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Группа Deadguy

Информация о группе

Formed in 1994, Deadguy spearheaded the hardcore/metal/noise movement, taking inspiration from bands like the Unsane and Today is the Day. The band took their name from a line in the John Candy movie, Only the Lonely,[1]. Although not as widely known as some of their peers, Deadguy has proven to be very influential on modern hardcore and metal as evidenced by their only proper studio album, Fixation on a Co-Worker being inducted into the Decibel magazine Hall of Fame in July of 2006,[2]

The band embarked on a fateful US tour in support of Fixation On A Co-Worker that was plagued by horrible booking and lack of monetary funds. The band splintered during the western leg of the tour as Keith Huckins and Tim Singer left the band and moved to Seattle, Washington to form Kiss It Goodbye. The remaining members (Tim Naumann, Chris Corvino and Dave Rosenberg) then recruited Tom Yak and Jim Baglino (on second guitar and bass respectively). After the line-up changes, Deadguy wrote and recorded Screamin' with The Deadguy Quintet. A US tour with Bloodlet ensued in support of the EP. The tour was gruelling but successful and Tom Yak left the band shortly thereafter, and the rest of Deadguy recruited Doc Hopper member Chris Pierce to replace him. They played their last show in New Brunswick in 1997 after the band.


Dave Rosenberg - drums
Chris Corvino aka Crispy - guitar & vocals
Tim Naumann aka Pops - bass, later vocals
Tim Singer aka Swinger- vocals (Formerly of No Escape, Later of Kiss It Goodbye and Family Man)
Keith Huckins - guitar (Formerly of Rorschach (band), later of Kiss It Goodbye)
Tom Yak- guitar
Jim Baglino- bass (Later in Monster Magnet)
Chris Pierce - guitar (Also played in Doc Hopper)


White Meat 7" (Dada/ Popgun Records, 1994)
Work Ethic 7" (Engine/ Blackout Records, 1994)

Work Ethic (Blackout Records, 1994, Rereleased 2002)
Screamin' With the Deadguy Quintet (Victory Records, 1996)

Fixation on a Co-Worker (Victory Records, 1995)
I Know Your Tragedy-Live at CBGBs (Hawthorne Street Records, 2000)





Официальный сайт: http://deadguy.org/


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Классика маткора! Имел честь заценить их альбом Fixation on a Co-Worker Круто чуваки нарезают


42 | Дата рег-ции 23 Фев., 2007 | Отправлено: 13:56 - 18 Марта, 2007 1

Аццкий металлер
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пользуясь услугами last.fm прослушал 4 песенки.
Классикой маткора я б это не назвал, ибо услышал я что-то типа ХК с наличием интересных музыкальных ходов. Эдакий недоматкор а-ля Botch, Coalesce... Типа отцы. Одни из.

Да здравствуют Держащие Моск Открытым (с) anarchistt
...я жоупенмайнд (c) ОТРАВА
Сварт - ты не забыт!

1502 | Дата рег-ции 17 Фев., 2005 | Отправлено: 23:46 - 18 Марта, 2007 2

Форум: Math-Core/Avant-Core/Prog-Hardcore/Prog-Punk, Тема: Deadguy

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