WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IPBulldozer - Unexpected Fate CD (Paranoid) Carcass - Reek Of Putrefaction CD (Del Imaginario) Carcass - Swansong CD (Del Imaginario) Dark Angel - Time Does Not Heal CD (Shinigami) Death - Individual Thought Patterns CD (Shinigami) Heathen - Breaking The Silence CD (Die Hard) Megadeth - Killing is my business CD (Rock Brigade)
WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IPBlack Depths Grey Waves - Nightmare Of The Blackened Heart Digi-CD (Aesthetic Death) Dust To Dearth / Lysergene - Death of the Sun CD (Aesthetic Death) Eibon - Eibon Digi-CD (Aesthetic Death) Fatum Elisum - Fatum Elisum CD (Aesthetic Death) Haiku Funeral - Nightmare Painting CD (Aesthetic Death) Lysergene - Critical Mass CD (Aesthetic Death) Minotaur - Power of Darkness CD (I Hate) Murkrat - Murkrat CD (Aesthetic Death) Section 37 - The Kudos Of Serial Killing CD (Aesthetic Death)
WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IPManzer - Light of the Wreckers CD (Armee De La Mort) Nomed - Thrashing Insanity 2CD (Armee De La Mort) Orator - Kapalgnosis CD (Armee De La Mort) Ordog - The Art of Nihilism CD (Armee De La Mort) Perversifier - Perverting The Masses CD (Armee de la Mort) Quintessence - Le bourreau de Tiffauges CD (Armee De La Mort) Shud - Rot in Pieces 2CD (Armee De La Mort) Tork Ran - Tales of Death 2CD (Armee De La Mort)
WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IPHorizon - Don't Let The Time Pass You By CD (Immortal Frost) Nights Amore - Subscribers Of Death CD (Immortal Frost) Photophobia - Humana Fragilitas CD (Immortal Frost) The Deathtrip - A Foot In Each Hell - The Complete Demos LP (Demonhood)
WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IPArkhon Infaustus - Perdition Insanabilis Digi-CD (Red Stream) Bethlehem - Dark Metal Digi-CD (Red Stream) Bethlehem - A Sacrificial Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear CD (Red Stream) Blodfest - Lejres Fald CD (Red Stream) Bloodthorn - Genocide CD (Red Stream) Diabolos - The Three Mothers CD (Baphomet) Necrophagia - Season of the Dead CD (Red Stream) Necrophagia - Harvest Ritual Volume I Digi-CD (Red Stream) Nekronology - Soundtrack by Hermann Kopp CD (Red Stream) Revenge - Infiltration.Downfall.Death CD (Red Stream)
WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IPAlcoholic Force - Gasoline drinkers - Fantomania IV CD (Metal Or Die) Death Noize - Conquest War Famine Death CD (Metal Or Die) Witchcurse - Fantomania III – Anti-disco CD (Metal Or Die)