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sweet leaf
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Продам. Недёшево. Москва. Большинство дисков в хорошем состоянии.
Обмен возможен (rock, southern, grunge, doom, stoner, dark ambient)

Draugwath - Dwellers of the cursed forest
Wolfthorn - Spiritual supremacy
Tundra - Ansia
Grim Funeral & Spectre - split
Masacre - Cancer de nuestros dias
Artes Negras - Let there be death...
Nihil Nocturne - Wahnsinn.Tod.Verrat
Demoncy - Joined in darkness
Demoncy - Empire of the fallen angel
Abazagorath - Tenebrarum cadent exsurgemus
Godus - Hell fuck demon sound
Detonator666 - At the dawn of sadistic infernal holocaust
Satans Blood - Christians  to ashes, angels to dust
Bathomet -  Diable
Gottlos - Infernal pandemonio
War For War - War is the only way
Demonic Slaughter - Dignity of terror
Bestial Holocaust - Final extermination
Hatestorm - Filth purity
Fastkill - Infernal thrashing holocaust
Varathron - Genesis of apocryphal desire
Black Empire - Into the jails of past
Mord (USA) - Imperium magnum infernalis (Xastur, Misanthropy members)
Maskim - Battlestorm
Mortifera - Complainte d'une agonie celeste
Luciferian - Supreme infernal legions
Utuk Xul & Mephiztophel - split
Vargsriket - Satanic execution commando vargsriket
In Battle - In battle
Trist - Stiny
Joyless - Wisdom & arrogance
Acheron - Tribute to the Devil's misic
Kali Yuga & Varhorn - split
Vrolok - Resurgence 2: Where the dying meet the dead
Vrolok & Emit - split
Vrolok - Soul amputation (digi)
Infernal (Colombia) - The infernal compendium
Infernal (Colombia) & Exelsus Diaboli - The reapers of god
Xasthur - Nocturnal poisoning
Xasthur - The funeral of being
Xasthur & Leviathan - split
Xasthur & Angra Mainyu - split
Xasthur - To violate the oblivious
Xasthur - Telepatic with the deceased
Xasthur - Subliminal genocide
Xasthur - Xasthur
Leviathan - Howl mockery at the cross
Blackdeath - Satan macht frei
Blackdeath & Leviathan - split
Masacre - Sacro
Varathron - Walpurgisnacht
Desaster - Stormbringer
Desaster - Hellfire's dominion
Mord (Norway) - Unholy inquisition
In Battle - Rage of norsemen
Urna - Sepulcrum
Osirion - Har Sabbat
Embalmer - 13 faces of death
Blackdeath - Saturn sector
Blackdeath - Fucking fullmoon foundation
Infernal (Colombia) - A tragedy called existence
Proclamation - Advent of the black omen
Paradise Lost - Shades of god
Saxon - Requiem (We will remember)
The Gathering - Mandylion

Disiplin - Anti-life
VA - A tribute to Bathory - In conspiracy with Satan
Impaled Nazarene - Suomi Finland perkele & Motorpenis
Summoning - Lugburz
Diabolicum - The dark blood rising
1349 - Liberation
Cadaver Inc - Discipline
Temnozor' - Horizons...
Nattefrost - Blood & vomit

Все вопросы на мыло:
sweetleaf13 (собака) rambler (точка) ru

1 | Дата рег-ции 3 Дек., 2009 | Отправлено: 15:40 - 24 Авг., 2010 1

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А недешево это как? По рублю что ли?

Fuck god and fuck you

11096 | Дата рег-ции 20 Апр., 2007 | Отправлено: 16:57 - 24 Авг., 2010 2

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