Фото | Цитата | В оффлайне | IPHungary pulls out of Eurovision amid rise in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric
уже LGBTQ... сколько там ещё букв добавлять будут?
In a recent survey, Poles were asked to identify what they felt to be the biggest threats facing them in the 21st century, choosing from options such as the climate crisis, renewed aggression from Russia and a possible economic downturn.
Among men under 40, the most popular answer was “the LGBT movement and gender ideology”.
----- Don't tell me about rock-n-roll!...I know what is rock-n-roll!...Because I am rock-n-roll! Свобода дана не всем. Кто-то должен нести ответственность (С) Рейнхольд Месснер