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The Locust

Информация о группе
he Locust are famous for having a synth-heavy, heavily distorted, crust punk (particularly on early releases) and grindcore-influenced sound, as well as a disturbing stage presence. Singer Justin Pearson has said, "I just want to change the way people look at music or maybe just destroy it in general."

The Locust's music is challenging and fast-paced. It features unexpected and inconsistent time-signature changes. These erratic elements of The Locust's music are, according to guitarist Bobby Bray, "a reflection of perhaps how our brains have to function in order to be able to do anything in the Western societies we live in."

Members include Justin Pearson, singer and bass guitar player, Gabe Serbian on drums, Joey Karam, keyboards, and Bobby Bray playing guitar. Some members formerly played in a somewhat well known screamo band called Swing Kids as well as the punk rock band Le Shok. Holy Molar, Some Girls, and Cattle Decapitation are notable Locust side-projects, the latter acquiring death metal fame of its own.

The Locust have a unique stage presence. Costumed in full-body, white (occasionally green or black) skin-tight nylon suits with large, black mesh, bug-like eye and mouth coverings, these suits help create atmosphere during their shows. Unlike most bands, which normally have the drums set up behind the other members, the four members of The Locust are all positioned in a line at the front of the stage.

The band has been criticized for the majority of their fame being owed to their vulgar, needlessly long song titles. The same people say that this is "why they are famous," their music is irrelevant and fans of The Locust are only interested in the band's ironic song titles.

Instead of talking to the crowd, The Locust tune their instruments after almost every song. This often takes longer than the song they just performed. While this happens they are frequently heckled by crowd members unfamiliar with the band.

The group recommends that in order to get the full impact of the band, one should see them live.

The Locust vehemently boycotts Clear Channel Communications, refusing to play in any Clear Channel-owned venues. This boycott affected a 2005 tour with Fantômas.

Lyrically, The Locust is a scathing satire of popular mainstream US culture, sexuality, and US politics. Amidst the high-pitched screams and shrills of the vocals, it is nearly impossible to discern what is being said.

*щас не до переводов, стибрено с last.fm*

Bobby Bray
Joseph Karam
Justin Pearson
Gabe Serbian

Split 10" EP with Man Is The Bastard on King of the Monsters (1995)
Split 5" with Jenny Piccolo on Three One G (1995)
The Locust 7" on Gold Standard Laboratories (1997), re-issued on 3" CD and 7" with bonus tracks in 2004.
The Locust LP/CD on Gold Standard Laboratories (1998)
Split 7" with Arab on Radar on Gold Standard Laboratories (2000)
Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle 2x12"/CD (2000) featuring remixes by Kid606, I am Spoonbender and Sinking Body, among other artists
Flight of the Wounded Locust 7"/CDEP on Gold Standard Laboratories (2001)
Split 7" with Melt-Banana on Gold Standard Laboratories (2002)
Follow The Flock, Step In Shit 3" CD on Three One G (2003), tracks from split 5" with Jenny Piccolo and one extra track.
Plague Soundscapes CD/LP picture disc on ANTI- (2003)
Safety Second, Body Last CDEP on Ipecac Recordings, 12" on Radio Surgery (2005)
New Erections CD on ANTI-, LP on Radio Surgery (2007)


avant-mathcore (самоопределение на майспейсе -  Punk / Experimental / Progressive)


Официальный сайт: http://www.thelocust.com/


Аццкий металлер
Фото | E-mail | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
есть у меня тока последнее творение - New Erections.
Очень долго не понимал вообще ничего. Тяжелый релиз для восприятия.
До сих пор даже как-то сложно описать то, что они натворили в этом релизе... Ибо мои слова не вызовут никакого взрыва мозгов, в отличии от музыки.
в эти 23 минуты вы услышите много звуков. Резких и неожиданных звуков. Причем когда звуки выдаются с большой скоростью, то их сочетание вполне удобоваримо, а вот когда скорость их извлечения резко снижается, мозг заворачивается в трубочку...

В общем, с трэками группы можете ознакомиться на майспейсе, например.

Да здравствуют Держащие Моск Открытым (с) anarchistt
...я жоупенмайнд (c) ОТРАВА
Сварт - ты не забыт!

1502 | Дата рег-ции 17 Фев., 2005 | Отправлено: 13:15 - 19 Мая, 2007 1

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Слышал только Plague Soundscapes и Safety Second, Body Last
Довльно неплохо. Выглядат они забано, паур-ренджеры, мля =)

1245 | Дата рег-ции 15 Окт., 2005 | Отправлено: 15:57 - 19 Мая, 2007 2

Металлер со стажем
Фото | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Довольствуюсь пока майспэйсэм - в самом деле, воспринимается очень непросто - голова устает от этих постоянных смен скорости и т.п. - словно едешь в машине, которая то резко тормозит, то трогается (вот такая вот ассоциация). Да еще и какие-то инопланетянские звуки... Дурдом.

Надеюсь, автор темы поделится ссылкой на творение этой группы... *с надеждой*


Выглядат они забано, паур-ренджеры, мля =)

Хорошие костюмы, от комаров должны по идее спасать.

Травлю медь.
Last FM
my drawings

781 | Дата рег-ции 18 Мая, 2006 | Отправлено: 16:09 - 19 Мая, 2007 | Исправлено: OTPABA - 19 Мая, 2007 (16:12) 3

Форум: Math-Core/Avant-Core/Prog-Hardcore/Prog-Punk, Тема: The Locust

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