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Solarfall is one man funeral doom project created by Hadelfar - the generator of the whole musical concept, lyrics and ideas. Inspired by the mystic forces of Mother Nature and the glory of the mountains, the music that flows is sad and depressive- no other feelings can be shared when singing about the loss of our sacred connection with the Earth. As forests and lakes are dying, as the rivers sing their Swan Song, no other emotions can be revealed... Anger and melancholy go hand in hand in Solarfall's art, as Hadelfar exposes his deep feelings towards the world.Hope you find yourself inspired by Solarfall and hope you enjoy entering the void...

Hadelfar - All Instruments


In Deapths and Despair - Demo, 2004  
In Depths And Despair - EP, 2006  


Atmospheric Funeral Doom/Death


In The Depths.mp3
Tearful Heaven.mp3
Negura (In Thy Tearful Heaven)
Video Solarfall-...And Despair

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Musta Aurinko

Аццкий металлер
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Интересная атмосферная музыка с элементами funeral death/doom и фолковыми мелодиями, очень выразительно и аутентично. Мне кажется, вполне подойдет для релакса поклонникам мрачного минималистичного фьюнерал, - ибо ненапрягающе, ненавязчиво-печально и сравнительно 'легко', но в то же время грузит...)


1577 | Дата рег-ции 21 Марта, 2005 | Отправлено: 12:25 - 19 Апр., 2007 1

Форум: Doom & Sludge, Тема: Solarfall

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