| Цитата | В оффлайне | IP GOREFEST о концерте: "Their elections may be dodgy, their weather suitable only to fools and penguins, and their billboards indecipherable, but when it comes to his or her enjoyment of metal, the Russian metalhead doesn't fuck around. No siree, Bob. Insane amounts of vodka are downed, faces turn red, the volume goes up to eleven, and within three seconds, the world's upside down and Metal Reigns Supreme. "The Russians made us feel very welcome indeed, and we met the friendliest of people in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Both are massive, sprawling cities with very impressive architecture, a strong sense of culture and history, and home to some of the sexiest women I've ever seen. "It was truly an honour for us to be invited over, and we'd like to thank Vladimir and Vitali for being such excellent hosts and taking great care of us. We had no idea what to expect of these dates, but I think I speak for all when I say we'll be back in a flash if someone invites us again. "Spasibo, Prijatno poznakomitsa, Gde tualet?" 4 декабря. Взято с Из всех человеческих пороков больше всего я ненавижу обывательщину (с) Ницше |
412 | Дата рег-ции 18 Апр., 2005 | Отправлено: 20:59 - 6 Дек., 2007 | Исправлено: Samwise - 6 Дек., 2007 (22:28) | 63 |