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Информация о группе

Terhen was formed in January 2004 under the name Thamuz. Back then we had a few disagreements in choosing the music style and there were also some problems with the members. The band made four songs and in May 2004 we recorded them for rehearsal purposes only. The demo represented our interests in strong black/death metal influences.

After getting some new material done Thamuz got an opportunity we couldn`t resist. We were offered to make a music clip for a fashion show in Beijing. The show succeeded well and the band was satisfied with using this unusual way of promotion.

We went into a studio in October 2005. Even though working in a studio was a new experience for us and we didn`t have much time, we did our best. A demo called Self Crusifixion MMV contained three songs which are also included in this debut album. Soon after the recording session our drummer left because of lack of time, but luckily he will remain in the crew as a lyrics writer. In general the demo achieved good feedback among reviewers and our friends.

We sent a demo to various record companies and to the media. Soon after this we signed a deal with Firebox records. We also changed our name to Terhen.

On making the album, Terhen decided to continue co-operation with Mikko Suuronen, who also recorded our Selfcrusifixion MMV demo. We took also a separate producer, Risto Ylönen, to the recording session. It was a great use to have more people working, because there were more opinions about the music.

We started the process on February by recording the drums with our new drummer Joni Romo. The album was mainly recorded on weekends and after every recording sessions the material started to sound more and more like real music. Besides the new drummer the band has got a second vocalist Elisa Pellinen, whose voice is a great add to our music. Altogether we are very pleased with the album Eyes unfolded.

Jyri Pylvänäinen - Vocals
Elisa Pellinen - Vocals
Markus Mieskolainen - Guitars
Jarmo Leikas - Bass
Marianne Mieskolainen - Synthesizer & Violin
Joni Romo - Drums

Eyes Unfolded Full-length, 2007

Страна - Финляндия

Стиль - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal

Официальный сайт: http://www.terhenband.com/


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Отличный дебют!
Вроде всё стандартно: дуэт вокалистов типа "красавица и чудовище"; меланхоличная музыка, в немалой степени тяжёлая и в немалой степени атмосферная; общее настроение грусти - то тихой, то громыхающей. Мало ли таких групп в Финляндии? Вот тут-то и бессильно слова. Описываю - казалось бы, ничего особенного. Но какие чувства пробуждает эта музыка! Увы, нет у меня слов, чтобы назвать их. Да и желания делиться, честно говоря, нет. Просто рекомендую Terhen всем интересующимся.
Считаю Eyes Unfolded одним из лучших (если не лучшим) думовых релизов года.

"Плакать, когда все смеются. Наслаждаться, когда слёзы льются" (c) Шмели

3335 | Дата рег-ции 1 Фев., 2005 | Отправлено: 19:29 - 3 Ноября, 2007 1

Форум: Doom & Sludge, Тема: Terhen

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