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Gore Domination

Аццкий металлер
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Скачал оба албума! Первый почему-то прикольнее второго, но песня Vaginal Luftwaffe...это просто что-то. Одна из самых угарных и оригинальных гор-групп, которые я слышал.

The members of Rompeprop are total PITCHEDVOCALGOREGRINDFREAKS!
FEBR 2001: First rehearsal, first song (dislocated purple stoma).
MAY 2001: At the Fuck The Commerce Festival they met Micheil. A bassplayer who's looking for a band. Rompeprop was completed.
SEPT 2001: First live show. Dressed as a mummy, a surgeon & a zombi with big cock they impressed the crowd & a recorddeal was made (Dismemberment rec).
FEBR 2002: First CD 'MENSTRUAL STOMPHULK'. Big Succes/wanted item. Sold out in a few months.
JULY 2002: Alt. Dynamo Open Air Live show. Rompeprop played with Helstar, Doro, Destroyer666 & Sinister for 2000 people. Big success. This month they also visited the studio to record their 2nd CD 'HELLCOCK'S PORNFLAKES'. (release: febr 2003)
AUG 2002: Supporting Peter Pan Speedrock they played in a sold out Effenaar venue Eindhoven. Again very successfull show! Prosthetic Cunt, CSSO/Butcher ABC & Haemorrhage show their support to Rompeprop. They want to do a split CD.
SEP 2002: Rompeprop plays with Pungent Stench in Berlin. The venue is also called Rompeprop after the goregrinders!

Rompeprop is:
-Steven Splattersmegma (pitchshifting chainsawgarglevocals & heavy pigrape)

-Dirty Docte Dente (unholy downtuned strings of karate poltergeist)

-Jor'es Du True (groovy drumsodomizing & IKEA fluorporno)

-Micheil The Menstrual Mummy (buzzing like a 1000 fuckslutblistering dildo's)

interview with Steven Smegma on 29-9-2002

Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
Steven Smegma, born in 1970, did vocals in: SMEGMA (1987-1991), BOWELCRUST (1991-1995) & ROMPEPROP (2001-today).Grindgoregrinder to the bone! My job: I'm a booker of metalshows in club EFFENAAR, downtown EINDHOVEN, HOLLAND.

Why do you call yourself Smegma? Lazy to wash it?
I once tried to grow Smegmabutter under my foreskin, so I could use it as spread on my bread, but I hate the taste of bread, so it didn't work out. By the way, my ex girlfriend loved to grow it herself & when she had enough, she made really cute sculptures out of it! Yeah, sometimes I miss her...

Can you explain what the name Rompeprop means?
ROMPEPROP is a combination of 2 really nice dutch words; ROMP & PROP.'ROMP'means TORSO & PROP means something like CLOTH (bloodcloth is bloedprop). So TORSOCLOTH is the exact translation I guess... FUCK, that really sounds like a blackmetalband!!! Perhaps I am going to use corpsepaint on my fuckstick in the future now I know this.

What is the goal to reach with the band?
Joy, laughter, fun & spreading the word of GOREGRIND in an entertaining way! Goregrinders are very friendly people & good company you know! & what's also important is that we love the music we write & play! I would definately love this band if I weren't in it; that's fuckin' important for my motivation! We all just fuckin' love pitchshifted gargling vocals & groovygoregrind!!!

On the first CD there are also Dutch titles. Not afraid foreigners can't understand?
My mother can't understand Julio Iglesias either, but loves it anyway! Goregrinders don't care much about that. As long as the gargling gory voice is oozing out of their speakers it's fine with them I'm sure. And the Dutch grinders who can understand it really think it's funny; we had lotsa compliments about our crazy lyricks/titles!

There are also funny titletracks. How big is the fun part in the band?
Obviously that's what it is all about! We're 4 true friends who have a great time during rehearsing or playin' live! And the crowd always enjoys themselves, because when I look in the crowds face, I see a lot of happy cheering faces!!! I love that! And I'm not interested in singing about nuclear wars, dismembering victims, murder & death. I like to sing about over the top crazy shit, like swimming in a pool, but instead of water it is filled with masturbating Neanderthalers, or about a vulcanic eskimo that bites my seal & drinks from my lavalamp. Or about a shy girl who has a huge hammer instead of a clit & she can pull out your swimmingpants with it, while laughin' with her nose...

Do you think there are too many who take everything too serious?
Well, that's not up to me. Real serious death metalbands with angry guitarplayers & try-to-look-evil-singers also provides a scene with their own fans. For me it's rather boring. Gimme a show!!! Not: "thank you, the next song is of our 1st cd" and that's it. Get in touch with the crowd! Make contact, do something! After 3 songs I've had it. No fun to watch. I wanna drink & be amused with sick gore or metal! There are too much normal death metalbands. I think grindcore & goregrind is much more fun, because it's often way over the top, there's often humour in it & it's sicker & filthier then deathmetal.... But that's my opinion, it don't have to be yours!

Try to describe your sense of humour?
No, humour is not interesting to be described!

How were the reactions to the disc? Any plans for a follow up?
In 2 months our 1st cd MENSTRUAL STOMPHULK was sold out. Every day I receive lotsa mails from all over the world just to let us know that they love our goregrind! Lotsa freaks call us a great mix of IMPETIGO, CBT, GUT. Obviously we love these bands! And I'm glad that the grinders love us! Our 2 CD HELLCOCK'S PORNFLAKES will be released (also on Dismemberment rec) somewhere in february...

What progression did you made musically?
We didn't.We just play goregrind. We don't have to progress, that could be dangerous! But I must admit there's a slightly little difference between the 1st & the 2nd CD; the new one contains more metal orientated riffs, our song structures are better & there's more diversity; songs of 4 minutes, but also blasting goresongs of 40 seconds. But as long as the vocals keep sounding like a raped menstrual milkshake in a bucket of angry snot, it's fine with us...

How is the scene in your area? Many fans, bands, stages?
It's pretty OK. Not that much to become a trend but enough to play live twice a month & to share opinions with fellow grindbastards!I wish there were more small stages; we mainly have big stages, so lotsa CANNIBAL CORPSES, MORBID ANGELS, NILES & DYING FETUSSES, but only a few places to program undergroundgrind unfortunately. We did a couple of shows in this area; we played for 70 people and we played for 2000 people & I enjoyed it both the same! It's just fun to see when the crowd is enjoying themselves!

Do you think it is important to belong to the scene?
You don't BELONG to a scene as far as I'm concerned. But the thing I love about the grindscene, is that there's NO dresscode whatsoever! Not like black/gothic/death metal or hardcore. It doesn't matter if you look like a computernerd or a punk or hippy or metal, whatever. Only the GAY-look isn't quite allowed, but that's Ok with me! I'm happy that no-one is interested in my haircut or shoe-label or that kinda crap; we all just love the same thing & that is the killing high speed drums & the sicksicksick vocals!!!! Quite unique I think.

What are you favorit internet sites to visit? Don't be ashame to mention the dirty ones too.
www.cameltoe.org (great sneaky pussy watchin'site)
www.strijpweb.nl ( history of the place I grew up)
www.aufderaxe.nl (eindhoven rock city!)

I don't have a computer at home, so I have to check it when I'm working, so I cannot check the shit people ask me to check out unfortunately...

What does your girly think when you have your dick hang out while you're on stage?
Hahaha, she's ashamed of it, allthough she's getting used to it more & more, but she wouldn't accept it for sure when I used my giant cock on stage with a female fan! She would probably kick her in the cunt & go home without me.Yeah, I'd probably sleep on the couch that night.

And if you see the seize of it in rest how big is it when it is excited?
Ask your mom, your grandmother & your sisters!

Why does everyone in the band perform all dressed up?
It's more fun to look at! Almost every band is a so called Tshirt/jeans headbang-band. When we go on stage, people are getting curious: "what is going to happen?" They don't know what to expect & when I start to play with my huge cock & talking with this crazy voice, I definately have their attention! It looks more over the top (just like our music) then an ordinary band.

Your fav band to see on stage? Why?
Some unforgettable live shows I saw where for example: SORE THROAT (1988), MEAT PAUNCH MAFFIA (2000), FCKNG BSTRDS (2000), GOREROTTED (2001), SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION (2001), CARCASS (1989), WBI (1990), NUCLEAR ASSAULT (1989), CBT (2000), THE ACCUSED (1989), MDC (1988), MINDFLAIR (1999), TESTAMENT (1987), DESTRUCTION (1987), HAEMORRHAGE (2002), SODOM (1988), WHIPLASH (1988), DEAD INFECTION (1997), SIGUE SIGUE SPUTNIK (2001) & SLAYER (1985).

All because I experienced it so fuckin'intense! SCD, Haemorrhage & Gorerotted are one of the best live acts nowadays I saw because of the energy on stage is fabulous! INHUME is the best dutch live act I think, for the same reason & LDOHumanity is so cool because of the ultra sick voice of Erwin (& Bart & Hans in the past)& the sick backingvocals of drummer Mark.

My dream festival would look something like this ( I never saw this live & I wish I could experience it one day DAHMER, CARNIVORE, GUT, LIBIDO AIRBAG, IRONIA, OLD LADY DRIVERS, EXIT13, IMPETIGO, REPULSION, BODIES LAY BROKEN, FLESH PARADE, EBOLA, BLOODDUSTER, HERESY, NCC, FEAR OF GOD, FILTHY CHRISTIANS, & the gods of gore vocals: DYSMENORRHEIC HEMORRHAGE!!!!

Do you believe men were really on the moon? Or everything filmed in the studio?
This is completely new for me. Was this on television??!! Ofcourse they weren't on the moon, they would be blinded of all the light or when the moon was only half they would probably fall off! No-one is crazy enough to take that risk I'm sure. By the way it's too cold overthere, they would freeze to death. And there's no plane that can fly so high and the moon is very high & the moon has no airport so it's completely impossible!

What are your other activities besides the band? Do you work, study etc?

I wish I could book more underground stuff, but our venue is way too big for small bands. Besides that I'm a designer and made lotsa drawings/designs for tatoo's, CD covers, logo's, shirts... whatever... splatter art ofcourse! Unfortunately I'm too busy & I'm not able to find the time for that.

If you had the money what would you do all day?
Buy a nice house in Eindhoven & in the south of Europe for holidays! Buy my girl a horse & a piece of ground, build my own studio to record & rehearse & pay qualified people to start a Dynamo-deathgoregrindoldschoolthrash-pub with a small stage for obscure live acts & I would donate a big amount of money to the pet ambulance & animal asylums!

Rompeprop is ......?
Entertaining grindgore, no multi-talented musicians but goregrinders to the bone that like to drink some beers with you, especially when you are a nice smelling pretty girl!

Last rites?
I just hope we meet some readers of this interview during a live show! Maybe in Germany in December where we support Pungent Stench! But we also do small Dutch shows. I buy you a beer & have a bit of a chat about heavy metal. Take care in gore & stay splatter all the way!!




1114 | Дата рег-ции 1 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 1:41 - 23 Сент., 2004 1

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А мне что первый что второй - прикольно. Они мало чем отличаются. Мне нравится группа. Мне единицы из гора нравятся. Эта группа одно из таких исключений.

I bring pain...

1725 | Дата рег-ции 19 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 3:05 - 23 Сент., 2004 2

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отличная банда

Feel the Wrath of Supreme Power

90 | Дата рег-ции 4 Марта, 2004 | Отправлено: 8:48 - 23 Сент., 2004 3
Gore Domination

Аццкий металлер
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Они мало чем отличаются

Звуком отличаются,ты ж наверное, прочитал интервью.


1114 | Дата рег-ции 1 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 10:21 - 23 Сент., 2004 4

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слушал хеллкокс порнфлэйкс.
Офигенный альбом,таких клевых и заводных групп в грайнде просто нет!
в тоже время музыка очень мясная,я бы поставил в один ряд с американским дисгорж,корпсфакингарт,ексхьюмед

"Ненавижу цветных и педиков...."
Джеффри Дамер.                  "Мою хату...мусора подхуячили..." (с) Кот Ёбаныврот
"Запахни варежку, сучка, и не флуди тут" (c) Маньяк с бензопилой

1658 | Дата рег-ции 1 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 11:03 - 23 Сент., 2004 5

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Gore Domination
не, не читал.

I bring pain...

1725 | Дата рег-ции 19 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 11:20 - 23 Сент., 2004 6
Heim ins Reich

Аццкий металлер
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у них еще есть сплит с Tu Carne, где совершенно убойная... колыбельная ! также в буклете диска говорится о том, что вокалист решил свалить из группы (но, мол, о распаде якобы речь не идет, что также отмечается особо) , что может поставить на ней жирный крест (перевернутый, не иначе), если не будет найдена равноценная замена !

"В неделю экономь 5 марок - автомобиль тебе в подарок!" © старая реклама народного автомобиля

2925 | Дата рег-ции 28 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 0:42 - 5 Окт., 2004 7

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что может поставить на ней жирный крест

что правда?

"Ненавижу цветных и педиков...."
Джеффри Дамер.                  "Мою хату...мусора подхуячили..." (с) Кот Ёбаныврот
"Запахни варежку, сучка, и не флуди тут" (c) Маньяк с бензопилой

1658 | Дата рег-ции 1 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 0:52 - 5 Окт., 2004 8
Heim ins Reich

Аццкий металлер
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вот новый альбом когда выйдет, тогда и узнаем.

"В неделю экономь 5 марок - автомобиль тебе в подарок!" © старая реклама народного автомобиля

2925 | Дата рег-ции 28 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 1:26 - 5 Окт., 2004 9

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А когда он выйдет?

I bring pain...

1725 | Дата рег-ции 19 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 1:48 - 5 Окт., 2004 10

Металлер со стажем
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Слышал только Hellcock pornflakes.
Vaginal luftwaffe это просто афигительно. Обложка одна из самых больных даже в этом стиле. Одна картинка с гавном чего стоит.
Европа в очередной раз дает понять, где живут саамые больные отморы.

539 | Дата рег-ции 14 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 10:46 - 5 Окт., 2004 11

Металлер со стажем
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Как и большинство(по видимому) слышал лишь порнфлэйкс....ну чё..понравилось...

Тёёёлки любят увеееренность! (с) Clitoris
покупая шаурму ты помогаешь бен ладену (c) хто-то

842 | Дата рег-ции 14 Июля, 2004 | Отправлено: 12:29 - 5 Окт., 2004 12
Gore Domination

Аццкий металлер
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Имхо, Мнструаль более скоростной и сетбный.
Там такие дебильные (в хорошем смысле) интрухи.


1114 | Дата рег-ции 1 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 12:40 - 5 Окт., 2004 13

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По-моему это единственная гор-банда которую вы слышали. Народ послушайте Дизменорейк Хеморейдж! Вот это расколбас!

I bring pain...

1725 | Дата рег-ции 19 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 14:37 - 5 Окт., 2004 14
Heim ins Reich

Аццкий металлер
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хе, я б послушал, коли диск продавался бы где-нить...  

"В неделю экономь 5 марок - автомобиль тебе в подарок!" © старая реклама народного автомобиля

2925 | Дата рег-ции 28 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 22:46 - 5 Окт., 2004 15

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Heim ins Reich
так ты скачай!

I bring pain...

1725 | Дата рег-ции 19 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 23:48 - 5 Окт., 2004 16
Gore Domination

Аццкий металлер
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Heim ins Reich
Последний альбом есть тут


1114 | Дата рег-ции 1 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 0:22 - 6 Окт., 2004 | Исправлено: Gore Domination - 6 Окт., 2004 (0:24) 17

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я считаю круче расколбаса чем ромпепроп вообще нет

"Ненавижу цветных и педиков...."
Джеффри Дамер.                  "Мою хату...мусора подхуячили..." (с) Кот Ёбаныврот
"Запахни варежку, сучка, и не флуди тут" (c) Маньяк с бензопилой

1658 | Дата рег-ции 1 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 0:23 - 6 Окт., 2004 18

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I bring pain...

1725 | Дата рег-ции 19 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 1:55 - 6 Окт., 2004 19
Heim ins Reich

Аццкий металлер
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спасибо за ссылку, но я музон не скачиваю, предпочитаю на дисках слушать. так что остается ждать выхода альбома, хе-хе!

"В неделю экономь 5 марок - автомобиль тебе в подарок!" © старая реклама народного автомобиля

2925 | Дата рег-ции 28 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 11:35 - 6 Окт., 2004 20

Форум: Gore / porno / splatter etc. grind, Тема: Rompeprop

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