serpentean noavatar
| Цитата | В оффлайне | IP [email protected] все сд новые ...Of Celestial - The Strange Infinity - 2009 - extreme symph. metal Aasgard - Nyx - 2008 - black metal Abhor - Vehementia (digipack) - 2005 - black metal Abigail's Mercy - Salvation - 2005 - melodic dark metal Abomino Aetas - Sower Of Death - 2008 - black metal Abramis Brama - Dansa Tokjävelns Vals - 1999 - stoner metal Abramis Brama - När Tystnaden Lagt Sig... - 2001 - stoner metal Abramis Brama - Nothing Changes - 2003 - stoner metal Absent - Audi... Vide... Sile - 2005 - death metal Absent/World of Shit - Errare Humanum Est/Laugh At Everyting - 2005 - death metal Absentia Lunae - In Vmbrarvm Imperii Gloria - 2007 - black metal Acceptus Noctifer - Amores De Ofício - 2009 - black metal Accurst - A Phantom's Noctuary (digipack) - 2006 - horror/dark ambient Acephala - Infraction Cerebral Occupation - 2008 - brutal death Aces High - Pull No Punches - 1998 - heavy metal Addiction Crew - Break In Life - 2005 - nu-metal Adimiron - Burning Souls - 2004 - death metal Adjudgement - Human Fallout - 2007 - hardcore Adrenaline - Castrum Dolores - 2008 - thrash/groove metal Aerium, The - Song For The Dead King - 2004 - gothic metal Aetherius Obscuritas - Layaes Cradle - 2006 - black metal Aeveron - The Ancient Realm (mcd-digipack) - 2004 - melodic death Affliction - Execution Is Necessary - 2007 - thrash metal Age Of Silence - Complications (ep) - 2005 - avantgarde metal Agents Of Man - Count Your Blessings - 2005 - hardcore/metal Agmen - Eternal - 2000/2006 - melodic death Agony - My Turn To Die - 2004 - death metal Agony Scene, The - The Agony Scene - 2003 - melodic death metal Aigro Mucifelam - Lost Sounds Depraved - 2007 - black metal Alev - Alev (+bonus) - 2008 - alternative metal Alev - We Live In Paradise - 2006 - alternative metal Alien Blakk, The - Modes Of Alienation (digipack) - 2006 - instrumental All Too Human - Entropy - 2002 - prog. metal Allfather - Weapon Of Ascension - 2005 - black metal Alltheniko - Devasterpiece - 2008 - thrash metal Almora - 1945 - 2006 - sympho gothic Almora - Gates of Time - 2002 - sympho gothic Almora - Shehrâzad - 2004 - power metal Amarok - Blasphemous Edictum - 2008 - black metal Ambrazura - Storm in Your Brains - 2002 - progressive death metal Amen - Gun Of A Preacher Man - 2005 - punkmetal Amnion - Cryptic Wanderings - 2008 - black metal Amulet - All That Is Solid Melts Into Air (slipcase) - 2005 - punk/hardcore Anael - From Arcane Fires (slipcase) - 2008 - black metal Ancient Dome - Human Key - 2009 - thrash metal Ancient Skin - Nobis Quoque Peccatoribus... - 2008 - black metal Andy Winter - Shades of Light Through Black And White (single) - 2005 - melancholic Anestesia - Satisfied - 2001 - thrash metal Aneurysm - Shades - 2007 - post-thrash Angel Rot - Unlistenable Hymns Of Indulgent Damnage - 1999 - stoner/doom metal Angst - In Hoc Signo Vinces - 2005 - black metal Anguish Force - Invincible Imperivm Italicvm - 2008 - heavy metal Animus - Hallucinations: Ideals Surrounding Water, Sand and Clouds of Dust - 2008 - black metal Antagony - Days Of Night - 2009 - death metal/hc Anthenora - The Last Command - 2004 - heavy/power metal Antigama/Nyia - Split CD - 2007 - grind/death Antisilence - Suffer Hits - 2000 - thrash/speed metal Antropofagus - No Waste of Flesh - 1999 - brutal death metal Aphoom Zhah - Symbol Of New Aeon - 2005 - raw black metal Aphoom Zhah / Smiercieslan - Biessmjarotny Czorny Mietal - 2004 - raw black metal Aphrodisiac - Nonsense Chamber - 1997 - noise/dark ambient Apocalyptic Visions - Doomsday Device - 2006 - death metal Apocalyptic Visions - Leave None Living - 2008 - death metal Apocryphal Voice - The Sickening (single) - 2003 - avant black metal Apparition - Drowned in Questions - 2006 - gothic metal Arachnes - Apocalypse - 2002 - symph. power metal Arachnes - Parallel Words (+bonus) - 2001 - symph. prog metal Arallu - The Demon From the Ancient World - 2005 - black/death Arathyr - Curse Man's Blame (digisleeve) - 2008 - black metal Arcana XXII - Your Fatal Embrace - 2003 - heavy metal Arcanus Tenebrae - Odium in Homines - 2008 - black metal Archaic Winter - The Psychology of Death - 2006 - black/death metal Archontes - The World Where Shadows Come to Life - 1998 - melodic power Area 54 - No Visible Scars - 2000 - heavy metal Arkthos - Knights of the Eternal Sun - 2006 - epic black metal Armaggedon - I.N.R.I. (I, Nazarene, Recognize My Impurity) - 2009 - black metal Arphaxat - Loudun La Maudite - 2008 - black metal Arrival - An Abstract Of Inertia - 2002 - melodic black metal Ars Manifestia - The Enchanting Dark's Arrival - 2007 - black metal Ars Moriendi - L´Oppression du Rien - 2008 - atmospheric black/dark ART 238 - Empire Of The Atom - 2007 - brutal death metal/industial Art in Exile - Art in Exile (single) - 2005 - dark/gothic metal Artery Eruption - Gouging Out Eyes of Mutilated Infants - 2005 - gore/brutal death metal Artes Negras - Let there be Death - 2004 - black/thrash metal Artisian - Lament for the Eternal Frost - 2005 - black metal Artisian - Seargte Le Reothadh - 2007 - black metal Arturo Stalteri - Early Rings: Compositions 1974-1975 - 2005 - progressive rock As All Die - Victory - 2006 - noisy dark ambient As Light Dies - A Step Through The Reflection - 2007 - death/black/doom/gothic metal Ascraeus - Disgust - 2000 - thrash metal Ashes - Yggdrasil - 2007 - raw black metal Ashtaroth - Darkness And Beyond - 2007 - death/black metal Asia - Phoenix - 2008 - rock Aske - Saatan Legio/Goatfuck - 2009 - black metal Askuror/Varkshelske - Kirchenbrand - 2005 - black metal Asrai - Touch In The Dark - 2004 - gothic metal Assault - Nuclear Deaththrash - 2006 - death/thrash metal Astral - Filicetum Lunare - 2000 - black gothic metal Athos - Crossing The River of Charon - 2008 - black metal Athos - The Awakening Of Athos - 2007 - black metal Atritas - Where Witches Burnt - 2004 - melodic black metal Atrocity - Non Plus Ultra (2-CD) - 1999 - gothic metal Attack of Rage - Grindpeace - 2007 - death metal/grind Au Revoir - Keys Of Misery - 2009 - old school thrash metal Auriga - Chains Of Despair (single) - 2007 - black metal Austerity - Perpertua Nox Dormienda Est - 2005 - ambient funeral doom Autumn Verses - Tunes Of Disconsolation - 1997 - melodic death Ave Lucifer - Profanos Segredos Noturnos - 2008 - black metal Averse Sefira - Homecoming's March - 1999/2003 - black metal Awakening, The - Razor Burn - 2006 - gothic metal Azbuk - Compilation For Eternity - 2008 - black metal Azure - King Of Stars - Bearer Of Dark (digipack) - 2005 - viking black metal Azure - Moonlight Legend - 1998 - black metal Azure Emote - Chronicles of an aging Mammal - 2007 - experimental electro death metal Baal - Hatemachine - 2007 - melodic death metal Baby Stab Horror - In the Name of Satan - 2008 - black/thrash metal Babylon Whores - Deggael (single) - 1998 - death rock Balatonizer - Occlused in Ottusity - 2004 - death/grind Barbarity - Hell is Here - 2005 - death metal Barbarity - The Wish to Bleed (+4 bonus) - 2002/2009 - death metal Bardo - I (ep) (dvd-case) - 2008 - doom/ambient Bathomet - Bathomet (single) - 2003 - black metal Battalion of Flies - Blue Lips Cold Kiss - 2004 - heavy Beastcraft - Baptised In Blood And Goatsemen - 2007 - black metal Beautiful Cafillery - Reciprocal Transfusion - 2007 - death metal/hc Beecher - Breaking The Fourth Wall - 2005 - hardcore Beelzeb - Misanthrope's Aurora - 2004 - black metal Bejelit - Age of Wars - 2006 - power metal Belef - Infection Purification - 2005 - black metal Beloved - Failure On (re-issue +6 bonus) - 2003/2004 - melodic hardcore Belzabet - Before Night Fall - 2001 - epic black metal Benighted in Sodom - Plague Overlord - 2007 - black metal Bestialized - Annihilating the Judeo - Christian Generations - 2007 - black metal Betoken - Dead Soul Insomnia - 2006 - power metal Beyond The Ninth Wave - Volume 1 - 2005 - black metal Bisclaveret - Amalgame (digipack) - 2008 - industrial / Ambient Bitterness - Sweet Suicide Solutions - 2003 - melodic death Black Elk - Always A Six Never A Nine (digisleeve) - 2008 - noiserock Black God - The End Of Christian Utopia - 2006 - black metal Black Jade - ...Of Forest And Fire... - 2005 - black metal Black Sand - Infected - 2007 - thrash/death metal Blackdeath - Fucking Fullmoon Foundation (re-issue +2 bonus) - 2002/2006 - black metal Blackend - Mental Game Messiah - 2000 - heavy/thrash metal Blackend - The Last Thing Undone - 2001 - thrash metal Blackthru - Is Tamsos... (single) - 2007 - black metal Bleed The Sky - Paradigm In Entropy (slipcase) - 2005 - modern metal Blind Beyond - Out of Faith (single) - 2008 - death metal Blind Town - Scary, Suffered And Impure - 2009 - rock/metal Blindead - Impulse (mcd-digipack) - 2009 - progressive doom Blizzard - Pure Filth And Mayhem - 2001 - speed/thrash metal Blodfest - I Kong Skjolds Navn - 2007 - black metal Blodskald - Vidundret - 2008 - black metal Blodulv - Diatribe (single) - 2005 - black metal Blood 7.62 - Dogmasear - 2004 - modern rock Blood Cult - We Who Walk Behind The Rows - 2005 - black metal Blood From The Soul - To Spite the Gland that Breeds - 1993 - industrial hardcore Blood Thirsty Demons - Let The War Begin - 2005 - heavy metal Bloodrain - Bloodrain III: Nomen Nostrum Legio - 2006 - black metal Bloodshot - Ultimate Hatred - 2006 - groove-core Bloodstain - The Fall And Rise Of Certainties - 2004 - metalcore Bloodthirst/Excidium - Infernal Thrashing Kömmandments - 2009 - thrash metal Bloodthorn - Under the Reign of Terror - 2001 - black/death metal Bodies Lay Broken - Eximinious Execration of Exiguous Exequies - 2003 - grindcore Bohica - No Apologies - 2004 - metal Bokrug - Ancient Horrors and Bloody Visions - 2008 - brutal death Bombarder - Ledena Krv - 2003 - speed/thrash metal Bombarder - Speed Kill (+2 bonus) - 1989/2007 - speed/thrash Bomberos/Inbreeding Sick - Fire Station By The Cemetery / The Impaler (split-cd) - 2006 - grindcore/brutal death metal Bombstrike - Born Into This - 2007 - thrash metal/crust Born of Sin - Let It begin (single) - 2006 - death metal Boss, The - Lay Down Your Firearms - 2006 - punk Bound and Gagged - Fornicate the Gutted - 2002 - grind core Bowel - Rotten Fecal Duct - 1994 - death metal/grindcore Brain Dead - In the Deep of Vortex - 2008 - thrash metal Brand New Sin - Recipe For Disaster - 2005 - southern rock/metal Branstock - Branstock - 2006 - black metal Break Even - Plus - 2008 - alternative rock Breathing Process, The - In Waking: Divinity (slipcase +bonus) - 2008 - melodic death/black metal Brobdingnagian - Torture Stained Disaster (single) - 2007 - black metal/noise/doom Broken Bones - Without Conscience - 2001 - hardcore Browbeat - Audioviolence - 2002 - melodic death Brumalis - Furore Normannorum - 2004 - black metal Brutart - Mimic (special A5 book) - 2007 - death/doom metal Bullcharge - A Near Extinction Level (single) - 2008 - death/metalcore Bullets For Teeth - Six Sides Of Fortune - 2005 - grunge metal Byrd - Anthem - 2002 - progressive metal Cacodaemon - Tales Of Demoncy - 2007 - black metal CAD - Deadnation - 2000 - death metal Cadaveric Crematorium - Grindpeace - 2008 - grindcore Caedere - Mass Emission - 2003 - brutal death metal Callisto - True Nature Unfolds - 2004 - sludge doomcore Callous - Descension (single) - 2009 - modern metal Calm Insanity - Calm Insanity - 2003 - aggressive metal Calmsite - Elvisdeath - 2005 - melodic deathrock Campo de Mayo/Permafrost - A Blindfold Stained With Blood / Haunting The Forgotten - 2009 - black metal Camulos/Ainshval - Verwesender am Kreuz / Demo '02 - 2005 - black metal Cancer - Spirit in Flames - 2005 - death/thrash metal Canyon Creep - Hijack The World! - 2003 - southern metal Capitis Damnare - Ex Regnum Spiritus In Manifestus - 2009 - black metal Captor - Alien Six - 2001 - thrash metal Cardiac Necropsy - 16 years of #### Addict - 2008 - death/grind Cardinal Sin - Resurrection - 2004 - thrash metal Carnal - True Blasphemy - 2002 - brutal death Carnal Diafragma - Preparation Of The Daddy's Steak - 2008 - goregrind Carnal Forge - The More You Suffer - 2003 - death metal Carnal Grief - Nine Shades of Pain - 2006 - melodic death metal Carnal Grief - Out Of Crippled Seeds - 2004 - melodic death metal Carrion Wraith - Carrion Wraith - 2009 - black metal Carthaun - Blutt und Threnen - 2008 - black metal Carthaun - Einheit - 2005 - black metal Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden - 2006 - melodic death/thrash Casketgarden - This Corroded Soul of Mine - 2003 - melodic death Catchthirteen - Left To Bleed - 1998 - hardcore metal Caught In The Between - Equilibrium - 2007 - hybrid metal Cauldron Born - Born of the Cauldron - 1997 - power metal Cele Kula - The Moonlight and the Misty Night - 1999 - gothic doom metal Celebratum - Instinct - 2005 - black metal Cemetary - The Beast Divine (digipack) - 2000 - gothic metal Centurion - Non Plus Ultra - 2002 - heavy/power Cerebral Effusion - Smashed & Splattered Organs - 2005 - brutal deathgrind Cerebral Turbulency - U.$. Gravy - 2004 - death metal/grind Chaos Conspiracy - Out of Place - 2005 - hardcore Chaos Moon - Languor Into Echoes, Beyond - 2007 - black funeral doom Chaosphere - Reign In Chaos - 2007 - thrash metal Chaosstar - Lifetime - 2006 - progressive metal Chariot - Everything Is Alive, Everything Is Breathing, Nothing Is Dead And Nothing Is Bleeding - 2004 - hardcore Charnel Valley - The Igneous Race - 2007 - black metal Chasing Hazel - Its All About The Style And The Glamour - 2009 - hardcore Chine - Repulsive Sonatas (single) - 2009 - death metal Choked By Own Vomits - Shit Autopsy - 2009 - death metal/goregrind Chokehold - The Killing Has Begun - 2006 - modern thrash metal Chris Caffery - Faces/God Damn War (2-CD) - 2004 - heavy metal Christ Agony - Trilogy - 1998 - black metal Christ Denied - Drink... Drink The Blood - 2004 - grind/brutal death Chum - Stepping On Cracks (pahvikotelo cds) (cardboard sleeve cds) - 1996 - heavy metal Churn - Twelve Easy Steps To Endsville - 2003 - hardcore Cidesphere - Interment... - 2002 - melodic death metal Circulus - Song Of Our Despair (single) - 2006 - folk Citadel, The - Brothers Of Grief (digipack) - 2007 - heavy metal Claustrofobia - Fulminant - 2005 - death/thrash metal Clearwater Deathblow - Parasite Cleansing - 2008 - grindcore/death Clepsydra - Second Era of Stonehenge - 2007 - 2007 Cold Void - Through the Path of Sin - 2009 - black metal Comanche Cipher - Ludovico Technique (ep) - 2008 - progressive hardcore Combat Noise - After the War... the Wrath Continues (re-issue +2 bonus) - 2004/2008 - death metal Comma - Free As God - 2004 - progressive metal Confusion - Demos'lition - 2007 - grindgore Conjüratör - Erosplattered (single) - 2007 - black metal Conspirator - Exorcism - 2008 - death/thrash metal Consume - They Shall Suffer - 2005 - brutal death metal Convergence - Points of View - 2006 - melo death metal Copremesis - Muay Thai Ladyboys - 2008 - death metal Coram Lethe - ...A Splendid Chaos - 2009 - technical death Corcobado - Diminute Cielo (Y Manta Ray) - 1997 - pop/rock Corporation 187 - Perfection In Pain - 2002 - death/thrash metal Corpsefucking Art - War Of The Toilet Gear - 2005 - brutal death metal Corpus Christii - The Fire God - 2001/2008 - black metal Cremaster - Boletus Satanas - 2005 - grind 'n' roll Crematorium - The Process Of Endtime - 2005 - thrash/death metal Cripple Bastards - Desperately Insensitive - 2002 - fastcore/grind Cripta Oculta - Sangue do Novo Amanhecer - 2009 - black metal Cronian - Terra - 2006 - progressive metal Crossover - Dogma - 2004 - symphonic black Crucified Mortals - Converted by Decapitation +3 bonus(digipack) - 2004/2009 - thrash metal Cryptic - Once Holy Realm - 2004 - black/death metal Cryptic Carnage - Retrospect 2000 - 1999 - blackened melodic death Cryptic Carnage - Rozelowe - 1998 - blackened melodic death Cryptic Throne - Apocalyptic Extermination - 2008 - black metal Cssaba - Toxic CSSABA - 2009 - exp black metal Cultus - A Seat In Valhalla - 2006 - black metal Cuntscrape - Thrush Band Mania - 2007 - goregrind Cuntscrape/Deathfuckingcunt - Split Roast - 2009 - death metal/grindcore Cyclotimia - Deja Vu - 2008 - electronic D.N.O. - Do Not Open - 2006 - death metal Daemonlord - Hellfire Centuries - 2006 - black metal Daemonlord - Of War and Hate - 2004 - black metal Daeonia - Craven - 1999 - gothic death rock Dagorlad - The End Of The Dark Ages (digipack) - 2002 - black/gothic Damiera - M(us)ic - 2007 - experimental rock Dammercide - Link - 2000 - technical death Danton - Way of Destiny - 1988 - traditional metal Dark At Dawn - First Beams of Light - 2002 - dark metal Dark Awake - Meseonas (digipack) - 2008 - medieval Dark Celebration - Phlegeton: The Transcendence of Demon Lords - 2009 - black metal Dark Domination - Reign of the Fallen One (single) - 2008 - black metal Dark Faith - Terrains Vagues - 2007 - death metal Dark Forest of North - Renad av Kall Fördömmelse (single) - 2008 - death/black metal Dark Fury - Fortress Of Eagles - 2008 - NS black metal Dark Legion - Eternity of Nothing - 2003 - death metal Dark Managarm - Victorious March - 2009 - black metal Dark Secret Love - Dark Secret Love - 2009 - gothic metal Dark Storm - Hell Satan Blasphemy - 2006 - black metal Darkest Hate Warfront - Satanik Annihilation Kommando - 2005 - black/thrash metal Darkmoon - Of Bitterness And Hate - 2005 - melodic death metal Darkrise - Massive Retaliation - 2003 - brutal death Darkside - Amber: Skeletal Journeys Through the Void - 2007 - melodic death metal Das Scheit - Superbitch (digipack) - 2005 - industrial gothic metal Dataraper - Carbon Flora - 2002 - electronic Dawn Of Silence - Moment Of Weakness - 2006 - melodic heavy metal Daymares - Can´t Get Us All (slipcase) - 2007 - hc/punk/death'n'roll Dead Dawn Rising - Dead Dawn Rising - 2008 - black metal Dead Inside - Dead Inside - 2007 - black metal Dead Poetic - Four Wall Blackmail (re-issue) - 2002/2005 - metalcore Dead Poetic - New Medicines - 2004 - metalcore Dead, The - The Dead - 2007 - death metal Deaden - Feast on the flesh of the dead - 2004 - brutal death metal Deaden - Hymns Of The Sick - 1998/2004 - brutal death metal Deadly Carnage - Decadenza - 2008 - black metal Deadly Spawn - From Beyond The Dark - 2008 - death metal Deadnight - Messenger of Death - 2008 - black/death metal Death Dies - Product Of Hate - 2003 - black/folk metal Death Heaven - Viral Apocalypse - 2007 - death metal Death Warrant - Time of Dying - 2008 - thrash metal Deathcon - Monotremata - 2006 - death metal Deathmarch - Deathmarch - 2007 - death/thrash/black metal Deathonator - Endsville - 1999/2005 - gothic/melodic death metal Deathwitch - Violence Blasphemy Sodomy - 2004 - thrash/black metal Debauchery - Dead Scream Symphony (single) - 2003 - black/death metal Decayed - The Black Metal Flame - 2008 - black metal Decayed - Under Hecate's Spell - 2007 - black metal Deception - Nuclear Wind - 2004 - death metal Decieverion - Decieverion - 2002 - black metal Decimation - Entering The Celestial Ruins (+bonus) - 2007 - technical brutal death metal Deep Vein - Symbols for the Dead - 2008 - death metal Deer Creek/RawRadarWar - Split-CD - 2007 - doom metal Defaced, The - Domination Commence - 2001 - thrash metal Defenestration - One Inch God (digipack) - 2001 - metal Deimos - Never Be Awaken - 2004 - exp. heavy metal Delirium X Tremens - CreHated From No_Thing - 2007 - death metal Demean - Today We Rise - 2004 - brutal thrash/death Dementor - Faithless - 2008 - brutal death Dementor/Hetsheads - The Art Of Blasphemy/We Hail The Possessed (2-cd) - 2003 - brutal death metal Demiurg - Bastinado - 2005 - prog thrash metal Demogorgon - Christ Is a Lie - 2008 - death metal Demolish - Remembering The Cabalisticae Laments - 2005 - death metal Demonbreed - Closer To God - 2005 - thrash/death Demoncy - Joined in Darkness (+1 bonus) - 1999/2007 - black metal Demonic Resurrection - A Darkness Descends - 2005 - death/thrash metal Demonlord/Nocturn - As Bastard As God / My Revenge to Come - 2002 - black metal Demons of Dirt - Killer Engine - 2001 - thrash death Denouncement Pyre - Hells Infantry (single) - 2006 - black/death metal Deny The Urge - Blackbox of Human Sorrow - 2008 - death metal Deny The Urge - Subsequent Confrontation - 2004 - death metal Depression - Legions Of The Sick - 2004 - progressive metal Depressive Disorder - Ultima Ratio (digipack) - 2005 - EBM/electro Depressive Reality - Las Sombras - 2007 - death/black metal Der Gerwelt - Human Breed - 2003 - black metal Der Henker - Annihilation in Blasphemy - 2006 - viking black metal Desiderii Marginis - Years Lend a Golden Charm (digipack) - 2009 - dark ambient Destiny - Future Of The Past (slipcase) - 2004 - traditional heavy metal Destiny - The Tracy Chapter - 2004 - metalcore Dethroners, The - The Tragedy of Man - 2003 - gothic metal Detrimentum - A Monument To Suffering - 2002 - death metal Deva Noctua Entropia - Be Sinking In Marshland - 2005 - melodic black metal Devilish Era - The Deiphobic Syndrome - 2005 - black metal Diabolical Principles - Investigating a new dawn (single) - 2006 - black metal Diabolos - The Three Mothers (single) - 2006 - thrash/black metal Dickless Tracy - Halls of Sickness - 2009 - grindcore/death metal Die Saat - Der Schlachten Tribut - 2003 - black/folk metal Die Saat - Wir laden zum Feste - 2006 - black/folk metal Diecast - Day Of Reckoning (+bonus track) - 2001 - metalcore Diecast - Tearing Down Your Blue Skies - 2004 - metalcore Dimentianon - Seven Suicides - 2003 - death/black metal Disarm Goliath - Man, Machine & Murder (single) - 2008 - heavy metal Disbelief - Worst Enemy - 2001 - death metal Disgod - Sanguine Scales - 2008 - death metal Disinter - Hell Gate (+bonus) - 2005 - death metal Disloyal - The Kingdom of Plague - 2004 - death metal Dismal Lapse - The Nameless Faceless (single) - 2008 - death metal Dismata - Understand - 2008 - metal/hardcore Disruption - Face The Wall - 2005 - death metal Dissenter - Apocalypse of the Damned - 2002 - brutal death District - Great Exit Lines (slipcase) - 2006 - melodic rock Dither - Amek (digipack) - 2004 - electronical Diva Noctua Entropia - Transerpentual - 2003 - melodic black Dive In Minds - Innocent Victims - 2001 - progressive death metal Divina Enema - To Wight Shall Never Shine (re-issue) - 1999/2004 - avant-garde Divina Enema - Under Phoenix Phenomenon - 2003 - avantgarde metal Divine Empire - Method Of Execution - 2005 - death metal Divine Noise Attack - Creating the End - 2007 - death metal/grind Divine Noise Attack - Torn Apart - 2004/2006 - death metal/grind Divizion S-187 - Blood & Fire (single) - 2006 - industrial black Divizion S-187 - V Miloserdii Otkazano - 2008 - industrial black Dogma - Sound Therapy - 2008 - heavy/thrash metal Dogs 'N' Bones - Dirty Fucking Loud - 2006 - heavy metal Dogs 'N' Bones - Lost Gone Wild - 2008 - heavy metal Dolentia / Tumulum - Da Terra Que Comungamos - 2009 - black metal Domain/Demonized - Hellbirth - 2000 - brutal death Domina Noctis - Nocturnalight - 2005 - gothic metal Domini Inferi - Devil Cult - 2006 - black metal Dominium - Psycho Path Fever - 2002 - progressive death Doom Syndicate - Beyond Salvation - 2004 - death metal Doomed And Disgusting - Satan's Nightmare - 2005 - horror doom metal Dormantgod - Animated Bas-Reliefs - 2007 - dark ambient Dorn - Spiegel Der Unendlichkeit - 2007 - dark metal Draco Hypnalis - Imagination - 2007 - progressive technical thrash metal Draconis Sanguis - Between Insanity and Brilliance - 2002 - prog. black metal Dragonspoon - Dragonspoon - 2002 - progressive/industrial metal Drastique - Pleasurereligion (digipack) - 2003 - gothic metal Dream Evil - The First Chapter (single) - 2004 - heavy/power metal Dream System - Traveling After Midnight - 2005 - experimental Dreamaker - Human Device - 2004 - power metal Dreamhunter - The Hunt is On - 2006 - heavy metal Drop Dead, Gorgeous - In Vogue - 2007 - screamo/hardcore metal Drown Me Blue - Drown Me Blue (mcd digipack) - 2004 - dark metal Drowning, The - This Bleak Descent - 2008 - doom/death metal Drowning, The - When the Light Was Taken From Us - 2006 - doom/death metal Dumper - Dumper - 2002 - industrial rock/metal Dunkelstorm - Schicksal - 2002 - symphonic black metal Duster 69 - Nothing Left - 2008 - stoner rock Dying Light, The - The Killing Plan - 2005 - blackened thrash metal Dying Passion - Sweet Disillusions - 2004 - gothic metal Dying Passion - Voyage - 2002 - doom/gothic metal Dyscord - Dakota - 2008 - metalcore Dyscrasia - Septical Stomach-Pumped Remnants - 2003 - brutal death metal Early Man - Beware The Circling Fin (ep) - 2008 - heavy/speed metal Ebonmortis - Reconstruction By Force - 2007 - death metal Eclipse - The Symphony of Pathological Love / Calling Our Desires - 1996/2006 - death metal Eclipse Eternal - Ubermensch:Evolution Beyond The Species - 2008 - epic black metal Ecliptic Sunset - ...From These Dried Lands - 2003 - doomy black metal Ecliptic Sunset - Of Torment And Grief - 2006 - black/death metal Eclypse - Applause: JHVH Elohim Met - 2004 - blackened death Edgey vs Depth Error - The Abuse Technique - 2007 - rhythmic hardcore Edicius - Pure Degenered Madness - 2004 - black metal Editor - Game Over - 2002 - thrash metal Egemony - Baptism Of The Unborn - 2009 - brutal death metal Ejecucion - Observation - 1998 - doom metal Ekotren - Light The Fire - 2008 - modern metal Ekove Efrits - Suicidal Rebirth - 2008 - black metal Eksesif - Overclocking - 2004 - melodic metal El Santo - Metamorphosis - 2005 - death/grind Eld - Primeval Vespers - 2007 - black metal Eldrig - Mysterion - 2008 - epic black metal Elexorien - Elexorien - 2007 - folk/viking metal Elgibbor - Repent Or Perish - 2008 - black metal Eligor - Ante Lucem - 2006 - sympho black metal Elimi - Summoned From Ashes - 2008 - black metal Elisabetha - Über das Prinzip der Unschuld (digipack) - 2007 - black metal/ambient Elisabetha - Vampyr (single) - 2003 - black metal Elktronik Sciety - Industrial Cadaverous Demos - 2008 - industrial metal Elvira Madigan - Angelis Deamonae - Wiccan Aftermath - 2005 - dark/black metal Elysian Fields, The - 12 Ablaze - 2001 - melodic death Elysian Fields, The - Adelain - 1995 - melodic death/black Elysian Fields, The - Suffering G.0.D Almighty (digipack) - 2005 - melodic death/black Emancer - Twilight and Randomned (digipack) - 2008 - black metal Emberland - Emberland - 2006 - brutal death metal Embers of Life - Dark Conspiracy - 2005 - symphonic black Embodiment - Words Like Violence (digipack) - 2006 - thrash/black metal Embracing - Dreams Left Behind (re-issue + 5 bonus) - 1997/2004 - melodic death metal Embryonic Devourment - Fear Of Reality Exceeds Fantasy - 2008 - technical death metal Embryotomy - Dissasemble the Dethroned - 2008 - death metal EMK (Exekution Massakre Kommando) - Existence is Futile - 2006 - black metal Empheris - Ancient Necrostorms - 2007 - thrash metal Empyrean - Quietus - 2008 - sypmhonic death metal Enchanted, The - For Those Who Fall... - 2005 - death/thrash metal Enclave - Paradise of Putrefaction - 2008 - black metal End Of Destiny - The Thoughtless Existence - 2007 - hardcore/metal End of Everything - A Mand Made Sun - 2009 - death/thrash End of Everything - Three (slipcase) - 2006 - death/thrash Endless Gloom - Gorpsporation - 2006 - death metal Enfeus Lodge - Enfeus Lodge (single) - 2008 - black metal Enforce - Message of Death - 2003 - technical death Enforsaken - Embraced by Misery (re-issue + bonus) - 2005 - death metal Engorged - Engorged - 2002 - death/grind Enlightened By Darkness - Buried Beneath - 2007 - thrash metal Enoid - Dodssyklus - 2007 - black metal Ens Cogitans - Deigital Conflict (digipack) - 2006 - gothic metal Ensepulchred - The Night Our Rituals Blackened The Stars - 2006 - black metal Enshadowed - Messengers Of The Darkest Dawn - 2002 - raw black metal Enshrined - Derevelation - 2006 - death metal Entity, The - Salt (single) - 2003 - gothic metal Enuff Z Nuff - 10 - 2000 - hard rock Epicurean - A Consequence of Design - 2008 - melodic dark metal Episode 13 - Pitch Black - 2008 - melodic black metal Episode 13 - Tabula Rasa - 2005 - melodic black Epitome - SupeROTic Performance - 2003 - grind Epping Forest - Everblasting Struggle - 2007 - black metal Equimanthorn - Lectionum Antiquarum - 1999 - dark ritual ambient Equimanthorn - Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara - 1994 - dark ritual ambient Equinox - Return To Mystery - 1997 - death/black metal Equitant - Konstruckteur (digipack) - 2006 - dark ambient Equitant - Zeit (digipack) - 2005 - dark ambient Era Vulgaris - What Stirs Within - 2007 - thrash metal Erhabenheit - Missgediehen - 2007 - black metal Erhabenheit - Vom Tempel zum Throne - 2006 - black metal Esqarial - Amorphous - 1998 - death metal Esqarial - Discoveries - 2001 - progressive death metal Essence Of Existence - Terra Mentis - 2006 - symphonic black metal Eterna - The Gate - 2000 - power metal Eternal Gray - Kindless - 2002 - death metal Eternal Sacrifice - Musikantiga... Predicas do Vero Baratro - 2003 - black metal Eternal Silence - Between The Unseen (single) - 2001 - melodic black metal Eternal Sin - Christ´s False Torments - 2003 - black/death Ethereal Travel - The Mad Cartridge - 2000 - gothic metal Ethereal Woods - Kenilworth - 2008 - black metal Euroforce - Euroforce (digipack) - 2005 - neo prog. metal Even Vast - Here Me Out - 1999 - gothic metal Everscathed, The - The Razors of Unrest - 2006 - death metal Evidence - Spiral (digipack +bonus) - 2002 - melodic power metal Evil Divine - Dawn Before The Dawn - 2004 - melodic black metal Evil Incarnate - Waiting For His Return - 2005 - death metal Evil Wrath - Défaillance Monumentale - 2006 - black metal Evoke Thy Lords - Escape to the Dreamlands (digipack) - 2008 - gothic/doom Ewigkeit - Land Of Fog - 2003 - dark metal Ewigkeit - Radio Ixtlan - 2004 - dark metal Ex Caliga - First Visions - 2002 - black metal Ex Dementia - In The Chapters Of Horror (ep) - 2008 - death metal Excessum - Death Redemption - 2005 - black metal Exemtum - Exemtum - 2008 - military/electronic Exence - Hystrionic - 2009 - prog. thrash Exitium - Outsourcing Morality - 2006 - grindcore/death Expulsion - Wasteworld - 2009 - speed/thrash metal Exventer - Bioconveyor Of Instincts - 2007 - death/grind Ezurate - An Ending to Revelations - 2004 - black metal Ezurate - Blasphemous Heirarchy - 2007 - black metal Ezurate - Infernal Dominatio - 2000 - black metal F.O.B - The Dice (digipack) - 2008 - death/thrash metal Face To Face - Shoot The Moon (digisleeve slipcase) - 2006 - punk Fangorn - Fangorn - 2001 - melodic black/death Fanisk - Die And Become (re-release) - 2008 - black metal Far From Mind - Breakpoint '33 - 2009 - gothic metal Farewell To Words - Tear Down This Wall (single) - 2007 - metal Farmakon - A Temporary Death (single) - 2007 - fusio metal Fatal Injury - Fatal Injury - 2007 - thrash/death metal Fatal Portrait - An Elusive Instinct of Lascivia - 2001 - black metal Father Befouled - Profano Ad Regnum (single) - 2008 - death metal Fatima Hill - Aion - 2002 - progressive metal Feanor - Invencible (+bonus) - 2005 - heavy metal Fearbringer - Le Notti Del Peccato - 2004 - black metal Fearlight - Our Legacy - 2007 - pagan/folk metal Feline Melinda - Morning Dew - 2008 - heavy metal Fermento - Recipe for Cremation - 2009 - death metal/grind Ferocity - Overthrown Divinity - 2006 - death metal Feto in Fetus - Far From the Truth - 2008 - grind/deathcore Fiend - Black Abhorrent Metal - 2006 - black metal Fimbul - Ramnens Ferd - 2007 - black metal Fimbulthier - The Battle Begins - 2007 - viking metal Final Dawn - Under The Bleeding Sky - 2004 - melodic death/thrash Finish Him! - An Audience With... (digipack) - 2009 - exp. hardcore/metal Finsterforst - Weltenkraft 2-CD - 2007 - viking metal Firth Of Damnation - Carpe Diem - 2008 - black metal Five Fifteen - Alcohol - 2007 - progressive rock Five Fifteen - Death of a Clown - 2001 - hard rock Five Fifteen - Six Dimension Of The Electric Camembert - 1998 - hard rock Five Fifteen - The Sensational Five Fifteen - 2003 - hard rock Flagellum Dei - Under The Might... - 2007 - black metal Flame of War - Europa; Or, The Spirit Among The Ruins - 2008 - black metal Flatlined - One Step Closer to Eternal Rest - 2000 - metalcore Flaying - Commantments - Violated - 2006 - brutal death Flegma - Flesh to Dust - 1994 - thrash/crossover Flesh Made Sin - Dawn Of The Stillborn - 2004 - thrash metal For Some Reason - Last Tears - 2005 - hardcore Force Of Evil - Force Of Evil - 2004 - heavy metal Forensic, The - The Becoming - 2008 - melodic death metal Forest of Impaled - Demonvoid - 1999 - black/death metal Forever never - Aporia - 2005 - metal Forever Until October - Forever Until October - 2003 - emorock Forgotten Chaos - Victorious Among The Damned - 2006 - black/thrash metal Forgotten Darkness - Nekrolog (slipcase) - 2007 - black metal Forgotten Souls - Nine Syndromes - 2008 - gothic/doom/death metal FR8 - In Cold Blood (single) - 2005 - metalcore Fragile Nova - One Day Beyond - 2008 - melodic death metal Fredrik Klingwall - The Resilience (digipack) - 2008 - neo-classical Freedom Gray - Blackout Diary - 2008 - melodic death metal From Beyond - Sounds Of The Grave - 2007 - doom/death Front Beast - A Collection of Damned Souls - 2007 - black/heavy metal Frostmoon Eclipse - Dead And Forever Gone - 2005 - black metal Frozen Cross - Frozen Heaven - 2008 - melodic power metal Frozen Illusion - Blown Away - 2004 - death metal Frozen Illusion - Hatespawned - 1999 - death metal Frozen Tears - Nights of Violence - 2007 - heavy metal Fruit Tree - Sunset - 2002 - gothic metal #### Shit Up - Generation Of Defecation - 2003 - death metal Fuelblooded - Inflict The Inevitable - 2006 - death/thrash metal Funeral Forest - Hateful Visions - 2007 - black metal Funeral Pyre, The - The Nature Of Betrayal - 2007 - death metal Funeral Revolt - The Perfect Sin - 2005 - industrialized death metal Funeral Winds - Nexion Xul - The Cursed Bloodline - 2007 - black metal Funerarium - Noces Chimiques - 2004 - melodic black Furor, The - Advance Australia Warfare - 2005 - black/death metal Fuzz Fuzz Machine - The Most - 2009 - crossover metal Gaebalein - Blood Now Flows - 2001 - melodic death metal Galgeras - Booswichterij - 2005 - black metal Gallileous - Passio et mors... - 2008 - doom metal Gargamel - Watch for the Umbles - 2005 - progressive rock Gauntlet's Sword - ...And Night Became Darker, Wilder - 2006 - ns black metal Gaurithoth - Gaurithoth - 2006 - black metal Gemie - The Circus And The Monkey - 2007 - indie rock Gencab - II Transmuter - 2008 - industrial Genotype - Origins - 2007 - electronic Gernotshagen - Märe Aus Wäldernen Hallen - 2007 - folk/viking black metal Gernotshagen - Wintermythen - 2008 - folk/viking black metal Gestapo 666 - Nostalgiah - 2007 - black metal Gholgoth - Ouraboros (single) - 2007 - black metal Gholgoth - Somnus Mortis Imago - 2004 - black metal Ghostride - Cobra Sunrise - 2004 - post hardcore Giallos Flame, The - The Giallos Flame - 2005 - prog. sountrack Giamon - The Old Buried Memories (single) - 2008 - celtic pagan metal Gigantor - G7 - 2005 - punk rock Giuseppe Silvestri - La Rosa Del Deserto - 2008 - neoclassical heavy metal Gnaw Their Tongues - An Epiphanic Vomiting of Blood (gatefold digisleeve) - 2007/2009 - black metal/noise Goat Horns - Magician of Black Chaos (single) - 2004 - black metal Goathemy - Frostland - 2006 - black metal God Blood - Those Funeral Times - 1998 - black metal Godflesh - Crush My Soul (single) - 1995 - industrial metal Godheadscope - A City Out Of Sight - 2007 - dark ambient Gods - I See You Through Glass - 2005 - punk/hardcore GoldenPyre - Decrepidemic (DVD-case) - 2003 - death metal Golgatha: & Dawn and Dusk Entwined - Sang Graal - 2008 - dark ambient/gothic Golgotha - New Life - 2005 - doomy death metal Goliard - Artissimae Tenebrae - 2004 - black metal Goreinhaled - The Art of Sickness - 2008 - brutal death Goretrust - Last Revolution - 2008 - death metal Gorg & Cie - Welcome to the Nuts - 2008 - death/grindcore Gort - Sixth Day's Cancer - 2008 - raw black metal Gospel Of The Future - s/t (digisleeve) - 2007 - sludge/doom Gravewurm - Funeral Empire - 2009 - black metal Great Sorrow - Izgoi - 2004 - doom/death metal Gregory - Restart Now (digipack) - 2005 - dark electro Greifenstein - Von Inneren Welten - 2008 - black metal Grenouer - Border of Misty Times - 1996 - technical death Grenouer - Presence With War - 2004 - industrial metal Grenouer - The Odour O' Folly - 2001 - thrash/death Grenouer - Try - 2007 - industrial metal Grief Of God - Flesh, Sperm And Violence (ep) - 1998 - heavy/doom metal Grimfaug - Defloration of Life's Essence - 2007 - black metal Grind Inc. - Executed - 2005 - death metal Grind Minded - Domestic Violence - 2007 - death metal Grinder Mafia - The First Reich - 2008 - grind Gromm - Pilgrimage amidst The Catacombs Of Negativism (single) - 2009 - black metal Grotesque - Museum of Human Disease - 2007 - brutal death Ground Control - Insanity - 2006 - thrash metal GSO - How To Get A Head In Life - 2004 - metal Guapo - Twisted Stems (pahvikotelo) (cardboard sleeve) - 2006 - avant-garde rock Gurd - D-Fect - 1997 - thrash/groove metal Gwar - Scumdogs Of The Universe - 1990/1994 - various Gwar - We Kill Everything - 1999 - various H.e.e.l. - Light in the Heel (digipack) - 2005 - ambient/electronica Haatstrijd - Cacodaemony - 2006 - black metal Habsyll - MMVIII (digipack) - 2009 - drone/doom metal Halo Friendlies - Get Real - 2002/2004 - punkrock Hand Of Fatima - Obake (digi) - 2008 - atmospheric rock Handful Of Hate - Blood Calls Blood (single) - 2004 - black metal Hannibal - This Is U - 2006 - rock Hardboiled, The - ...The Damage Is Done - 2002 - melodic hardcore Haron - Hymni Imperii Sathanas - 2004 - atmospheric black Harvist - Lightning Storm In The Veins... - 2005 - dark metal Hate Beyond - Perpetual Pain - 2003 - death/thrash metal Hate Plow - Moshpit Murder - 2005 - brutal death metal Hatepulse - In Extenso Letalis (single) - 2003 - black metal Haterush - Baptised In Fire - 2007 - power metal Havarax - No Access to the Divine - 2008 - black/dark rock Hayras - Sombre Destin - 2006 - black metal Headmeat - Destructive Entitlement (digipack-mcd) - 2004 - death metal Headspeed - Blueprint For Disaster - 2005 - metal Heaps Of Dead - Deceased Dismembered And Left To Decay - 2009 - brutal death metal Heavenlust - Gate Of Endless Dreams (digipack) - 2008 - gothic metal Hecatomb - Impaled Apocalypse - 2006 - death metal Heimat - Sibbevader - 2008 - Folk Black Metal Hekate - Mithras Garden (ltd. digisleeve) - 2004 - neo folk Helcaraxë - Triumph and Revenge - 2007 - death metal Hellacaust - Inevitable Dementia - 2006 - black metal Hell-Born - Legacy of the Nephilim - 2005 - death metal Hell-Born - The Call Of Megiddo - 2002 - black/death metal Hellbox - Fleshphemy (single) Hellbox - Infernothing - 2006 - thrash metal Hellfire - Bleed for the Cause - 2007 - thrash metal/hc Hellhound - Metal Fire From Hell - 2008 - thrash/trad. metal Hellishthrone - Light a Candle for the Dead... - 2007 - black metal Hemlock - Bleed The Dream - 2007 - brutal heavy metal Hemlock - No Time For Sorrow - 2008 - thrash/heavy metal Heresy Of Thieves - The Code - 2006 - technical death metal Heretic, The - Gospel Songs in E Minor - 2005 - melodic black Herratik - Wrath-Divine - 2006 - death/thrash metal Hesperus Dimension - Mental Electriucity MMVII (slipcase-mcd) - 2007 - black metal/industrial Hesperus Dimension - The Cyclothymic Panopticon (digipack-mcd) - 2008 - black metal/industrial Hetzer - The Rise of Abaddon - 2007 - death metal Hexenwood - Regevándor - 2007 - black metal Hidden - Alexisstar Morphalite - 2005 - black/death metal Hidden - Spectral Magnitude - 2002 - progressive black Highgate - Highgate - 2008 - doom/black metal Hilderog - 66,6°Nord (digipack) - 2007 - black metal Hindvir - Roth Cingetos Taxonaria - 2008 - pagan black metal His Divine Grace - Eurydice - 2005 - ambient/electronic Hit The Lights - This Is A Stick Up... Don't Make It A Murder - 2006/2007 - emotional rock Hollow Corp. - Cloister Of Radiance (digipack) - 2007 - sludge/thrash/death metal Hollow Haze - Hollow Haze - 2006 - prog. metal Holy Moses - Master Of Disaster (single) - 2001 - thrash metal Homicide - Dale of Lost Souls - 2004 - black metal Homo Iratus - Knowledge... Their Enemy (single) - 2003 - brutal death metal Hopeless - Believe (digipack) - 2006 - electro Hordagaard - Trollskap (digipack) - 2005 - black metal Horde Casket - Landscape Of Cadavers - 2008 - brutal death Horn, The - Dawning of an Ancient Sun - 2007 - black metal Horologium - Le Paradis des Chasseurs (digipack) - 2008 - martial/dark ambient Horrid - Rising From The Hidden Spheres - 2006 - death metal Horror God - Cold Shine - 2009 - black metal Horrorscope - Pictures of Pain - 2001 - thrash metal Hostal Handshake - Hellish (digipack) - 2007 - stoner rock Hot Cross - Risk Revival (digipack) - 2007 - alternative rock Hourglass Sands of Eternity - Journey to Infinity - 2002 - heavy metal Huldrefolk - Eeuwenhout - 2007 - black metal Humonic - Born Evil (single) - 2007 - groovy death Hurt Process, The - A Heartbeat Behind (Slipcase) - 2003 - metalcore Hurt Process, The - Drive By Monologue (slipcase) - 2005 - metalcore Hybrid - The Will To Create - 2007 - heavy/thrash metal Hydrophobia - Human Shredder - 2008 - gore brutal death Hyperborean Desire - ...V Kruhu Veskerensva... - 2006 - black metal Hypnos - Demons - 2004 - brutal death Hypnosis - Shadoworld - 1999 - gothic metal I Found God - What Now? - 1999 - grinding sludge Ian Parry - Consortium Project III - Terra Incognita (The Undiscovered World) - 2003 - progressive metal Ignis Fatuus - Slowiañska Trwoga Wiecznych - 2008 - black metal Ignis Uranium - Azimuth Nuctemeron Frequency - 2009 - black metal IIIrd Sovereign - Destined To Suffer - 2007 - brutal death metal Illapa - Deshonestos Y Hechiceros (+2 bonus) - 1996 - black metal Impure - Corpses...Intense Stench - 2003 - brutal death/grind In Articulo Mortis - The Time Has Come - 2005 - death metal In Blackest Velvet - Edenflow - 2001 - melodic death/black In League With Satan - In League with Satan - 2008 - black/death metal In Memory - Intoxicating Mind - 2003 - melodic death metal In Spite - Anticlockwise - 2003 - melodic death metal In Spite - Land of Steel Cage - 2005 - melodic death metal In Tha Umbra - Thus Open Thine Eerie Wings Like An Eagle And Soar The Winds Of Chaos (digipack) - 2008 - death/black metal In Utero Cannibalism - Psychotic Killing Lust - 2008 - death metal Inactive Messiah - Inactive Messiah (2-cd) - 2004 - death metal Inanna Unveiled - Inanna Unveiled (digipack) - 1998 - black metal Inbred - The Retrieval of Beauty - 2008 - thrash/death metal Incarna - Spires Deceased (single) - 2008 - death/groove Incarnated - Some Old Stories - 2007 - brutal death Incarrion - Into The Exposed Abyss (single) - 2007 - death metal Incestuous - Brass Knuckle Abortion (single) - 2000 - brutal death Infaust - Blutbad & Melancholie - 2008 - black metal Infected Malignity - RE:bel - 2007 - death metal Inferia - Release For Burial Orgies - 2005 - grindcore Inferis - In The Path Of Malignant Spirits (digisleeve) - 2007 - death metal Infernal - The Deepest Emptiness - 2009 - black metal Infernal Angels - Shining Evil Light - 2006 - melodic black Infernal Hate - The Wisdom of Obscure Dimension - 2003 - brutal death Infernal Majesty - One Who Points To Death - 2004 - death metal Infernal Poetry - Nervous System Failure - 2009 - death metal Infernal Regency - Thundering Words Of Annihilation - 2006 - black metal Infernal Revulsion - Devastate Under Hallucination - 2007 - brutal death metal Infernal/Exelsus Diaboli - The Reapers of God - 2004 - black metal Infestum - Infestum (single) - 2001 - black metal Infinite Hatred - Hateful Spell - 2006 - raw black metal Infravision - This Epileptic Serenity - 2008 - progressive death/thrash metal Inhuman Hate - Merciless Misanthropic - 2008 - black metal Inhuman Hate - Propagation Of Chaos - 2007 - black metal Inquested - The Red Chambers - 2008 - thrash metal Insane Assholes - Grindzilla - 2006 - grindcore Insect - Domesticated By The Disease - 2007 - metalcore/black Inseminator/Excidium - Collector - 2008 - death/thrash metal Insense - Insense - 2002 - post-hardcore Insidious Omen - Upon This Throne of Waste and Decay - 2006 - black metal Insidius Infernus - Eyes In Astral Abyss - 2004 - black metal Insidius Infernus - Pale Grieving Moon - 2002 - black metal Intestinal Strangulation - Pathological Brutalistic Fermentation - 2007 - brutal death metal Into Dagorlad - Apostasie - 2008 - black metal Into The Gore - Pain Must Be Amplified - 2001 - brutal death Inverno Eterno - Postumo - 2008 - black metal Inverted Trifixion - Black Horizon - 2006 - black metal Inverted Trifixion - The Black Empire Of The Lord Of Lies - 2008 - black metal Isegrim - Dominus Inferus Ushanas - 2000 - black metal Isolation - Isolation (slipcase) - 2008 - black/doom metal Isor - Post Mortem Peep Show - 2003 - metalcore Istapp - Köldens Union - 2007 - melodic black metal It Dies Today - The Caitiff Choir - 2005 - metal Iuramentum - The Awakening - 2008 - viking/death metal Jennie Tebler - Silverwing (digipack-cds) - 2005 - melodic rock/metal Jennie Tebler's Out Of Oblivion - Till Death Tear Us Part - 2008 - gothic metal Jesus Martyr/Night To Die - Sudamerican ##### / All Evil Crying (2-CD) - 2003 - death/thrash metal John B. - Row - 2008 - power metal/shred Judgement Day - 40 Minutes To Impact - 2004 - death metal Junior Achiever - All The Little Letdowns (digipack) - 2008 - rock/powerpop/punk Kadavar - Kadavar - 2009 - death metal Kampf - Nothing But Wrath (single) - 2008 - black metal Kaptain Sun - Rainbowride - 2003 - stoner rock Karbonized Traitor - Take It In The Ass - 2006 - punk/black metal Karcinoma - The Night... Apogee of Madness - 1998 - gothic metal Karsten Hamre - Broken Whispers - 2005 - dark ambient Karsten Hamre & Vlad Jecan - Enter Inside - 2007 - dark ambient Kayser - Good Citizen (single) - 2006 - thrash metal Khisanth - Forseen Storms of the Apocalypse - 2002 - black metal Khors - Mysticism (digipack) - 2008 - black metal Kiju - Nothing To Play For - 2003 - neo-thrash metal Kill II This - Another Cross II Bare - 1995 - alternative metal Killin' Kind - Metal Rage - 2008 - heavy metal Kinetic - The Chains That Bind Us (digipack) - 2004 - progressive death metal King Prawn - Got the Thirst - 2003 - ska King Prawn - Surrender To The Blender - 2003 - ska/punk Kingdom - Unholy Graveyard - 2008 - death metal Kingdom Of Dead (K.O.D.) - Kingdom Of Dead - 1993 - death/thrash metal Kirchenbrand - Abgrunde - 2008 - black metal Kirlian Camera - Schmerz - 1992 Kladovest - Kladovest (digipack re-issue) - 2006/2008 - black metal Kloak - A True Bohemian Revolutionary - 2003 - modern rock/metal Knell - Among Eternal Chills - 2006 - black metal Knell, The - Harm - 2007 - doom/death metal Kommandant - Stormlegion - 2008 - black/thrash metal Kosa - Evilabsorption - 2007 - raw black metal Kraken Duumvirate - From the Dying Soil to the Eternal Sea (single) - 2008 - exp. black metal Kralizec - Origin - 1999 - death metal Krepulec - Martial, Industrial Music with Parabellium in the Hand (digipack) - 2008 - martial/industrial Kriegsmaschine - Altered States of Divinity - 2005 - black metal Kristina Westin - Your Voice (single) - 2006 - rock/pop/country Kromlek - Kveldridhur - 2005 - viking/folk/black metal Kurgan - ...And Green Grasses are Freezing Slowly - 2008 - pagan black metal Kurgan´s Bane - The Future Lies Broken - 2000 - prog metal Kurotokage - Call to the Deep - 2001 - ethno-ambient Kuturlat - NecroRitual - 2005 - black metal Kuu - Suomi or The Well of Impossible Wishes - 2008 - exp. electronic Kythrone - Kult Des Todes - 2007 - black metal L.I.G.O. - No One Safe - 2004 - death metal Labyrinth - Labyrinth - 2003 - power metal Labyrinth of Abyss - The Cult of Turul Pride - 2004 - black metal Labyrinthus Noctis - Forever Fallen Darkness - 2005 - gothic/doom Lacklustre Mirror - The Book of The Shattered Bonds - 2007 - gothic metal Lacklustre Mirror - The Forgotten Songs - 2009 - gothic metal Lacrimae - Course to Arsoning - 2002 - melodic black Laetitia in Holocaust - The Tortoise Boat (digipack) - 2009 - black metal Laghetto - Pocapocalisse (digipack) - 2005 - hardcore punk Lambs - Finis Fidei - 2003 - heavy rock Lambs - Lambs - 2000 - hardrock/metal Lambs - Random Radio - 2002 - heavy rock/metal Lapsus Dei - Beyond The Truth - 2005 - doom/death metal Laruso - Bring It On - 2005 - hardcore metal Lascowiec - Asgard Mysteries - 2008 - black metal Last Days of Jesus, The - Dead Machines Revolution - 2007 - prog goth rock Leadhaze - Black Water Path - 2008 - dark/black metal Lecherous Nocturne - Adoration Of The Blade - 2006 - death/black metal Liar & Sunrise - Decontaminate - 2003 - hardcore Life Beyond - Thousand Vision Mist - 2002 - doom metal Life in A Burn Clinic - Individual Rites - 2001 - hardcore Light Of Dark, The - Beyond Darkness And Hell We Come - 2007 - brutal death metal Light? - Mirrors - 2005 - progressive doom/death metal Lightning - Filthy Human Beings - 2006 - death metal Lilitu - The Delores Lesion - 2004 - melodic metal Limb From Limb - Rip Him From His Fucking Throne - 2007 - death metal Limbo - Compendium:The Light Fall - 2004 - elektronic Lipid - Deliver Us From Evil - 2006 - thrash metal Lipid - Hagridden - 2003 - thrash metal Liveevil - Arctangel - 2007 - gothic metal Lividity - The Age Of Clitoral Decay - 2000 - death/grind Long Voyage Back - Close to Animal - 2002 - doom metal Long Voyage Back - II - 1999 - doom metal Lord Divine - ... In Disgrace - 2007 - progressive metal Lordamor - Lordamor - 2009 - black/doom metal Lords Of Decadence - Cognitive Note Of Discord - 2005 - melodic death Los Humillados - El Canto Agonico De Las Estatuas - 2008 - goth rock Los Rumps - Necro Minority - 2008 - punk/rock Lost Legacy - Gates of Wrath - 2006 - viking black metal Love History - Anasazi - 2000 - doom/gothic metal Low Twelve - This Side Toward Enemy - 2006 - heavy metal Lowemotor Corporation - Saturnalia - 2003 - rock Luftwaffe Raid - Paradox - 2004 - black metal Lugburz - Triumph Of Antichrist - 2006 - black metal Lugubrum - De Totem - 1999 - black metal Luna Ad Noctum - Dimness' Profound - 2002 - symphonic black Luna in Caelo - Urdimbre - 2006 - heavenly voices Lunaris - ...The Infinite - 2002 - black metal Lunarsea - Route Code Selector - 2008 - melodic death Lux Occulta - Maior Arcana: (The Words That Turn Flesh Into Light) - 1998 - occult metal Lysergene - Critical Mass - 2008 - industrial Macelleria Mobile Di Mezzanotte/Profile - L'Ultimo Vero Bacio (digipack) - 2007 - electronical Magnificat - Opus Nigrum Overture (mcd-digipack) - 2005 - black/thrash metal Magog - Unholy German Black Metal - 2005 - black metal Mahavatar - From The Sun, the Rain, The Wind, The Soil - 2006 - dark progressive metal Mairollosnouta - Dudas, Furia y Demás Ratos Muertos - 2000 - hardcore/punk Malefactor - Death Falls Silent - 2002 - death metal Malicious Onslaught - Brutal Gore - 1994 - death/thrash metal Malignance - Regina Umbrae Mortis - 2003 - black metal Malignancy - Cross Species Transmutation (single) - 2003 - technical death/grind Malignant Monster - Foul Play - 2005 - thrash/death Malkuth - Fourth Empire - 2003 - black metal Malnatt - Carmina Pagana - 2005 - black metal Malnatt - Happy Days - 2007 - folk black metal Malummeh - Revival - 2007 - thrash/groove metal Man Dingo/Oblivion - Split CD - 1999 - punkrock Man From The Moon, The - Rocket Attack (digipack) - 2008 - symphonic rock Manatark - Chaos Engine - 2003 - black metal Manatark - Crimson Hours - 2006 - black metal Mangler/Abortarium - Split-cd - 2006 - death metal/grindcore Manngard - Circling Buzzards - 2006 - death/thrash metal Marble Arch - Another Sunday Bright - 2003 - gothick/rock/metal Marks of the Masochist / Enecare - Split CD - 2009 - black metal Mars on Earth - Mars on Earth (single) - 2001 - industrial black Marshan - KingsThursday on the Friday Street - 2001 - stoner rock Martial Death/Contraproica - Vom Chaoz in den Tod - 2006 - black metal Martiria - Time Of Truth (digipack) - 2008 - epic heavy metal Martyrium - The Carnage Lit By Darkness - 2005 - melodic black metal Martyrium Christi - We Will Kill... for You! - 2007 - brutal death Martyrium, The - Todesrunen - 2006 - black metal Masqim Xul - Plague of Our Age - 2005 - death metal Mass Obliteration - Detestation (single) - 2004 - death metal Matches, The - E. Von Dahl Killed The Locals - 2005 - rock Mater Monstifera - Zrozen Z Høíchu - 2005 - black metal Mater Tenebra - Sangue - 2001 - black metal Mathyr - Mandraenken - 2004 - black metal Medievil - Atruta (+2 bonus) - 2006/2007 - black metal Melancholy Pessimism - Dreamkillers - 2004 - death metal Melencoliam - Areloc, O Reino Do Demônio - 2003 - black metal Melissa - Living in a Daymare - 2004 - death 'n' roll Melmoth - ...Living for the Kingdom's Will (digipack) - 2007 - electronic Meltdown - The Quietus - 2008 - melodic death Memorial - Enter My Megaron - 2000 - raw black metal Memorial - In The Absence Of All Things Sacred - 2009 - thrash/groove Mental Funeral - Mental Funeral (ep) - 2008 - doom/death metal Mental Transformation - Chaos Conjuration - 2007 - black metal Mephiztophel - For My Your Blood For Satan Your Soul - 2009 - black metal Merciless Crucifixion - Airesis (single) - 2008 - black metal Merciless Death - Eternal Comdemnation - 2009 - death metal Mercury Tide - Why? - 2003 - atmospheric heavy metal Meressin - The Baphomet's Call - 1996 - black/heavy metal Merlin - They Must Die - 2001 - death metal Meslamtaea - New Era - 2005 - black metal Mesmerized - Coronation - 2005 - melodic death/black Mess Age - Self Convicted - 2002 - death/thrash metal Metal Church - A Light In The Dark - 2006 - heavy/thrash metal Methedras - Katarsis - 2009 - thrash metal Meti Bhuvah - II - 2009 - raw black metal Metsatöll - Veelind (digipack-mcd) - 2008 - folk metal Mevadio - Hands Down - 2004 - melodic metal Miasthenia - Supremacia Ancestral - 2008 - pagan black metal Miasthenia - Supremacia Ancestral (digipack) - 2008 - pagan black metal Michael Schenker Group - Heavy Hitters - 2005 - progressive rock Midnight Scream - The Evil Her - 2003 - gothic/black metal Midryasi - Midryasi - 2005 - doom metal Midwynter - Four Seasons Of Frost (ep) - 2007 - epic pagan/black metal Mike Dimareli's Artical - Fantasy - 2004 - instrumental neo-classical metal Militia Christi - Non Timor Domini, Non Timor Malus - 2004 - esoteric dark gothic Millennia - The Hour of Despair - 2008 - thrash metal/core Mind Eclipse - Chaos Chronicles - 2002 - black/death metal Mindfeed - Ten Miles High - 1998 - metal Misanthrope Count Mercyful - Last Living Man - 2007 - thrash/death Misanthropic - Soulreaver - 2003 - death metal Misdemeanor - Misdemeanor - 2002 - heavy rock Misericordiam - Erase the Skies (single) - 2002 - black metal Misery - A State Of Suffering (ep) - 2006 - black metal Misfortune - Midnightenlightened (single) - 1999 - black/death metal Mississippi Sludge - Biscuits & Slavery - 2001 - southern sludge stoner rock Misteria - Masquerade of Shadows - 1999 - melodic black Mistweaver - Age Of Darkness - 2005 - melodic death metal Mistweaver - The Aftermath - 2003 - medieval death metal Mixomatosis - Si Pots, Conserva El Teu Cap - 2006 - grindcore Mizan - Avrasya (+bonus track) - 2008 - alternative Moksha - Ansium - 2004 - death 'n' roll Molly's Gusher - Pick Your Poison And Form A Tragedy (2-cd mcd) - 2007 - rock Monsterworks - Singularity - 2009 - thrash/death metal Monsterworks - The Precautionary Principle - 2006 - thrash metal Monte Cazazza - Power Versus Wisdom, Live - 1996 - electronic Moontower - In The Shadow Of The Wolf - 2003 - black metal Moontower/Taran - Devil's Incarnation (split-cd) - 2005 - black metal Moors, The - The Moors - 2007 - ethereal celtic/medieval Mor - Hram krvi i praznine - 2009 - black metal Mordeth - Animicide - 2001 - prog. death Mordhell - Cut Yourself and Die !!! - 2004 - sadistic black metal Mordhell - Grim, Old and Evil - 2008 - black metal Morgue/Brutal Noise - Ripped in Half - 2007 - death metal Moribund Oblivion - K.I.N./Killer Is Nowhere - 2008 - black metal Moribund Oblivion - Khanjar - 2003 - black metal Morifade - Domination (digipack) - 2004 - power metal Moriturus - Symbole Czasów Minionych - 2008 - raw black metal Morning - Hour Of Joy (digipack) - 2005 - gothic metal Morning After - Beneath The Real - 2003 - gothic metal Morpheus - Ouroboros - 2001 - experimental Morphosis - Rise Of The Bastard Deities - 2009 - old-school death metal Morrah - Experiment In Blood - 2005 - death metal Morrigu - Blood Shall Be Spilled - 2005 - melodic death Mors In Tabula - Blemish - 2006 - industrial black/death metal Mort - Til Death Do Us Part... - 2006 - black metal Morte - Irresponsible Misanthropic Existence (single) - 2007 - black metal/punk Morte Incandescente - Ultimatum (single) - 2003 - black metal Morticite/Drogheda - Split-cd - 2000 - death/thrash metal Mortifer - Cybernized - 2006 - thrash metal Mortifilia - Embrace - 2008 - melodic death metal Mortifilia - Redemption - 2008 - melodic death metal Mortuus Caelum - Ventus Infesto - 2007 - black metal Mortuus Caelum / Winds Of Malice - split-cd - 2009 - black metal Mothboy - Deviance - 2006 - electronic Mother Misery - All Eyes On You - 2007 - southern metal/stoner Mourir Et Revenir - Pourquoi Ces Sanglots? - 2006 - atmospheric/electric black metal Mournblade - Mangled Lies (ep) - 2006 - thrash metal Mourning Caress - Imbalance - 2002 - melodic death Mucopus - Undimensional - 2007 - brutal death Mucous Scrotum - Hall of the Slain - 2009 - black metal Multipoint injector - Disseminator (A5 slipcase) - 2008 - ambient/industrial My Cross to Bare - Lex Talionis - 2006 - technical death My Darkest Hate - To Whom It May Concern - 2002 - death metal My Epic - I Am Undone - 2008 - alternative rock My Own Grave - Unleash - 2005 - melodic thrash/death metal My Ruin - To Britain With Love... And Bruises (limited slipcase) - 2001 - groovy metal Myndsnare - Conditioned : Human - 2008 - progressive thrash/death metal Myopia - Enter Insect Masterplan - 2007 - modern thrash metal Mysterium - Soulwards - 2003 - atmospheric black Mystica - Blinded By My Blood - 2001 - black metal Mystica - Dreams in Real Forms - 2008 - prog. metal Mystical Gate - In Sadness Gloom... - 2004 - gothic doom metal Mystical Gate - Out of Controll - 2008 - progressive doom Nadie - Volver A Empezar - 2003 - heavy rock Naetu - The Burning Lands - 2008 - black metal Nagryth - The New Name Of Evil (single) - 2005 - black metal Nahash - Nocticula Hecate (slipcase) - 1994/2007 - black metal Nahual - Apostasy Act: Recrucifixion.Ritual.Revelation - 2008 - black metal Nameless Crime - Law And Persecution - 2006 - power/heavy Narjahanam - Undama Tath'hur Al Shams Mn Al Gharb - 2007 - black/death Natassievila - Iter Lethalis - 2007 - black metal Natural Spirit - Ruskolun - 2004 - melodic black/folk Nav - The Wolf Sun - 2008 - black metal Near Death Experience - Threshold Of Consciousness - 2006 - melodic thrash metal Nebiros - Komando666 - 2008 - black metal Nechochwen - Algonkian Mythos - 2008 - neofolk Necro Ritual - Pure Satanic Slaughter - 2004 - black metal Necroart - The Opium Visions - 2005 - melodic death metal Necrodemon - Ice Fields Of Hyperion - 2006 - death/thrash metal Necrólisis/Demonthrone - Total Poser Extermination - Hellish Troops from the Underground (split-cd) - 2008 - thrash metal Necrophagia - Black Blood Vomitorium (single) - 2000 - death metal Necrophil - Cannibal Sex - 2004 - death/grind Necrosadist - In the Realm of Flesh (single) - 2007 - raw black metal Necrotic - Among The Nauseating Depravity - 2008 - death metal Necrotic Flesh - Gore Gourmet - 2007 - death metal Needful Things - Dead Point - 2006 - grindcore Nefarium - Praesidium - 2005 - black metal NEFormat - Breathe With Hatred - 2005 - death metal Negative Reaction - Endofyourerror (re-release) - 2003 - doom/sludge Negative Reaction/Beneath The Frozen Soil - Split CD - 2007 - doom/death Neila - Danza de Nieblas - 2009 - sludge Neizbezhnost - Inevitability - 2009 - melodic black metal Nekrokaos - Chaos II - 2007 - black metal Nemesis Ocvlta - The Complex - 2002 - black metal Nemolyaev/Seleznev - Mertvye Dushi (slipcase) - 2008 - melodic death Neolith - Immortal - 2004 - death/black Neotruth - 32' 42" Short Infinity - 2000 - melodic death metal Nepente - Atonements - 2008 - death/black metal Neptune - Acts of Supremacy - 2008 - melodic death Nerthus - The Crowned's Reunion - 2007 - medieval dark/black metal Net Weight - Net Weight (digipack) - 2001 - hardcore/punk Netherealm - The Occultist Omnibus - 2004 - black metal Nettlethrone - Dissonant Progression - 2008 - death metal New Plague, The - Insatiable - 2008 - death/black metal NeWBReeD - If I Were The Rain - 2005 - progressive metal Nex - Nex - 2006 - progressive metal Nexus 6 - A Strange Habitat - 2007 - technical black metal Nhaavah - Nhaavah (single) - 1999 - black metal Night Must Fall - Night Must Fall / Funeral Of Mankind - 2005 - funeral doom Nightfall - I Am Jesus - 2003 - melodic death metal Nightly Gale - ...And Jesus Wept - 2000 - doom/dark metal Nightly Gale - Illusion of Evil - 2005 - doom metal Nightmare Visions - Gates Of Delirium - 2006 - death/doom metal Nightmare Visions - NVIII (single) - 2005 - death/doom Nihilistic Kaos - Les Homélies du Vice - 2006 - black metal Nine - It's Your Funeral - 2007 - deathrock Nirnaeth Arnoediad - Nirnaeth Arnoediad - 2005 - black metal Nitrominds - Something To Believe - 2002 - punk Nivathe - Enveloped in a Diseased Abyss (slipcase) - 2008 - doom/black metal No Emotions - My Will - 2008 - death metal No Souls Lost - Hostis Humani Generis - 2008 - death metal Nocta - Wicked Woman - 2005 - heavy metal Nocte - Who Lies Behind? - 2008 - gothic metal Noctis - For Future´s Past - 2007 - extreme prog. metal Nocturnal Majesty - Orgiastic Trilogy - 1999 - black metal Nokturne/Noctifier - Wargod Domination - 2007 - black metal Nomad - Demonic Verses (Blessed Are Those Who Kill Jesus) - 2004 - death metal Nomen Mortis - The Day You'll Lose Your Head - 2002 - brutal death Nomenmortis - Exterminating The Bastard Forces - 2005 - brutal death Nomenmortis - Misanthrone (single) - 2002 - brutal death Non Opus Dei - VI: The Satanachist's Credo - 2005 - black metal Nord 'n' Commander - Hermeneutics - 2005 - folk/black metal Nordicwinter - Threnody - 2007 - black metal Nordlys/Pest/Die Pest - Nordlys 'til Pest - 2008 - black metal Nordmen - Vertus Guerrieres - 2004 - black metal Nordor - Honoris Causa (slipcase) - 2008 - death metal Nordor - Nordorian Manifestations - 2003 - death metal Nordream - Memories Progression - 2000 - prog metal Northdark/Regnator - When the Plague Reigns - 2006 - black metal Northern Breeze - Sailing To The North - 2006 - black metal Nox Inferi - Adverse Spheres - 2008 - black metal Nunnery - Friends At Work - 2005 - rock Oathean - Fading Away Into The Grave Of Nothingness - 2005 - melodic death/black metal Obduktion - II - 2008 - death metal Obeisance - Hellbent on Slaughter - 2005 - thrash/black metal Obitania - Pagan Crystal Sphere - 2002 - pagan ambient Obituary - Left to Die (single) - 2008 - death metal Obliterate - Tangled Ways - 2003 - death metal/grindcore Obliveon - Cybervoid - 1998/2007 - technical death/thrash Obscene Eulogy - A Portal into Fire (single) - 2002 - death/black metal Obscure - Shedded Blood (+bonus) - 2007 - black metal Obscure Devotion - ...Of Darkness, Death and Faith - 2006 - black metal Obscurity - Várar - 2009 - melodic black metal Obsecration - Seeds of A Pervert God (slipcase) - 2006 - death metal Obsecration - Sins Of The Flesh - 2002 - death metal Obsecration/Korrodead - The Last Vision Before The Obliteration / Acts Beyond The Pale - 2001 - death metal Occidens - Glorification of the Antichrist - 2007 - black metal Octagon - Death Fetish - 2007 - black metal October File - A Long Walk on A Short Pier (slipcase) - 2004 - hardcore Ocultan - The Coffin - 2003 - black/death Odar - Zavjet Dalekom Snu - 2009 - black metal Odd-Man-Out - It All Ends Here - 2005 - alternative rock Odious - Mirror Of Vibrations - 2007 - melodic black metal Odor Mortis - Spasi I Otsosi - 2005 - black metal Odyssea - Tears in Floods - 2004 - power metal Ogmias - 3 - 2007 - pagan black metal Old Wainds - Scalding Coldness - 2005/2009 - black metal Olemus - EgOd - 2002 - melodic metal Ominous - Intercorpse - 2005 - death metal Once Dead - Visions Of Hell - 2008 - heavy/thrash metal One Step Beyond - Beyond Good And Evil - 2007 - experimental death metal Onirik - Spectre - 2007 - black metal Onward - Reawaken - 2002 - power metal Opera Noire - Bad Intent - 2005 - gothic metal Opus Atlantica - Opus Atlantica - 2002 - progressive power metal Opus Dead - Perros De Presa - 2002 - crossover Opvs Leviathan/Assur - Dark Reborn of Frozen Souls - 2003 - black metal Opvs Leviathan/Assur - Dark Reborn of Frozen Souls - 2003 - black metal Orca - The Days Are Restless... (single) - 2004 - metal Orcivus - Consummatum Est - 2008 - black metal Ordo Tyrannis - Vasa Iniquitatis - 2006 - industrial black/doom metal Orghia - The Dusk - 2008 - thrash/death metal Orkus - The Gate (single) - 1999 - black metal Ornias - Death Bringer - 2007 - black metal Oskai - Stahlkrieg / Blazes of Sunset - 2008 - NS black metal Ouija/Anasarca - Riding Into The Funeral Paths - God Machine (2-CD) - 2003 - black/death metal Overcome - Immortal Until Their Work is Done - 1999 - christian metal Overload - Never Again - 2005 - traditional heavy/power metal Owing to This - Breathe The Midnight Air - 2005 - metal P.M.T - Acupuncture For The Soul - 2005 - metal Pactum - Desecration is the Cult we Belong - 2007 - black metal Pactum - Staining the White Veils of Christianity With the Blood (slipcase) - 2004 - black metal Pagalguenna - Dreams (+4 bonus) - 2007 - melodic viking black metal Pagan - Oz : In Transcendence - 2007 - black metal Pagan Blood - The Last Empire - 2009 - pagan black metal Pagan Hammer/Nox Eternus - Infinitas Barathrum (split-cd) - 2008 - black metal Pagan Heritage - Forn Sed - 2007 - black metal Panchrysia - In Obscure Depths - 2002 - black metal Pandemia - Riven - 2005 - brutal death Pandemonium - The Autumn Enigma - 2005 - doom/death metal Paper Chase, The - What Big Teeth You Have (ep) - 2003 - avant rock Paranoia - Paranoia - 2007 - grindcore/death Parental Advisory - The Wither Process - 2008 - death metal Paroxysm - Scars Of The Art - 2007 - death metal Parricide/Incarnated/Reexamine - The 3 Ways of Brutality - 2008 - death metal Pathogen - Blasphemous Communion - 2007 - death metal Pathogen - Bloodline - 2005 - melodic death Patriarch - Dark World of Men - 2006 - black metal Paul Clark - Shredz At An Exhibition - 2002 - melodic metal/shred Peccatum - Moribund People (single) - 2005 - avantgarde Peeping Tom - Mojo (single) - 2006 - experimental rock Pek - Preaching Evil - 2008 - death metal Penitent - As Life Fades Away - 1998 - dark industrial Penitent - Songs of Despair - 2002 - avantgarde metal Pentsign - Cacophonous March of the Dark - 2008 - death/black metal Perdition - Antihuman Divinity (single) - 2007 - black metal Perimeter - Healing By Festering - 2006 - technical death Perimeter - Odium Humani Generis - 2008 - technical death Perishing Mankind - Fall Of Men - 2005 - death/thrash metal Perishing Mankind - Wonderland - 2007 - death/thrash metal Persecutor - Wings of Death - 2008 - black/thrash metal Perversus Stigmata - Interstellar Hatred Void - 2009 - symphonic black metal Pessimist - Evolution Unto Evil - 2008 - brutal black/death metal Phantasma - Gospel - 2002 - atmosp death metal Phantasmagory - Anamorphosis Of Dreams - 2003 - progressive death metal Phantom Lord - Imperial Fall - 2005 - progressive power metal Phluid - Release - 200? - heavy rock Phobia - Return to Desolation - 1993/2001 - grindcore Phobic Instinct - A Second of Thought - 2008 - crossover thrash metal Pieter Nooten - Collected (digipack) - 2008 - ambient/progressive Pitbull Daycare - Six Six Sex - 1998 - industrial metal Pitchshifter - Infotainment? - 1996 - industrial metal Pitiful Reign - Visual Violence - 2008 - thrash metal Plastic Earth - S.E.A.M. -01 (digipack) - 2004 - melodic metal Polymorph - Disgraceful Supper - 2005 - death metal Polymorph - Innocent Suffering - 1999 - old school death metal Poppy Seed Grinder - Humanophobia - 2008 - brutal death Positiva - Centaur's Ride - 2007 - stoner metal PostNecrum - Estruendo De Legiones - 2007 - melodic black metal Power - Roll The Dice - 2007 - thrash metal Powergod - Bleed For The Gods - That's Metal Lesson I - 2001 - power/speed metal Preludium - Eternal Wrath - 2006 - black/death metal Preludium - Raping Mankind Disorder - 2008 - black/death metal Presence of Mind - Worlds Collide (digipack) - 2008 - melodic alternative metal Prime Mover - Imperfekt - 2007 - alternative rock Prime Mover - Put In Perspective - 2001 - alternative rock Primigenium - All Your Tears Will Be Ours (single) - 2000 - black metal Prion - Time of Plagues - 2003 - death metal Procer Veneficus - Convoy (Pt. 2) (digipack) - 2009 - ambient/black metal Prodigy, The - Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned - 2004 - electropunk Profan - The Bestial Awakening - 2008 - funeral doom Profundis Tenebrarum - Pathogenesis - 2008 - black metal Project: Failing Flesh - A Beautiful Sickness - 2003 - thrash metal Promises - In the Pharmacy - 2007 - gothic/power metal Prop 13 - Change Is Good - 2000 - punk Propaganda is Hippies - Propaganda is Hippies (digipack) - 2007 - punk Prosperity Denied - Consciousless - 2007 - death/thrash metal Protest - Have A Rest, Please - 2004 - brutal death Psychobolia - Fisting You All - 2008 - brutal black metal Psychomancer - Butchered - 2007 - death/thrash Psychoparadox - ...And Your Life is Just Another Dream - 1995 - melodic death Psychoparadox - Reapeiron - 1998 - melodic death Psychoparadox - Through The Labyrinths of Sleeping Galaxy - 1997 - melodic death Psychopathia/Decomposed - Overcome Fear / Meeting the Life - 1997 - grind/death Psychotron - Pray For Salvation - 2006 - power/thrash metal Psykotisk/Vredgad - Split CD - 2006 - black metal Puissance - State Collapse - 2004 - dark ambient Pukelization - Storm Of Resurrection - 2007 - brutal death Pump - Breakdown To Breakthrough - 2006 - heavy metal Purgatory - Power of Evilly - 2007 - black metal Puritas Virginum - Décénie De Souffrance - 2005 - industrial black metal Pustulated - Haematoma - 2005 - brutal death metal Putridity/Infatuarion Of Death - Ten Acts Of Death Metal Terror - 2004 - brutal death metal Qhwertt - Cloudland - 2006 - funeral drone/doom Qrujhuk - Triumph of the Glorious Blasphemy - 2006 - black metal Quantum Bigfoot - Names TS For Tombstones Baby... - 2003 - melodic stoner rock Quinta Essentia - Archetypal Transformation - 2008 - death/black metal Radakka - Requiem For The Innocent - 1998 - heavy metal Radical Noise - Plan-B - 2000 - hardcore/metal Ragnaröek - Rache - 2009 - folk metal Rainbow - Rainbow - Colour Collection (digipack) - 2006 - heavy metal Rakoth - Tiny Deaths - 2003 - bombastic metal Rapture - Sinister Creation - 2008 - brutal death metal Raspatul - Devils In Renewed Birth - 2007 - death/thrash metal Rasta - The Age of Movement (digipack) - 2006 - melodic death Raven - Everything Louder - 1997 - speed metal Raven Throne - As the Shadow Through Death - 2008 - pagan black metal Raven´s Bane - Misery Preserved - 2004 - ambient Raven´s Bane - Sorrow Breeds - 2007 - dark ambient Ravendusk - Astroblack Advent - 2007 - black metal Ravendusk - Shadowcast - 2002 - black metal Ravensthorn - Hauntings And Possessions - 2004 - power metal Raw Hatred / Misanthropy - We Are Your Death - 2009 - black metal Rays of the Sun, The - Living Flowers Gallery - 2004 - doom metal Recourse - Weakening the Structure - 2004 - death metal/hc Red Burns Black - Set The Night Alight - 2008 - hardrock Redemptor Hominis - Premices I-IV (single) - 2007 - black metal Reflection - Odyssey - 2003 - epic heavy metal Regicide - Extreme Intent Fatal Effect - 2006 - brutal death Regicide/Operating Table/Demisor - Split Your Face - 2004 - brutal death Reign Of Terror, The - Sacred Ground - 2001 - power metal Reincarnation - Seed Of Hate/Void - 2003 - death metal Reinfection - Peace Through Killing - 2005 - brutal deathgrind Rellik - Heritage Of Abomination - 2005 - death metal Rembrandts, The - Lost Together - 2003 - rock Renegade - Straight to the Top - 2008 - heavy metal Requiem - Volume 6 - 2001 - thrash metal Requiem Aeternam - Philosopher - 2004 - black metal Resurrecturis - The Cuckoo Clocks Of Hell - 2004 - death metal Retrograde - This Frequency We Share (+2 bonus) - 2005 - rock Rexor - Ain - 2008 - black metal Rhythm Collision - Now - 1992 - punkrock Ribspreader - Congregating the Sick - 2005 - death metal Richard Andersson's Space Odyssey - Embrace the Galaxy - 2003 - progressive metal Ringwurm - Virgin of the Clouds: Domesticate Man, Domesticate IT - 1996 - punk/metal Riphead/Drogheda - Land Of Ruin/Violencia (split-cd) - 2004 - death metal Rosae Crucis - Il Re Del Mondo - 2008 - epic heavy metal Rotten - Fall Of Mankind - 2005 - death metal Royal Dead, The - Phantasmagoria - 2006 - goth/dark wave Rue the Day - The Machine - 2007 - thrash/groove metal Ruins - Baptized in Hell - 2008 - black/thrash metal Runes Order - The Art Of Scare And Sorrow - 2002 - electro/ambient Runes Order - X: Final Solution! - 2007 - electro/industrial/ambient Rupture Christ - Molesting the Entrails of the Disembowled - 2003 - death/grind Sacrificio - Fin de la Fe - 2004 - death metal Sacrilegious Impalement - Sacrilegious Impalement (single) (BUP-version) - 2007 - black metal Sacrilegious Impalement - Sacrilegious Impalement (single) (Enucleation -version) - 2007 - black metal Sacrosanctum - Fragments - 2003 - gothic/doom Sad - A Curse in Disguise - 2007 - black metal Sagaris - Raising The Oldest - 2006 - black metal Saints In Hell - Forever False (single) - 2000 - gothic rock Sal - Dysfunctional - 2005 - punk/powerpop Salacious Gods - Piene - 2005 - black metal Salem - Strings Attached - 2005 - death metal Sammath Naur - The Forever War - 2004 - avant black/death Sanatorium - Goresoaked Reincarnation - 2003 - brutal death Sanctimonious Order - Thy Kingdom - 2004 - black metal Sanctimony - Hell in Stereo - 2007 - death 'n' roll Sanctus Daemoneon - Grey Metropolis - 2008 - doom/black metal Santa'Agostino - La Morte Marcia Sui Terreni K - 2008 - noise/drone Sapfhier - Trollskogen - 2001/2003 - black metal Sapremia - With Winter Comes Despair - 2008 - death metal SaraLee - Dance (single) - 2005 - gothic rock/metal Sarcasm - Revolt - 2006 - speed/thrash metal Sarcoma - Godless Land - 2008 - death metal Sargatanas Reign - Bloodwork: Techniques Of Torture - 2005 - death metal Saruman - Ride On The Darkside - 2004 - atmospheric death metal Satan's Almighty Penis - Into The Cunt Of Chaos - 2004 - black metal Sathanas - Flesh for the Devil (single) - 2005 - death metal Saurom - JuglarMetal (digipack) - 2006 - heavy/folk metal Saxorior - Saxot - 2001 - black metal Scar Culture - Inscribe - 2001 - death metal Scarpoint - The Silence We Deserve - 2007 - melodic death metal Scarred Mind - The Sweet Taste of Sickness - 2004 - thrash metal Scavenger - Madness To Our Method - 2004 - heavy/power metal Schiztome - The Art Of Dying - 2005 - thrash metal Schmerz - Chronika - 2008 - black metal Scholomance - The Immortality Murder (2-cd) - 2002 - extreme progressive metal Scratching Soil - Separatism - 2007 - black metal Scratching Soil - War Experience - 2004 - black metal Screaming Forest - Black Kingdom of Lust - 2009 - black metal Screening - Low End - 2004 - ambient rock Searing I - Blooshred (digipack) - 2005 - death metal Season's End - The Failing Light - 2004 - gothic metal Seasons In Black - Deadtime Stories (+3 bonus) - 2005 - death/black metal Seasons of the Wolf - Lost in Hell (digipack) - 1999 - prog. heavy metal Seasons of Wither, The - Under the Spell of a Sting Moon - 1999 - gothic metal Second Coming, The - Opus II - Prophecy Of An Inverted Inversion - 2004 - black metal Second From The Surface, A - The Streets Have Eyes - 2007 - metalcore/grind Secretum - Happy Happy Killing Time - 2003 - death/thrash Seeds Of Sorrow - Immortal Junkies - 2003 - death metal Seelengreif - Jenseits der Schatten (single) - 2006 - black metal Sekhmet - Okularis Infernum - 2007 - black metal Semargl - Attack on God - 2005 - black metal Sephyroth - The Winter Holocaust (ep +bonus) - 2005 - black metal Septic Tomb - Sewearth - 2008 - doom/death Septicopyemia / Ebanath / Stickoxydal - Split-cd - 2009 - death/grind Septrion - Perpetual Frost - 2006 - black/death metal Serotonal - The Futility Of Trying To Avoid The Unavoidable (single) - 2005/2007 - atmospheric doom metal Serpent Saints - Leather Lucifer (single) - 2007 - heavy/power metal Seven Witches - Xiled To Infinity And One - 2002 - traditional power metal Seventh Cross, The - Scorched By The Flames Of Vengeance (slipcase) - 2005 - melodic death metal Seventh Seal - The Sacred Test - 2008 - power/heavy metal Sevenyearsdead - To The Ruin of All - 2007 - groove metal Several Union - A Look in the Mirror - 2008 - heavy metal Severance - Suffering In Humanity - 2006 - death metal Severance - What Lies Ahead... - 2003 - death metal Shackled Down - [The Crew] - 2005 - hardcore/thrash Shades Of Dusk - Quiescence - 2008 - death metal Shadow - Shadow - 2001 - melodic death metal Shadows Of Steel - Shadows Of Steel - 1997 - power metal Shadows Of Steel - Twilight (2-cd) - 1998 - power metal Shambless - Apkas Itulia - 2004 - atmospheric folk black metal She Said Destroy - Time Like Vines (slipcase) - 2006 - melodic death/black Shelter - When 20 Summers Pass (digipack) - 2000 - hardcore Shield of Steel - Communion - 2008 - heavy metal Sick - Satanism Sickness Solitude - 2008 - black metal Sickening - Ignorance Supremacy - 2008 - death metal Siculicidium - Lélekösvény - 2006 - black metal Side Effectz - Traitors Execution - 2002 - thrash/death/grindcore Sieghetnar - Kältetod - 2008 - black metal Sign of KatuMarus - In Nostro Omnium Fletu - 2006 - black metal Signs Of Darkness - The 17th Floor - 2004 - melodic black metal Signs of Dying - Desire is Suffering - 2001 - brutal death Sikfuk - Gore Delicious - 2002 - brutal death Silent Art Orchestra - Larger Than Life - 666 - ?? Silent Overdrive - Disease - 2006 - thrash/groove metal Silent Scythe - Suffer In Silence - 2004 - death/thrash metal Silva Nigra - Epocha - 2007 - raw black metal Simply Dead`s - Structure of Minds - 2000 - electronic Sinah - Sparkling Scars Of Intuitivism (re-release) - 2005/2008 - black metal Single Bullet Theory - Behind The Eyes Of Hatred - 2004 - metalcore Sinpularctos - The Voidance of Man - 2007 - raw black metal Skaldic Curse - Pathogen - 2006 - black metal Skar - Antifona De Entrada - 2001 - black metal Skinlab - Nerve Damage (2-CD) - 2004 - groove metal Skjold - Fourteen Years Hell! (digipack) - 2007 - black metal Skrew - Angel Seed XXIII (+bonus) - 1997 - industrial thrash Skullfuck - The Supreme Ugliness - 2006 - death metal Skyclad - Live At The Dynamo - 2002 - folk metal Slartibartfass - Nebelheim - 2007 - viking/folk metal Slavebreed - Pain Syndicate - 2008 - death metal/grind Slowgate - Nordic Rage - 2005 - thrash metal Sludge - Yellow Acid Rain - 2004 - extreme metal Smashed Face - Human: Earth Parasite - 2004 - brutal death metal Smeer - Dischord - 2004 - modern metal Smirnoff - The Deadly Return - 2003 - death metal/grind Smouldering in Forgotten - Legions Into Black Flames - 2007 - black metal Snötårar - Vredeslusta - 2007 - black metal Soaring - Analog Distress - 2009 - progressive/rock/alternative Social Revolver - Drive On! - 2007 - hard core Social Shit - Grinder Kaos - 2006 - death/grind Sodomizer - More Horror and Death Again... - 2008 - black/speed metal Soihde - Sielunpalo - 2003 - heavy metal Sol Axis - ...To Mark the Ages - 2008 - black metal Sol Negro - Hellish Furnace (single) - 2002 - black/doom Solitary - Requiem - 2008 - thrash metal Somberlain - Sick ArtWork - 2007 - death/black metal Something's Wrong - Proud Of It (digipack) - 1999 - hardcore Somniae Status - Cassandra - 2003 - heavy metal Somnolence - As Midgard Weeps - 2008 - experimental black metal/ambient Sostrah Tinnitus - L'Odore Del Ramo Spezzato - 2005 - electronic Soul Forsaken - Tales of The Macabre - 2003 - death metal Soul Sacrifice - Stranded Hate - 2005 - death metal Soul Stealer - Soul Stealer - 2008 - heavy/power metal Soulless - Forever Defiant - 2007 - melodic death/thrash metal Soulskinner - Breeding The Grotesque - 2003 - death metal Sound Of Silence - Spiritual Journey (+2 bonus) - 2003 - progressive metal Source of Deep Shadows - Source Of Doom And Perpetual Night - 2007 - funeral doom/death Soxpan - Kickin' You Alive - 2005 - avangarde metal Spearfish - Affected By Time - 2003 - hard rock Spearfish - Back For The Future 2-CD - 2007 - heavy/hard rock Specter - Images Of The Innocent - 1999 - ambient progressive metal Speculum Mortis - 1348 - 2005 - pagan black metal Speedfreaks - Out For Kicks! - 2006 - stoner metal Spell Forest - Adornus Satani - 2001 - black metal Spell Forest - Lucifer Rex - 2005 - black metal Spite Extreme Wing - Non Dvcor, Dvco - 2004 - black metal Spyder Baby - Let Us Prey - 2008 - industrial gothic metal Squad - Scars Of Humanity (digipack) - 2002 - thrash metal Stalefish1 - Smashed Bottles & Broken Fences - 2004 - alternative metal Stampin' Ground - A New Darkness Upon Us - 2003 - hardcore/groove/thrash metal Star Queen - Faithbringer - 2002 - gothic metal Star Rats - Broken Halo - 2004 - heavy metal Starkweather - Croatoan - 2006 - metal/hardcore Statobardo - Another Education - 2005 - metal Stigmhate - Satisfied By Cruelty - 2003 - black metal Stilllife - Remembrance & Memories (2-cd) - 2003 - gothic darkwave Stiny Plamenu - Odpadni Galerie - 2007 - black metal Stone, The - Slovenska Krv - 2002 - black metal Stonege - Voyage of Ageless Time - 2000 - prog death metal Stonybroke - Roll the Dice - 2007 - rock Stormheit - Caelic Weold Finnum - 2009 - pagan black metal Storming Darkness - Sin-thesis - 2008 - black metal Strana Officina - The Faith - 2007 - heavy metal Strange Corner - Human Society - 2008 - punk/metal Strangulation - Atrocious Retribution - 2004 - brutal death Stratuz - Spirit Seduction - 2000 - death metal Strider - Gearheart - 2007 - heavy/power metal Stroszek - Songs Of Remorse (digipack) - 2007 - dark acoustic music Styggelse - Bland Ändlösa Fält av Snusk och Hor (single) - 2006 - black metal Sublimal Crusher - Endvolution - 2008 - melodic death Suffocated - Dead Wind Rising - 2006 - thrash metal Suicidal Vortex - My Existence - 2008 - black metal Supplicium - Resurrection Of The Shadows - 2008 - doom/death metal Supreme Court - A Session Trehny Campbell (single) - 2007 - death rock Supreme Court - Reason Kill (single) - 2003 - death rock Supreme Lord - X99.9 Kill Your Enemies - 2004 - death metal Surrender Of Divinity - Oriental Hell Rhythmics (+2 bonus) - 2001 - black metal Suspiria Profundis - In War Against Satan - 2009 - black metal Svartpest - Ved Den Drabelige Inngang Til Helvete - 2003 - black metal Swarost - Oblicze Kultu Cieni - 2007 - black metal Sworn - Tended High - 2006 - prog black metal Sycronomica - Paths - 2004 - melodic black Symbolic/Dreamlore - The Artificial Acts Of Madness - 2006 - death/power metal Synthetic Dream Foundation - Behind the gates of horn and ivory - 2008 - dark music Systemyk - Cross Contamination - 2007 - industrial gothic metal Taken - This Is Forever - 2008 - progressive/hardcore Tales of Darknord - Stalingrad: War Episodes - 2004 - death metal Tangorodream - Twilight Before Sunrise - 2002 - black/doom Tangorodream - Under The Foreveryoung Sky (re-issue) - 2006/2008 - black/doom metal Tarabas - Aus Alter Zeit - 2007 - pagan metal Taranis - Taranis - 2007 - black/thrash metal Tears Of Mankind - Without Ray of Hope - 2006 - melodic gothic doom Tefra - The Last Dance - 2006 - epic power doom Templar - Dark Circus (digipack) - 2009 - progressive/heavy metal Tenebrarum - Voices - 2001 - death metal Tenebre - Electric Hellfire Kiss (digipack) - 2002 - gothic death metal/rock Tenebre - Grim Ride - 1998 - gothic metal Tenebre - XIII - 1996 - gothic metal Tenebris - Catafalque - Comet - 2007 - death/prog. metal Tenebrous - Arias Toward the Black Sun (single) - 2005 - black metal Terra Tenebrae - Subconscious - 1999 - black/death Terror Squad - Chaosdragon Rising - 2006 - thrash metal Terrorama - Horrid Efface - 2004 - black metal Thanatos - Undead. Unholy. Divine - 2004 - death/thrash metal ThanatoSchizo - Schizo Level (re-issue digipack) - 2001/2008 - atmospheric doom/death metal Thargos - Killfukk - 2003 - black/thrash metal The Last Twilight/Profundis Tenebrarum - Hell Bestial Conjuration - 2007 - black metal The Pain Machinery - Chaos Transmissions - 2007 - industrial/elektronica/tekno Theatres Des Vampires - Jubilaeum Anno Dracula - 2001 - vampiric black Thee Maldoror Kollective - Themes for Proxima (single) - 2007 - industrial Therm Eye Flame - Solar Nebula - 2002 - prog. black metal Therm Eye Flame - To Evolution?! - 2005 - prog black metal Thermal Pulse - Cult of Enchanted Rage (single) - 2008 - black/death metal Thine Eyes Bleed - Thine Eyes Bleed - 2008 - technical thrash Thirst - Ritual For Blood - 2006 - black metal This Illusion - This Illusion (single) - 2004 - punk/rock Thorn, The - Hermitage Of Non-Divine - 2008 - melodic death metal Thornesbreed - The Splendour Of The Repellent - 2003 - death metal Thousand Points of Hate - Scar To Mark The Day (single) - 2004 - power/thrash metal Thoushaltnot - Land Dispute - 2007 - new wave / Industrial / Indie Threnody - Control - 2005 - melodic death Throneum - Mutiny Of Death - 2003 - death metal Throneum - The Unholy Ones (ep) - 2007 - death metal Throneum/Revelation Of Doom - Total Regression! (split-cd) - 2007 - blackened death metal Thundra - Worshipped By Chaos (digipack) - 2006 - black metal Thy Catafalque - Róka Hasa Rádió (digipack) - 2009 - avant-garde metal Thy Grief - The Frozen Tomb Of Mankind - 1997 - black metal Thy Infernal - Warlords of Hell - 2001 - black metal Thy Majesty - German Black Metal Art (digipack) - 1999 - black metal Thy Mesmerized - Thy Mesmerized - 2006 - dark black noise Thy Primordial - The Heresy Of An Age Of Reason - 2002 - black metal Thy Winter Kingdom - Opus II - Innerspectrum - 2004 - black metal Tiarra - Post Scriptum - 2008 - gothic metal Ticket To Hell - Man Made Paradise - 2008 - melodic death/thrash metal Tidfall - Circular Supremacy - 2000 - black metal Time Requem - The Inner Circle Of Reality - 2004 - neo-classical metal Timescape - Strange (digipack) - 2000 - progressive metal Tiran - Demonia - 2009 - thrash metal Tiwaz - T-Stamped Spear - 2005 - pagan black To Elysium - Nightmare's Nest - 2004 - gothic metal Tod - Black Metal Manifesto - 2006 - black metal Todesstoß - Selbstentleibung - Der Annäherung Erster Teil (single) - 2007 - black metal Todesstoß - Stelldichein - 2006 - black metal Tor Marrock - A Gothic Romance - 2007 - dark/gothic metal Torment Of Souls - The Wicked Path... - 2002 - death metal Total Chaos - Anthems From The Alleyway - 1996 - punk Total Death - Desolate Recollections - 2007 - black/death metal Totimoshi - Monoli - 2003 - heavy rock/metal Totten Korps/Imprecation - Tharnheim/Theurgia Coetia Summa (2-CD) - 2003 - brutal death metal Toxic Bonkers - Progress (digipack) - 2007 - death metal/grindcore Transmission 0 - 0 - 2005 - sludge Trauma - Comedy Is Over (re-mastered) - 1996/2000 - death metal Trauma - Daimonion - 1998 - death metal Trayjen - Walking Among the Stones of Fire - 2008 - black metal Treachery - Treachery (single) - 2008 - black metal Trimonium - Son Of A Blizzard - 2007 - black metal Tristwood - The Delphic Doctrine - 2006 - industrial black metal Triton Enigma - Black Lies - 2008 - death/thrash metal Trocki - Permanent Revolution - 2004 - brutal grindcore Trollech vs. Heiden - Split CD (digipack) - 2007 - black metal Trollskogen - Der Weg Zur Unendlichkeit - 2003 - black metal Trollskogen - Totenwache - 2005 - black metal Tu Carne/El Muermo - En Un Pellejo De Cerdo (split-mcd) - 2003 - grindcore Twentyearsold - We Still Are Looking For Such A Girl - 2007 - punk/rock Twilight is Mine - The Egregor of Evil - 2002 - black metal Twinball - Remnants Of A Broken Soul - 2002 - heavy rock Tyranny - In Times of Tyranny (mcd-slipcase) - 2006 - black/death metal Udumbal - Ahi Budhnya - 1999 - ambient black metal Uhrilehto - Vitutus Millenium - 2002 - melodic black Ulcerate - The Coming of Genocide - 2006 - brutal death Ultrahead - Definition: Aggro - 1994 - metal Ulvdalir - Flame Once Lost - 2008 - black metal Ulvdalir - Soul Void - 2008 - black metal Uncanny - Splenium For Nyktophobia - 1994 - death metal Unchained - Unchained - 2005 - melodic metal Undead Family, The - En El Silencio - 2008 - stoner metal Under Eden - The Savage Circle - 2005 - melodic death Undivine - A Deceitful Calm - 2008 - death/black metal Unholy Ghost - Torrential Reign - 2004 - blackened death metal Unholy Kill - Znameni Hori - 2008 - black metal Unholy Land - Dethrone The Light - 2008 - black metal Unholy Matrimony - Croire, Décroître (digisleeve) - 2009 - black metal Unio Mystica - Unio Mystica - 2002 - atmospheric dark metal Unjust - Glow (digipack +bonus) - 2004 - modern metal Unlight Order - Through the Gates of Torment (single) - 2006 - black metal Unreal Overflows - Architecture of Incomprehension - 2006 - melodic death Untergang - Of Pure Blood & Evil Pride - 2008 - black metal Uppercut - Reanimation of Hate - 2004 - death/thrash Uranus - Doctrine Of Immortality - 2003 - pagan black metal Urn - Dancing with the Demigods - 2006 - gothic metal Urskumug - Am Nodr - 2006 - black metal Urto - Upside Down - 2009 - thrash metal V.A.C.K. (Vinland Anti Christian Commando) - L'ombre De La Solitude - 2007 - black metal Valhom - Despair - 2007 - black metal Valour - Valour - 2009 - heavy/power metal Vampiria - Among Mortals - 2001 - gothic metal Vampyrouss - A Dark Desire - 2009 - gothic rock Vastator - Hell Only Knows - 2007 - speed metal Vedisni - Architects And Murderers - 2000 - ambient noise Veil - Dolor - 2005 - black metal Veiled Allusions - Visions of the World - 2001 - experimental Venereal Disease - Mondo Macabro - 2003 - brutal death Verhören - Death Is Safe (digipack) - 2007 - dark ambient Vermis Mysteriis - Ceremoniya Vremen / Rex Noctis - 2006 - black metal Vermis Mysteriis - Flame of Rage - 2006 - black metal Victimizer - The Final Assault - 2007 - thrash metal Vietah - Zorny Madoz - 2008 - atm. black metal Vilgoc - Ubytki (A5 slipcase) - 2009 - industrial/progressive Villebråd - Alla Är Här Utom Jag - 2006 - modern progressive rock Vinder - Visions Of Time - 2006 - heavy/thrash metal Violentbreakfast - Nient'Altro Che Tempo (digipack) - 2007 - hardcore Violet Tears - Gold Memories & Remains (digipack) - 2006 - gothic/wave Virgin Sin - Brotherhood Of Freaks - 2007 - thrash metal Visthia - Reditus Conscientia - 2006 - black metal Vobiscum - Berchfrit - 2008 - black metal Vociferian - Beredsamkeit - 2006 - black metal Vociferian - Preludium to Massacre - 2000 - black metal Voetsek - Infernal Command - 2008 - thrash metal Void - Posthuman - 2003 - industrial metal Volition - Volition - 2008 - doom metal Volkmar - Blessed Sins - 2008 - gothic/industrial Von Groove - 3 Faces Past - 2000 - hard rock Vordr - III - 2008 - black metal Vorkreist - Sublimation XXIXA - 2006 - black/death Vox interium - Yearing - 2004 - death metal Vrolok - Resurgence III: Order of the Sphere - 2007 - black ambient metal Vulvathrone - Bukkake - 2007 - brutal death/grind Wackor - Methanolid - 2004 - modern metal Waco Jesus - The Destruction of Commercial Scum - 1999 - brutal death metal Wako - Deconstructive Essence - 2007 - death/thrash Walpurgisnacht - Die Derwaert Gaen En Keeren Niet - 2005 - black metal War For War - Kovy Odjinud - 2007 - black metal War For War - War Is The Only Way - 2006 - black metal War Hammer Command - Hellish Wrath - 2008 - black metal Wardaemonic - Through the Dank Pale Gravelands - 2006 - black metal Warlust/Pestis - The Final War / Plagueridden - 2007 - black metal Warmblood - Necrocosmos Destination - 2008 - death metal Warspite - Confrontation Course - 2006 - death metal Wastelander - Wardrive - 2008 - black/thrash metal Weltbrand - The Cloud of Retaliation - 2006 - black metal Whispers of Ghosts - The Coldest Place - 2008 - gothic/ethereal/neoclassic White Skull - The XIII Skull - 2004 - power metal Whorrid - Time Heals Nothing - 2009 - death metal Wilkolak - Serenada Dzieci Nocy - 2006 - black metal Will Haven - Carpe Diem (re-issue slipcase) - 1997/2006 - doomcore Will Haven - WHVN (re-issue slipcase) - 1997/2006 - doomcore Will Of The Ancients - Will Of The Ancients - 2006 - melodic black metal Willow Wisp - Delusion Of Grandeur: (A Gathering Of Heretics) - 1999 - gothic black metal Windfall - Infector - 2005 - power/speed metal Windfall - Time Of The Haunted - 2003 - power/speed metal Winter of Life - Mother Madness - 2009 - prog. gothic metal Winter of Sin - Woest - 2006 - melodic black metal Winterdemons - The Darkest Storm - 2006 - black metal Witchburner - Blood of Witches - 2007 - thrash metal Witching Hour - Rise Of The Desecrated - 2009 - black/thrash metal Witchmaster - Masochistic Devil Worship - 2002 - death/black metal Witchtrap - Witching Black (digipack) - 1998 - black metal Withered Earth - Of Which They Bleed - 2003 - death metal Within Y - Extended Mental Dimensions - 2004 - death metal Woe - A Spell for the Death of Man - 2008 - black metal Wolf & Winter - Endless Forest of Silent Sorrow...The Howl of Hate - 2008 - black metal Wolfen Society - Conquer Divine (single) - 2001 - death metal Wolfenmond - Finisterre - 2005 - medieval Wolfshade - Evening Star... - 2006 - black metal Wolfsrune - Screams Of The Forgotten - 2008 - black metal Wolfsschrei - Demons Of My Inner Self - 2008 - black metal Wolfthorn - Cold Inside - 2004 - black metal Wolftribe - Pura Odium - 2007 - black metal Wolvesguard - Pagan Heritage - 2007 - pagan black metal Womb Of Maggots (Inactive Messiah) - Life Odium - 2002 - atmospheric death metal Worst Case Scenario - The Order Of the Morning Star - 2006 - death/thrash metal Written in Torment - The Uncreation (single) - 2006 - black metal Würm - Aux portes de l'agonie - 2007 - black metal Xaos Oblivion - Antithesis Of Creation - 2008 - dark ritual black metal Ysengrin - T.R.I.A.D.E - 2008 - doom/black/death metal Zahrim - Liber Conpendium Diabolicum (The Genesis of Enki) - 2007 - black metal Zen - The Sound of Shit Happening - 2003 - prog space rock Zenithal - Vendetta - 2008 - thrash metal Zero Point - Time Stands Still... - 2005 - alternative metal Zifir - You Must Come With Us - 2007 - black metal Zombie Ritual - Zombies From Tokyo - 2007 - death/thrash metal |