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Сегодня 19 Февраля
Празднуют ДР: White Zombie, Qwerty Qaz, Assassin, White, Kuklovod
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1Exsanguinate - The Black Acts
2Инна Желанная & Farlanders - Moments (CD, Album)
3Рада Терновник - Ясный День
6Mz.412 - Infernal Affairs (CD, Album, Dig)
7Toroidh - Europe Is Dead (CD, Ltd, Album)
9Catharsis (2) & Drape Excrement - Homo Homini Lupus (CD, Album)
11Maria Zerfall - Kopfkrieg 1985-1995 (2xCD)
12Drape Excrement - Born Dead (LP, Ltd)
13Fetisch Park - Instinktverlust (CD, Album)
14Sergey Starostin at home
15Starostin*, Volkov*, Kurashov* - Neath The Moon So Bright
16Arkady Shilkloper, Vladimir Volkov, Sergei Starostin - XIX98
17fetish park Trost
18Militia (2) - Nature Revealed (2xCD)
19Terroritmo - Premonitions (CD)
20alliance made in white
24Sea-Green Series - Chapter III
25Romowe Rikoito - L'Automne Éternel (CD, Album)
26System Planning Korporation* - Information Overload Unit (CD, Album)
27Socialistisches Patienten Kollektiv* - Leichenschrei (CD, Album)
28SPK - Zamia Lehmanni (Songs Of Byzantine Flowers) (CD, Album)
29SePpuKu* - Auto Da Fe
34Nightmarish - Pompeji CD-R
35Karl Runau - "Osmose" CD-R
36Maëror Tri [...]* - Language Of Flames And Sound (CD, Album, Ltd)
37Maeror Tri - Maeror Tri  Hypnotikum II
38Maëror Tri (...)* - Hypnotikum I
41SRP (2) - Schriever Rundflugzeug Projekt (CD)
44V.O.S.* - Veil Of Secrecy (CD, Album)
45Penjaga Insaf - To Whom It May Concern CDr
48Inade - The Flood Of White Light CD-R
50Dagda Mor - This Sun For Europe (CD-R)
51Turbund Sturmwerk / Inade - Peryt Shou CD-R
52Turbund Sturmwerk - Sturmgeweiht (CD)
53Turbund Sturmwerk - Turbund Sturmwerk
54Turbund Sturmwerk - Weltbrand (CD, Album)
55Ex.Order - Silence + Brutality(CD-R)
56Ex.Order - The Infernal Age (CD, Album)
58Bad Sector - The Harrow
59Thelema (2) - Eldur Og Is (CD, Album)
60Skadi (2) - Eliwagar (CD, Album, Ltd)
61Mindspawn - Null Infinite (CD)
62Coph Nia / Mindspawn - Erotomechaniks
63I.Corax - Spectral Metabolism
64Sal Solaris - Der Ruf (CD)
65Lucisferrato - Ahnenschein Der Angriff
66Various - Alliance - United in Death (CD)
67Various Terrorists* - Don't Hunt What You Can't Kill 3 CD-R
68Voxus Imp. - Idafeld (CD)
71Lustmord - Carbon / Core
73Lustmord - Juggernaut (CD, Ltd, Dig)
75Tor Lundvall / Tony Wakeford - Autumn Calls (CD)
77Lustmord - Purifying Fire (CD)
78Various - Night Passage Demixed CD-R
79Thomas Köner - Nunatak Gongamur
80Thomas Köner - Teimo CD-R
81Thomas Köner - Permafrost
82Thomas Köner - Aubrite CD-R
83Thomas Köner - Daikan (CD, Album, Dig)
84Thomas Köner - Zyklop (2xCD, Album)
85Thomas Köner - Nuuk
86Dieter Müh - The Bjorn Tapes (CDr, Ltd, 2nd)
87Illusion Of Safety - Fifteen · Finite Material Context (CD)
88Kenotaph - Promise (CD)
91Wolfskin - Campos De Matança (CD, Album, Ltd)
92Wolfskin / Der Feuerkreiner - Untitled (CD, Ltd)
93Karnnos - Deatharch Crann (CD, Album)
94Karnnos - Dun Scaith (CD, Album)
95Karnnos - Undercurrents And Lost Horizons (CD)
96Radio Eichenlaub - Radio Eichenlaub (CD, Album, Ltd, Dig)
97Nocturne (2) - Kapitulation (CD)
98PPF - La Belle France, 1900 (CD, Album, Ltd)
99Nocturne (2) - Terroriser-Manipuler-Convaincre (CD)
100Θελημα* - Der Gewundene Erkenntnisweg (CD)
101SleepResearchFacility* - Deep_Frieze (CD, Album)
102SleepResearch_Facility - Dead Weather Machine - Re:Heat (CD)
103SleepResearch_Facility - Dead Weather Machine (CD, Album)
104Baradelan - Somnolence And Shivers (CD)
105Predominance - Nocturnal Gates Of Incidence (CD, Album, Ltd, Dig)
106Predominance - Hindenburg (CD, Album, RE, RM, Dig)
107Herbst9 - From A Dark Chasm Below (CD, Album)
108Herbst9 - :Eta Carinae:
109Herbst9 - Buried Under Time And Sand (CD, Album, Dig)
110Herbst9 - Consolamentum
111Land:Fire - Gone CD-R
112Land:Fire - Live at sonic lodge 2006 CD-R
113Spine - It Was Dreadful (CDr)
114Maeror Tri - Hypnobasia / Ultimate Time (2xCDr, Album)
115Dieter Müh - Cari Saluti (CD)
116Lebenswelt (2) - Lebenswelt (CD)
117Tho-So-Aa - Minus (CD, Album, Ltd)
118Various - In Stahlgewittern (5xCDr)
119Project The Three - Antimother (CD-R
121Oöphoi - Mare Tranquillitatis (CD, Album, RM)
124Tehôm - Theriomorphic Spirits (CD)
125Human Destructur - Der Fluch Des Denkens (CD)
128Waldteufel - Heimliches Deutschland (CD)
129Monstrare / Wilt - Graveflowers (CD, Album, Ltd, Dig)
130COC.OSP* - Labcopilation #2 (CD)
132Various - Collapse 18.+19. August 2000 (CD-R)
133Propergol - Ground Proximity Warning System (CD)
134Isolrubin BK - Crash Injury Trauma (CD-R)
135Wolfskin - The Gathering Of Shadows By The Setting Sun CD-R
136Svartsinn - Traces Of Nothingness (CD, Album, Ltd)
137Combative Alignment - Requiem CD-R
138Objekt 4* - Extermination Processing Tower (CD, Album)
139Various - Exploration One (CD-R)
140Various - Overflow Compilation (CD-R)
141Control (3) - The Cleansing (CD)
142Control (3) - Misanthrope (CD)
143Navicon Torture Technologies - Scenes From The Next Millennium
144Miзery* - Кольца Жизни / Circles Of Life (CDr, Ltd, Enh)
145Sal Solaris - Outerpretation Of Dreams (CD)
146Des Esseintes / Diskrepant - Folie À Deux (CD, EP)
147Lustmord - The Place Where The Black Stars Hang
148Lustmord - The Monstrous Soul (CD, Album)
153John Watermann - Calcutta Gas Chamber (CD, Album)
154Oxyd (2) - Deep Core (CD, Album, Ltd
155No Empty Room - Some Lights Behind The Window (CD)
207Dagda Mor - The Border Of The Light (CD)
210Yat-Kha - Yenisei-Punk
211Yat-Kha Tundra's Ghosts
212Albert Kuvezin & Yat-Kha - Re-Covers
213Megaptera - Disturbance Ritual (CD)
214Schloss Tegal - The Myth Of Meat (CD, Album, Ltd)
216Hazard - Lech (CD, Album)
217R|A|A|N - The Nacrasti (CD, Album, Sta)
218Blood Box - The Iron Dream (CD, Album, Gat)
220Stahlwerk 9 - Der Tod Nagelt Die Augen Zu (CD)
221Stahlwerk 9 - 1905 (CD, Album, Ltd, Car)
222Stahlwerk 9 & Rasthof Dachau - The Final Resistance CD-R
223Various - Die Geburt Des Jahrtausends (CDr)
224Des Esseintes - Mondo Macabro (CD, Comp)
225IRM - Virgin Mind (2xCD, Ltd)
226Karjalan Sissit - Karjalasta Kajahtaa (CD, Album, Ltd)
227Karjalan Sissit - Miserere (CD)
228Karjalan Sissit - Karjalan Sissit (CD)
229Aghiatrias - Ethos (CD, Album, Ltd, Dig)
230Various - Heilige Feuer IV / The Video Documents (DVD, Liv)
231Stalnoy Pakt - Anthesteria - Mikhail Vavich - Dedicated To The Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 (CD)
232Ex.Order - War Within Breath (CD)
234Combative Alignment - ...And Outside Glows The Red Dawn (CD, Album, Ltd, Dig)
235Yen Pox - Blood Music (CD, Album)
238Combative Alignment - Everlasting Sun CD-R
240Objekt 4* - Facility 77 CD-R
241Shadow Magnet - Source And Purity CD-R
242Cycle Zero - Theatrum (CDr)
243Shadow Magnet vs. Combative Alignment - Temple Of Pain CD-R
244Irem Of Pillars - As The Sun Darkens CD-R
245Ophir - Eiserne Ernte CD-R
246Sektion B - Only Time - Hate And Revenge CD-R
247Green Army Fraction - Caste War - Back In Their Place CD-R
248Ionosphere (2) - Sliced Matter CD-R
249Various - Suomalaista Sotamarssiä Ja Laulua (Финские Марши И Песни О Войне) 1930-1940
250Various - The Absolute Supper CD-R
251Negru Voda / Third Eye (2) - An Impulse Of Fear / Raudive Experiments (CD)
252Negru Voda - Dobruja Region (CD)
253Operation Cleansweep - Powerhungry CD-R
254Anenzephalia / Inade / Operation Cleansweep - Untitled (CD)
255Anenzephalia - Ephemeral Dawn (CD, 1st)
256Anenzephalia - Anenzephalia (CD, Album, Ltd, Dig)
257Anenzephalia - Noehaem (CD, Album, Dig)
258Maeror Tri - Meditamentum I (CD, Comp, RE)
259Maeror Tri - Meditamentum II
260Profane Grace - Serenity Of The Endless Graves (CD)
261Swartalf - Candles Burning Blue (CD)
276Svasti-ayanam - Sanklesa (CD)
278Bocksholm - Excursions By The Bank Of The Black River (CD, Album, Dig)
282Schloss Tegal - Oranur III "The Third Report" CD-R
296Stahlwerk 9 - Vaterland CD-R
297Maeror Tri - Myein (CD, Album, Ltd, RE)
310Stalnoy Pakt - Russia's Awakening (CD)
318Linija Mass CD-R
327Yat-Kha - Tuva.Rock
362Moon Far Away - Belovodie
366Буготак Человек из Тайги
367Yat-Kha dalai beldiri
368Blackeye - Purpose
369Мкулины Горы ВА-ТА-ГА
370Troitsa pan 171cd
371Ethno Ritmo Troitsa 7
372Instincts - The Mystery Visions (CD, Album, Ltd)
379Звуколань атмосфера ландшафты стратегия
382Guerra sola igiene del mondo
387Synaulia Die Musik Des Antiken Rom
5Инна Желанная & Farlanders - иноземец
8Söldnergeist - Spur 2 (CD)
10Söldnergeist - Terror (CD, Album, Ltd)
373Skalpell - Some Of Nothing
374Svartsinn - Of Darkness And Re-Creation (CD, Album, Enh)
375Svartsinn - Devouring Consciousness (CD, Album, Dig)
376Various - Infernal Proteus (4xCD, Comp)
377Sturmpercht - Stürm Ins Leben Wild Hinein!
378Navicon Torture Technologies - The Church Of Dead Girls (2xCD, Album)
380Off The Cuff (2) - Часть Неба (CDr, Album)
381Mortart - Light Of Darkness
383Various - The Walls Are Whispering... Volume II (CD, Comp, Ltd)
384Various - Heilige Feuer IV (CD)
385Various - Heilige Feuer III (CD)
386Various - Heilige Feuer II (CD, Comp)
388Various - Lucifer Rising (CD)
389Tho-So-Aa - Enrielle (CD, Album, Ltd)
390The moon lay hiden beneath the coloud
391Legendary Pink Dots, The - Any Day Now (CD, Album)
392Legendary Pink Dots, The - The Golden Age (CD, Album)
393Legendary Pink Dots, The - The Crushed Velvet Apocalypse (CD, Album)
394Legendary Pink Dots, The - The Maria Dimension (CD)
395Legendary Pink Dots, The - Shadow Weaver (CD, Album)
396Legendary Pink Dots, The - Malachai - Shadow Weaver Part 2 (CD, Album)
397Legendary Pink Dots, The - 9 Lives To Wonder (CD, Album)
398Sieben - Ogham Inside The Night (2xCD)
399Arvo Pärt - Lamentate
400Arvo Pärt - Orient & Occident
401Arvo Pärt - Alina (CD, Album, Sli)
402Arvo Pärt - Kanon Pokajanen (2xCD, Album)
403Arvo Pärt - Litany (CD, Album)
404Arvo Pärt - Te Deum (CD, Album)
405Christopher Bowers-Broadbent - Trivium
406Galina Ustvolskaya - Symphonies 2, 3, 4 & 5
407Galina Ustvolskaya preludes & compositions
408Galina Ustvolskaya- The Barton Workshop - Symphonie 4 "prayer", Grand Duet Piano Sonata No 5, Trio
409Takemitsu I hear The Water dreaming
410Takemitsu Quotation of Dream
411Takemitsu Garden rain
412Takemitsu Rudolf Werthen Fiamminghi The Orchestra of Flanders
413Giacinto Scelsi - Frances-Marie Uitti, Münchener Kammerorchester, Christoph Poppen - Natura Renovatur
414Arvo Pärt - Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Secundum Joannem
415Arvo Pärt - Arbos (CD)
416Arvo Pärt - Tabula Rasa (CD)
417Arvo Pärt - Berliner Messe, The Beatitudes, Magnifivcat…
418Arvo Pärt -Spiegel im Spiegel
419Alexander Knaifel Svete Tikhiy, oleg malov
420Alexander Knaifel Amicta Sole Mstislav Rostropovich
421alexander knaifel agnus dei
422edison Denisov les pleurs lidia davydova soprano
423Arvo Pärt - Miserere (CD, Album)
424Baradelan - Infrasonic Cathedral (CD)
425Galerie Schallschutz - HAARP (CD)
4262nd Off The Cuff - …Уронить На Толпы Мрак...
427Negru Voda - Voodoo Killers
428Combative Alignment - A Broken Union
429Land:Fire - Physical : Mental : Psychological (CD)
430Galerie Schallschutz - Montauk Project (CD)
431Dead Can Dance - Aion (CD)
433Dead Can Dance - Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun (CD)
434Dead Can Dance - Spleen And Ideal (CD, Album)
435Каррент 93* - Разуверясь В Числе Зверя (CD, Album)
436Каррент 93* - Гром Совершенный Разум (2xCD, Album)
437Orplid - Sterbender Satyr (CD)
438Orplid - Nächtliche Jünger (CD)
439Orplid - Orplid (CD, Album, Ltd, 1st) Лицензия
440Orplid - Barbarossa CD-R
441Valentin Silvestrov Requiem for larissa
442Arvo Pärt, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Paul Hillier With Christopher Bowers-Broadbent - Da Pacem
443Valentin Silvestrov - Metamusik / Postludium (CD, Album)
444Valentin Silvestrov leggiero, pesante
445Valentin Silvestrov orchestral works
446Valentin Silvestrov Music for String Quartet
447Tigran Mansurian String Quartets
448Sofia Gubaidulina The Canticle of the sun
449Kancheli styx Sofia Gubaidulina viola concerto
450Giya Kancheli / Gidon Kremer - Lament
451Giya Kancheli abii ne viderem
452Schnittke Choir Concerto Voises of Nature minnesang holst singers stephen layton
453Alfred schnittke gogol suite labyrinths
454Alfred schnittke symphony no4 requiem
455Various - NDT (Nederlands Dans Theater) - Muziek Bij De Voorstellingen Uit Het Seizoen 2004 / 2005
456London Chamber Orchestra* Christopher Warren-Green - Minimalist
459Shinjuku Thief - Medea (CD, Album)
460Deutsch Nepal & Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud, The - A Night In Fear
462sequentia the rheingold curse
463Hildegard Von Bingen / Sequentia (2) - Symphoniae, Geistliche Gesänge/Spiritual Songs
464Estampie - Crusaders In Nomine Domini
466Shinjuku Thief - The Witch Trilogy (Box, Ltd + CD, Album + CD, Album, RP + CD, Album, )
467Blood Axis - The Gospel Of Inhumanity (CD, Ltd)
468Various - Mysteria Mithrae (CD, Dig)
471Shinjuku Thief - The Scribbler (CD, Album, Ltd)
472Various - Wir Rufen Deine Wölfe (CD)
473Shinjuku Thief - Devolution (CD, Album)
474Sequentia (2) - Edda - Myths From Medieval Iceland
475cantigas de amigo laterna magica Amor Ei
476David Hykes & Harmonic Choir, The - Harmonic Meetings
477Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud, The - Rest On Your Arms Reversed
480Kurt Weill Peteris Vasks concerto for violin
481Vasks Message Riga Philharmonic Orchestra
482Tavener tecting veil the last sleep of the virgin
483John Tavener diodia the world Akhmatova Songs Many Years
484John Tavener Tears of the angels
485John Tavener Lamentations and Praises
486John Tavener Eternity's Sunrise
487John Tavener Total Eclipse Agraphon
488John Tavener the bridegroom & other works
489Glass Rorem Bernstein Gidon Kremer
490Boulez sur incises Messagesquisse Anthemes
491Boulez conducts Boulez
492Boulez: Repons
493Lachrymae Hindemith Britten Penderecki
494Elijah's Mantle - Angels Of Perversity (CD, Album)
495Elijah's Mantle - Remedies In Heresies (CD, Album)
496Elijah's Mantle - Sorrows Of Sophia (CD)
497Elijah's Mantle - Betrayals And Ecstacies (CD)
498Elijah's Mantle - Poets And Visionaries (CD)
499Ozymandias / Elijah's Mantle - The Soul Of Romanticism
500Elijah's Mantle - Legacy Of Corruption (CD)
501Elijah's Mantle - Breath Of Lazarus
505Der Blutharsch - Der Sieg Des Lichtes Ist Des Lebens Heil! (CD, Album, 1st)
506Der Blutharsch pleasures received in pain CD-R
507Nový Svět - Faccia A Faccia (CD, Album)
508Les Joyaux De La Princesse - Croix De Bois - Croix De Feu CD-R
509Les Joyaux De La Princesse - Aux Petits Enfants De France CD-R
510Blood Axis & Les Joyaux De La Princesse - Absinthe - La Folie Verte (CD, Album, Ltd, Dig)
511Estampie - Materia Mystica - Homage To Hildegard Von Bingen (CD, Album)
512Hilliard Ensemble, The, Orlando di Lasso* - Lassus
513Corvus Corax - Venus Vina Musica (CD, Album)
514Corvus Corax - Seikilos (CD, Album)
515Corona Borealis - Cantus Paganus (CD)
516Thomas Tallis The Lamentations of Jeremiah
517Vladimir Martynov Passionslider
518Vladimir Martynov Stabat Mater Requiem
519Vladimir Martynov hymni
520Ensemble Opus Posth - Come In!
521Anton batagov music for films
522Boris Tchaikovsky Partita for cello and chamber ensemble
523Boris Tchaikovsky signs of zodiac
524Boris Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto
525Boris Tchaikovsky Chamber symphony sinfonietta for strings
526Arvo Pärt - Tabula Rasa (CD)
527Valentin Silvestrov / Arvo Pärt / Galina Ustvolskaya / Alexei Lubimov / Alexander Trostiansky / Kyrill Rybakov - Misterioso
528Arvo Pärt / Elora Festival Singers / Noel Edison - Berliner Messe / Magnificat / Summa
529Valentin Silvestrov symphony 6
530Mozart requiem
531Brahms Requiem Philippe Herreweghe
532Faure & Durufle Requiems Willcocks Ledger
533Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique
534Ravel bolero boston symphony orchestra ozawa
535Satie Orchestral works
536Valery Gergiev Pictures at an Exhibition Night on the bare Mountain
537Moscow Soloists Yuri Bashmet
538Propergol - Un Déchaînement De Violence / Cleanshaven (2xCD, RM, RE)
315-318Linija Mass - Trud / Mechano-Faktura / Proletkult / Kinematika Mechanizmov (Box + 3xCD + CDr, Ltd)
262Megaptera - Disease (CD, Album, Ltd)
263Megaptera - Beautiful Chaos (CD, Maxi, Dig)
264Megaptera - Extended Chaos (2xCD, Ltd + Box) acd 015
265Megaptera - You Will Never Survive This Nightmare (2xCD)
266Megaptera - Beyond The Massive Darkness (2xCD, Ltd, Dig)
267Stratvm Terror - Fixation (CD)
268Stratvm Terror - The Only True Septic Whore (CD)
269Stratvm Terror - Genetic Implosion (CD, Album)
270Deutsch Nepal - Deflagration Of Hell (CD, Album)
271In Slaughter Natives / Deutsch Nepal - Mort Aux Vaches CD-R
272In Slaughter Natives - Resurrection (CD, Enh, Album)
273Stratvm Terror - Pain Implantations (CD, Album)
274Stratvm Terror - Pariah Demise (CD, Album, Ltd)
275raison d'être - In Sadness, Silence And Solitude (CD, Album)
277Bocksholm - The Haunting Curse Of Skogs-Sara (CD)
279Janitor - Qoumran 4-ever (CD)
280Janitor - Receiving A Flower On Mother's Day (CD)
281Deutsch Nepal - The City Of Stone CD-R
283Schloss Tegal - The Grand Guignol (CD, Album, Ltd)
284Schloss Tegal - Black Static Transmission (CD, Album)
285Schloss Tegal - Neoterrik Research (CD, Ltd)
286Frozen faces CD-R
287Deutsch Nepal - Erotikon (CD, Album, Dig)
288Deutsch Nepal - A Silent Siege (CD, Album, Dig)
289Deutsch Nepal - Erosion (CD, Album)
290Deutsch Nepal - ¡Comprendido!... Time Stop! ...And World Ending (CD, Album, Dig)
291Deutsch Nepal - Tolerance (CD, Album, Dig)
292Deutsch Nepal - Benevolence (CD, Album)
293STROM.ec - Neural Architect (CD, Album)
294Söldnergeist - Global Media Control (CD, Album, Ltd, Car)
295Rasthof Dachau - Blut Und Boden CD-R
298Maëror Tri* - The Beauty Of Sadness (CD, Album, RE, Ltd)
299Maeror Tri - Emotional Engramm (CD, Album)
300Megaptera - The Curse Of The Scarecrow (CD, Album)
301Protagonist, The - A Rebours (CD, Album)
302Hybryds - The Ritual Should Be Kept Alive (Part 2) (CD-R)
303Hybryds - Soundtrack For The Aquarium (CD, Album)
304Hybryds - Dreamscapes From A Dark Side (CD, Album)
305Hybryds - The Rhythm Of The Ritual (CD, Album)
306Hybryds - The Ritual Should Be Kept Alive (Part 1) (CD, Maxi, Ltd)
307Nebulon & Hybryds - Clavis (CD, Album, Ltd)
308Staruha Mha - Fires
309Various - Machine Gum Vol. 01 (12")
311Vetrophonia - Simultannost (CD)
312Vetrophonia - Promzona (CD)
313Vetrophonia - Shumographika (CD)
314Vetrophonia - Strappadology (CD)
315Linija Mass - Trud
316Linija Mass - Mechano-Faktura (CD, Album)
317Linija Mass - Proletkult
319Various - Steinklang Industries Disco 1994-2004 (CD)
320Nick Soudnick - Tauromakhia (CD)
321Nick Soudnick - Akhe Music Vol. 5 "Faust ³" (CD)
322Irmologion - Irmologion (CD, Album)
323Irmologion - Dynatos (CD, Album)
324Lucisferrato - Ingermanland (CD)
325Volga - Три Поля
326Волга* - Концерт (CD, Album)
328Schloss Tegal - Human Resource Exploitation (CD, Album)
329Bulgarian Voices »Angelite«, The* Featuring Huun-Huur-Tu, Sergey Starostin* & Mikhail Alperin* - Fly, Fly My Sadness
330Volga - Volga
331Volga - Vipey Do Dna
332Sergey Starostin* And Volkov Trio - Once There Was Sun / Было Солнце
333Yat-Kha - Aldyn Dashka
334Bugotak - Siberian Tales
335Staruha Mha - Rusali (CD, Album, Ltd)
336Omenya - The Dark Meditations (CD, Album, Ltd)
337Omenya - Ancient Rites (CD)
338Contemplatron - Antarabhãva / The Six Realms (CD, Album, Ltd)
339Oöphoi - Mare Imbrium (CD)
340Oöphoi - Bardo
341Exotoendo - Push Kara
342Asianova CD-R
343Life Garden And Voice Of Eye - The Hungry Void - Volume Two: Air (CD, Album)
344Illusion Of Safety · Life Garden · Voice Of Eye - The Nature Of Sand (CD)
345Life Garden - Ahitanaman (CD, Album)
346Nordvargr / Drakh - Infinitas In Aeternum (CD)
347Sophia (2) - Deconstruction Of The World (CD, Enh)
348Northaunt - Horizons (CD, Album, Enh, Ltd)
349Оркестр Вермишель Марк Аврелий
350Lungta Конь ветра 111111
351Alexey Tegin Gyer sacred tiberian music of bon tradition
352Алыш Михаил Жуков Николай Ооржак
353Byzantium Vermicelli Orchestra
354Ivan Kirchuk Heritage of the Lost villages
355Druva Osmira skmr 045
356Багренье Русская мужская песенная традиция
357group Folk Opera Echo of Pagan Russia
358Русская традиционная музыка Зима - Winter
359Songs from the Arkhangelsk, Pskov, and Vitebsk region
360SVA Ulahado - Ulahado
361Einleitungszeit - AuraNoise (CD)
363Разнотравие каторга
365Голубиная Книга Митя Кузнецов
432Dead Can Dance - The Serpent's Egg (CD)
457Shinjuku Thief - The Witch Hammer (CD, Album)
458Shinjuku Thief - The Witch Hunter (CD, Album)
461Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud, The - Were You Of Silver, Were You Of Gold (CD, MiniAlbum)
465Shinjuku Thief - The Witch Haven (CD, Album)
478Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud, The - The Smell Of Blood But Victory (CD, Album + CD, Maxi + Box, Ltd) Без плаката
502Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud, The - The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud (CD, Album, 3rd)
503Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud, The - Amara Tanta Tyri (CD, Album, 3rd)
504Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud,  A New Soldier Follows The Path Of A New King (CD, Album, 2nd)
215Galerie Schallschutz - Teddybear (CD, MiniAlbum, Ltd)

1 | Дата рег-ции 28 Ноября, 2009 | Отправлено: 13:59 - 28 Ноября, 2009 | Исправлено: yuna - 30 Ноября, 2009 (13:55) 1

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