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| Цитата | В оффлайне | IP INSIDIUS INFERNUS Биография: INSIDIUS INFERNUS were formed in the beginning of June 2001. The band consists of two members, Ungod that plays all instruments, is responsible for the black vocals and composes all music, and Luciferia whos responsible for the female vocals. Lyrics are written from both members. Before the creation of Insidius Infernus, Luciferia and Ungod were participating in other bands, Ungod as a drummer and Luciferia as a singer. The decision to form this black metal band was taken due to the fact that they couldnt express themselves through other bands or communicate in a fine level with other musicians. The first stips of the band were the creation of two unreleased demos, Beyond The Distant Forest and Passing The Path Of Night, that led them to the co-operation with Sleaszy Rider Rec. and the release of their debut Pale Grieving Moon on March of 2003. After a good support gig with Kawir and Zemial on summer of 2003 with some session members, the band havent spent their time and their second album was soon recorded and finally Eyes In Astral Abyss was released on April of 2004. Their style this time was changed and their Darkthrone-ic style sounds like a mix with Storm and Isengard elements. Состав: Ungod - Vocals and all instruments Luciferia - Female vocals Дискография: Pale Grieving Moon, 2002 Eyes In Astral Abyss, 2004 Удивляют меня греки в последнее время. Сначала Kawir, а теперь и Insidius Infernus. Слышал "Pale Grieving": эдакая гремучая смесь из дарктроновских гитар и достаточно приятного женского вокала. Последний пункт используются очень грамотно и в меру самое главное. Весьма недурственное впечатление альбомчик произвел. А теперь и новый подоспел. Конечно по одному фрагменту МР3 сложно о чем либо судить, но ознакомиться предлагаю: Добавлено Одну рецензию (вернее отзыв) на первый альбом откопал:
----- Jedem das Seine
840 | Дата рег-ции 14 Мая, 2004 | Отправлено: 16:29 - 1 Сент., 2004 | Исправлено: Pepper - 30 Дек., 2004 (2:54) | 1 |