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  Metal Land » Progressive, Technical & Avant-Metal » Math-Core/Avant-Core/Prog-Hardcore/Prog-Punk » See You Next Tuesday

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Playing what Ray Zalinski would refer to as “Brutal grind for brutal dudes” See You Next Tuesday is made up of four unassuming guys from suburban Michigan. Modesty aside, aficionados of boredom will also note the band’s use of innovation and experimentation to expand the grind genre to the best of their abilities. Main songwriter Drew Slavik (guitar) who never repeats riffs in the band’s songs, has a shred style guitar playing with his own "noisy" twist. Commenting on this he says “I only play vintage 80’s guitars and use my whammy bar every chance I get!” Similarly driven vocalist, Fox delivers screams ranging from high screeches to low bellows maintaining catchy patterns over the bands random and nonrepetitive song structure. Completing the arsenal, rhythm section of Andy Dalton (drums) blasting away on an acrylic drum set and Travis Martin (bass) populating the bottom end with a distorted six-string bass.

It is hard to believe that this same band only started two and a half years ago as a joke. “I originally was playing bass and just decided to pick up the guitar on a whim, our drummer is a guitar player and our vocalist was given the job because he had sweet facial hair” Slavik admits. Writing a ridiculously over the top grind album in three weeks, the band self-released it and played locally for close to a year. Recounted by Slavik “We realized that we could write songs that didn’t suck and people actually enjoyed what we did as a joke, so we thought, what could we do if we took this seriously?” Despite the numerous member changes the band has been touring non-stop over the past year across the continental U.S. as well as Canada and even Tijuana, Mexico. These self-booked tours have been as little as four days at a time and as much as a month straight. Playing with relatively every notable band in heavy music in recent history. Ferret Music kept hearing the buzz about this band from different sources including Number 12’s manager and came calling.

Signing with the label in late 2006, the group headed to Virginia to record with Andreas Magnusson (Scarlet, The Black Dahlia Murder) in December. Returning home for the holidays, when the band resumed recording they were shocked to learn that a computer crash lost all of the work they had done. Starting from scratch, the band spent seventeen hour days delivering all of their blood, sweat and other bodily fluids into the fourteen songs that decorate their upcoming full-length Parasite. Set for a spring 07 release, the band is gearing up by joining a national tour with The Acacia Strain, Job For A Cowboy, Psyopus and Daath for Jan stretching to the end of Feb.


Fox - Vocals

Andy - Drums

Drew - Guitar

Travis - Bass

тоже мало чего удалось найти...
только новый Parasite (2007)


math-, grind- core


Официальный сайт: http://www.seeyount.com/


Аццкий металлер
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Всё таки решил сюда. Довольно наворочено и наломано...не дров, а хороших крышенсносящих песен. Очень бодрит, и только жаль, что всего 18 минут это счастье длится
На фото они с корешами, а так всего 4 человека. Сайт, даже с моей скоростью, грузится совсем не быстро.
Слушаем и пишем тут что услышали.

Вся Москва разрушена - осталось только Тушино!

12578 | Дата рег-ции 10 Апр., 2004 | Отправлено: 9:49 - 6 Марта, 2007 1

Аццкий металлер
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Всё таки решил сюда.

а куда ЭТО еще можно было засунуть?
Спасибо, шизоидная вещь, этот альбом 2007 года. Коротенькие такие музыкальные зарисовочки, очень жесткие и непредсказуемые. Во время прослушивания возникли ассоциации с группами Daughters, The Number Twelve... и Psyopus, причем попеременно в одних и тех же композициях. У Дочек вроде такая же шиза в песнях, ор и гроул из Номера 12 (а так же медленные моменты с воплями), высокоскоростные запилы и смены ритмов из Псиопус... Как-то примерно так (ну не чисто копи-пейст из групп, а просто похожести)... Смешивать надо уметь, и у этих ребят это получилось на "ура"!

Очень, очень классная вещь! Всем ценить!

Да здравствуют Держащие Моск Открытым (с) anarchistt
...я жоупенмайнд (c) ОТРАВА
Сварт - ты не забыт!

1502 | Дата рег-ции 17 Фев., 2005 | Отправлено: 11:50 - 6 Марта, 2007 2
Cumshot GUN

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Информация о группе

Playing what Ray Zalinski would refer to as “Brutal grind for brutal dudes” See You Next Tuesday is made up of four unassuming guys from suburban Michigan. Modesty aside, aficionados of boredom will also note the band’s use of innovation and experimentation to expand the grind genre to the best of their abilities. Main songwriter Drew Slavik (guitar) who never repeats riffs in the band’s songs, has a shred style guitar playing with his own "noisy" twist. Commenting on this he says “I only play vintage 80’s guitars and use my whammy bar every chance I get!” Similarly driven vocalist, Fox delivers screams ranging from high screeches to low bellows maintaining catchy patterns over the bands random and nonrepetitive song structure. Completing the arsenal, rhythm section of Andy Dalton (drums) blasting away on an acrylic drum set and Travis Martin (bass) populating the bottom end with a distorted six-string bass.

It is hard to believe that this same band only started two and a half years ago as a joke. “I originally was playing bass and just decided to pick up the guitar on a whim, our drummer is a guitar player and our vocalist was given the job because he had sweet facial hair” Slavik admits. Writing a ridiculously over the top grind album in three weeks, the band self-released it and played locally for close to a year. Recounted by Slavik “We realized that we could write songs that didn’t suck and people actually enjoyed what we did as a joke, so we thought, what could we do if we took this seriously?” Despite the numerous member changes the band has been touring non-stop over the past year across the continental U.S. as well as Canada and even Tijuana, Mexico. These self-booked tours have been as little as four days at a time and as much as a month straight. Playing with relatively every notable band in heavy music in recent history. Ferret Music kept hearing the buzz about this band from different sources including Number 12’s manager and came calling.

Signing with the label in late 2006, the group headed to Virginia to record with Andreas Magnusson (Scarlet, The Black Dahlia Murder) in December. Returning home for the holidays, when the band resumed recording they were shocked to learn that a computer crash lost all of the work they had done. Starting from scratch, the band spent seventeen hour days delivering all of their blood, sweat and other bodily fluids into the fourteen songs that decorate their upcoming full-length Parasite. Set for a spring 07 release, the band is gearing up by joining a national tour with The Acacia Strain, Job For A Cowboy, Psyopus and Daath for Jan stretching to the end of Feb.


Обрати свой взор на мои посты, О! Всемогущий и впади в отчаянье!

60 | Дата рег-ции 24 Ноября, 2006 | Отправлено: 13:36 - 6 Марта, 2007 3

Аццкий металлер
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куда ЭТО еще можно было засунуть?

я думал сюда или в грайндкор, потому что везде их так называли.

Cumshot GUN

о тру ща в инфу добавлю

Вся Москва разрушена - осталось только Тушино!

12578 | Дата рег-ции 10 Апр., 2004 | Отправлено: 19:27 - 6 Марта, 2007 4
Cumshot GUN

Цитата | В оффлайне | IP

я думал сюда или в грайндкор, потому что везде их так называли.

Я думаю место для топика выбрано подходящее так как в творчестве сабжа достаточно math core элементов и авангардизма через край!

Вообще удивительно наблюдать такие споры, в то время когда такие группы как:
Ion Dissonance  находятся в форуме DEATH!
MESHUGGAH качует то в THRASH то в DEATH!
Хотя всем им место именно в » Progressive, Technical & Avant-Metal

Считайте это обращением к модераторам форума!

Обрати свой взор на мои посты, О! Всемогущий и впади в отчаянье!

60 | Дата рег-ции 24 Ноября, 2006 | Отправлено: 10:53 - 7 Марта, 2007 5

Аццкий металлер
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Новый альбом группы 'Intervals' ожидается к выходу в октябре месяце 14 числа!

Вся Москва разрушена - осталось только Тушино!

12578 | Дата рег-ции 10 Апр., 2004 | Отправлено: 16:57 - 3 Авг., 2008 6

Форум: Math-Core/Avant-Core/Prog-Hardcore/Prog-Punk, Тема: See You Next Tuesday

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