Genre NSBM Lyrical Themes Blood, Paganism, History Location France Info Sombre Chemin is an entity dedicated to the memory of our ancestors, to the cult of Blood, to the fight against the system in power today and for the Pagan revival in our European lands. We do not support the old decadent nationalisms that have benefitted only the enemies of the Hyperboreans by always pushing us to shed the blood of a fellow Hyperborean. Our vision is the one of Blood Nations in a Europe freed from all influences of the desert. The lyrics are written in French, a language that on the one hand, is a perfect match for our music, and on the other hand for it's value identity-wise in this cosmopolitan world, but without falling into the trap of chauvinism. Sombre Chemin's music is a burst of hate against our enemies, and a call to resist for our allies. Line-Up Current members VilwolfHeim - Guitars, Bass, Synths, drums (ex-Heidenwelt, Widomar, Blutschrei) Weltanschauung - vocals Formed/Past members Wolfin - Drums Navint Alfius - Session Vocals Vjohrrnt Varg Wodansson - vocals (Wannsee) Discography Lйgion Des Brumes - Demo, 2001 Mйmoire Paienne - Split, 2002 L'Aurore de Notre Triomphe - Split, 2003 Usque ad mortem/Perinde ac cadaver - Split, 2004 Nacht Und Krieg - Demo, 2004 Durch Ruinen und dьstere Kriegsfelder - Split, 2005 Parmi Les Ruines... - Split, 2005 Mйmoire Paienne (re-edition) - Demo, 2005 Doctrine - Full-length, 2005 Nous Resterons Fidиles... - Best of/Compilation, 2005 Notre hйritage ancestral - Full-length, 2006 Labels Battlefield Records Taran Productions Nebelfee Klangwerk Mp3s Des Temples Antiques (Uploading) La Victoire Ou La Mort (Uploading)