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Three Seasons

Информация о группе
When THREE SEASONS was formed in 2009, it was clear as day that the project was of greatest potential. Now, five years later, there has been many grand accomplishments, and more still is certainly coming up! The third full-length album GROW is set to be released this spring, and a quick look at the history of the band suggests that this album really will be something special.

Looking back, the first validation of the band’s possibilities was their debut album LIFE’S ROAD, released 2011 through renowned Swedish label TRANSUBSTANS RECORDS. This 9-song double vinyl was highly appreciated by fans and media, and recieved countless top grades from reviewers all over the world; many of them even considered it one of the best albums of the whole year! The album also went into the official Swedish album charts multiple times, peaking at 45th place.

More importantly still, this first album clearly stated the distinctive soundal foundation of the band. With its core of heavy blues rock and jammy psychedelica, laced with touches from folk music, groovy funk and even jazz, critics agreed that Life’s Road was in no way just a mere rip-off of the old heroes. On the contrary, the sound on the record was just the sound of Three Seasons.

Following this release, the band proceeded to put out a 7-inch single named ESCAPE, which also recieved nothing but great words from the listeners. With these two releases in the bag, the band went all over Spain for a long tour in the beginning of 2012, generating full houses and happy Spaniards as well as many sold records. In this period, comparisons with giants such as Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and The Experience were again frequent by fans and reviewers alike, but still never without assuring that Three Seasons clearly has a sound of their own.

In the fall of 2012, the band released the second LP, UNDERSTAND THE WORLD. Although in the same musical style as the debut, this sophomore album was nevertheless an evolution for the sound of the band. Whereas a signum of the debut record was its atmospheric and melodic feel, UNDERSTAND THE WORLD instead took a step toward being rough, hard-hitting and, as they say, ”in your face”. Critics were as happy as before – ”I enjoy every second”; ”Three Seasons are better than Deep Purple has been on many of their albums”; ”Definitely one of the great albums of 2012” – and the album peaked as 16th in the charts.

In support of this second release, the band went to Europe once again in the spring of 2013; this time time the route went through several of the biggest countries on the continent. Just before the tour started, the Life’s Road CD had been sold-out and re-pressed, and when the band arrived home with almost no vinyls left it was clear that more re-presses were called for by the public. Thus, in the summer of 2012, new vinyl pressings of both albums were released by major Dutch distributors CLEAR SPOT.

After more festival shows in Sweden, Three Seasons started the preparations for the third album by the end of 2013. The year was truly ended in finest fashion when Spanish magazine ”Rock The Best Music” chose the band as one of the ten best 70′s-style bands of the whole century! In the beginning of 2014 the recordings started, and now the awaited third album is coming shortly. The record is very anticipated by fans and media – some already think of it as a candidate of the best album of 2014! – so without any doubt, this is one not to miss.

Sartez Faraj (guitar, vocals),
Olle Risberg (bass),
Christian Eriksson (drums)


Life's Road - 2011
Understand the World - 2012


Hard Rock, Stoner Rock

Официальный сайт: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Three-Seasons-Music/115535481848870


Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Дублирую свои старые посты о сабже:

THREE SEASONS - Life's road - 2011

О сабже: http://www.myspace.com/threeseasonsmusic

Об альбоме: http://rateyourmusic.com/artist/three_seasons

Дебютный альбом шведского (!!!!) трио, где поет и играет на гитаре известный чел Sartez (ex SIENA ROOT vocalist). Полные пиздарики!!! Образцовый психоделический хард!!! Такая музыка снилась мне ночами!!! Меня просто дичайше прет!!!
Особенно длинные телеги - Each to Their Own, An Endless Delusion, Since Our First Day - вкусные и нетривиальные получились. Какое-то совершенно индивидуальное настроение грусти проскальзывает, трогающее за душу!!!! Гитарные партии красивейшие!!!

THREE SEASONS - Understand the World - 2012

Об альбоме: http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/three_seasons/understand_the_world/

О дебютнике сабжа смотри пост № 60.

Хороший альбом у сабжа получился!
Для меня таким откровением, как дебютник, может и не прозвучало, но работа достойная!!!
Саунд стал психоделичнее, джемового характера, но не в сторону рубилова, а просто в сторону отличного группового взаимодействия музыкантов. Атмосфера опять же в наличии! Пластинка для не одноразового прослушивания!
Хочется переслушивать! Вполне можно купить!

А теперь новости от сабжа:

Finally, the first song from the upcoming album is now available for streaming! We can proudly show you DROWNING, a real wah-smeared rocker.

Ну и самая главная - на подходе свежак:

Three Seasons - Grow - 2014 (TRANS128) - Released: 2014-05-14


6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 20:35 - 29 Марта, 2014 | Исправлено: Maphusail - 29 Марта, 2014 (20:48) 1

E-mail | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP

Fuck god and fuck you

5040 | Дата рег-ции 20 Апр., 2007 | Отправлено: 3:00 - 1 Янв., 1970 2

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Grow - 2014

Об альбоме: http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/three_seasons/grow/

По первому разу альбом отличный - мне понравился больше, чем Understand the World - 2012 .

Обязательно буду еще слушать!

6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 18:45 - 25 Апр., 2014 3

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Послушал свежак через акустику.

Да, очень приличная работа! Получилось атмосферно и лирично!
Клевые гитарные и органные партии!

Лучшие телеги - Tablas of Bahar, No Shame, Home Is Waiting, Familiar Song.

6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 14:27 - 26 Апр., 2014 | Исправлено: Maphusail - 26 Апр., 2014 (14:43) 4

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Согласно фэйсбука

Three Seasons is right now working on the materials for the new album!!!

Сроки не называюся, но, думаю, к осени можно ждать!!!

6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 19:32 - 8 Марта, 2017 | Исправлено: Maphusail - 8 Марта, 2017 (19:33) 5

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP

Maphusail �����:
Согласно фэйсбука

Three Seasons is right now working on the materials for the new album!!!

Сроки не называюся, но, думаю, к осени можно ждать!!!

Ну, этот и еще куча альбомов мной было пропущено ( просрано, если точнее )

Наверстать невозможно, но кое-что я попробую послухать

Things Change - 2018

Об альбоме: http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/three-seasons/things-change/

Хорошо заходит альбом!!!
Heavy Psych tinged Blues.

Сначала хотел написать что Sartez Faraj (lead vocals, guitar) отвратно поет ( и это действительно так ), но к такому музлу такой вокал очень подходит

6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 19:55 - 25 Дек., 2019 6

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Альбом отличный - очень естественный, отвязный и натуральный!!!

6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 23:35 - 26 Дек., 2019 7

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