Цитата | В оффлайне | IPНакрылись пиздой Российские концерты.
"Annihilator's Moscow & St. Petersburg show cancelled due to "Lufthansa Cabin Workers" Strike. Three of us (Mike, Jeff, Aaron) are stuck at the Hamburg airport. 3 band and soundman's flights were cancelled due to the massive strike here in Germany. Midnight last night was the final deadline for a solution for all of us to get there but we and the tour agent could not come up with a way to do this in time. Of course we all apologize but Lufthansa really picked a bad time to go on strike! We would like to come back and make up for these two shows in 2016 and hope to see you all then! ANNIHILATOR"
----- !!!Long Live Rock&Roll!!! Stone Dead Forever
Да не то слово. Прикинь как обидно тем, кто в паровозе в Москву едет и узнал эту новость?) Один чувак вчера купил билеты прямо в клубе, за два часа до информации об отмене.
----- !!!Long Live Rock&Roll!!! Stone Dead Forever