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  Metal Land » Modern Rock » Stoner, Blues Metal, Grunge » Vidunder

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Информация о группе
In 2010 Martin Prim, Jens Rasmussen, Elis Edin Markskog and Johannes Cronquist started the band Abrakadabra in Växjö, Sweden. The band quickly managed to record a few tracks before two of the band members moved to Malmö, Sweden. Due to the distance rehearsing was close to nonexistent with the current line-up, and Martin Prim decided to team up with Linus Larsson and Jonas Sjöqvist to form a new band: Vidunder.

The trio kept some of the old Abrakadabra songs, and after only two weeks of rehearsal the band recorded what was to become their debut single “Asmodeus”. The single was release as a 7-inch by Crusher Records on November 25th, 2011.

Vidunder followed up the record release with live shows around Sweden, and played with bands such as Spiders, Trummor & Orgel and Dean Allen Foyd, to name a few.

In May 2012 drummer Jonas Sjöqvist left the band. Martin and Linus moved to Malmö, and the good old friend Jens Rasmussen became their new drummer.

In late 2012 Vidunder began the recording of their debut album, and was completed in early 2013. The brand new self-titled ten tracks album is due on May 24th, 2013, via Crusher Records.

The band did a couple of tours in 2013 and 2014 in countries like Germany, Espana, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and so on.
In 2014 the trio also became a quartet when the old good friend Johannes Cronquist joined the band on organ.


Martin Prim - Vocals & Guitar
Linus Larsson - Bass
Jens Rasmussen - Drums
Johannes Cronquist - Organ


Vidunder                 2013
Oracles & Prophets   2015


Malmö, Sweden




Официальный сайт: http://www.facebook.com/vidunder/timeline?ref=page_internal


Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
О дебюте 2013 года этой шведской банды писал ранее в обзорке.

Oracles & Prophets -  2015

Об альбоме: http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/vidunder/oracles_and_prophets/

Очень вставило!!!
К чувакам пришел клавишник и парни, в сравнении с дебютом, очень сильно прибавили!!! Все летит, свистит, драйв, кайф !!! По 70-тым пластиночка!!!




6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 23:05 - 24 Мая, 2015 1

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Шестая телега на свежаке - In And Out Of Mind - вылитый Uriah Heep.
Да и в целом альбом своей оголтелостью, особенно клавишных дел,
похож на ранний UH и еще на The Crazy World of Arthur Brown.

6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 19:04 - 25 Мая, 2015 2

Форум: Stoner, Blues Metal, Grunge, Тема: Vidunder

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