отправлено: 22:00 - 20 Окт., 2007 | Исправлено: Snower - 20 Окт., 2007 (22:03) 9
Freewind Rider

Металлер со стажем
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Embrace The Horror Full-length, 2002  

940 | Дата рег-ции 26 Мая, 2007 | Отправлено: 2:46 - 21 Окт., 2007 10

Аццкий металлер
Фото | WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Meat Wolf
от куда такие сведения взялись что она через примочку поёт???

One day the the sun will die and the night will crawl :)

3786 | Дата рег-ции 17 Мая, 2004 | Отправлено: 2:54 - 21 Окт., 2007 11

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