-- Сообщение от mikerobe. Дата: 7:01 - 13 Мая, 2014
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По всем вопросам пишите сюда: [email protected] 5 STABBED 4 CORPSES - Get smashed (Rotten Roll, 2011) ABDICATE - Relinquish the throne (Sevared, 2008) ABSEMIA - Morbopraxis (American Line, 2002) ADNAUSEAM - Lives of lies, despise and demise (Independent Sickness, 2000) ANAEMIA - Stupidity of the lambs (Soulreaper, 2000) ANARKHON - Into the autopsy (Sevared, 2009) ANIMALS KILLING PEOPLE - Kentucky fried killing (Sevared, 2008) ANTROPOFAGUS / PUTRIDITY / PRION / INFECTED FLESH / MASS INFECTION - Split torso trauma (Comatose, 2011) ANTROPOMORFIA - Engendro (Necromance, 2003) APOSTLES OF PERVERSION - Meeting of atrocities (Pathologically Explicit, 2011) AVULSION - Dimensions of darkness (Deathgasm, 1997) BEGOTTEN - Bloodstained gods (Morbid Generation, 2013) BEING KILLED - Kill yourself (Comatose, 2008) BLASPHEMER - On the inexistence of god (Comatose, 2008) BLAZE INSIDE - Pure potenciality (Dan's Crypt, 2008) BLEEDING DISPLAY - Ways to end (Sevared, 2006) BLOOD REAPING - Feasting the weak (Emerald City, 2001) BLOODSHED - Warped in the macabre (Snakebite, 2003) BLOODSOAKED - Sadistic deeds ... grotesque memories (Comatose, 2009) BLUSTERY CAVEAT - Payback in brutality (Revenge, 2008) BLOOD RITUAL - Black grimoire (Moribund, 2005) BOWELS OUT - Enlightenment through dismemberment (CDN, 2005) BRUTUS - Slachtbeest (Unique Leader, 2003) CAEDERE - Mass emission (Goregiastic, 2005) CANKERED CORPSE - Pleasure of mania (Mort, 2005) CARDIAC NECROPSY / INSISION / KOMA / LACERATE / VRYKOLAKAS - Supreme Brutal Legions (Vrykoblast, 2002) CENOTAPH - The gloomy reflection of our hidden sorrows (OZ, 1998) CENOTAPH - Voluptuously minced (Hammer Muzik, 1996) CHRIST DENIED - Got what he deserved / Thy horned god (Coyote, 2006) CLITEATER - Eat clit or die (Sevared, 2010) CUTTING EMBRYO - Fekal appetite (Grodhasin, 2010) DARK LEGION - Bloodshed (Deadsun, 2001) DECEPTION - Permanent torment (Nice to Eat You, 2003) DECREPIDEMIC - The void of un-existence (Sevared, 2009) DEEDS OF FLESH - Of what's to come (Unique Leader, 2008) DEFLORACE - Massacre (Forensick, 2004) DEVILIUM - Pagan at war (Criminal, 2001) DISASTROUS - Severe suffering (Brute, 2012) DISFIGURED - Amputated gorewhore (Comatose, 2011) DISFIGURED - Blistering of the mouth (Comatose, 2008) DISGRASEED - Flesh market (Ghastly, 2013) EDEN BEAST - Passivity causes genocide (Amputated Vein, 2008) EXECRATION - A feast for the wretched (Comatose, 2008) EXISTENCH / BRUTAL INSANITY - Anti psalms / Society kill catalyst (Extremist, 2001) EXTREMELY ROTTEN FLESH - The end (Brutalized, 2007) FERMENTO - Insignia (Pathos, 2006) FLESHBOMB - At the first stage of perversion (Not Like Most, 2004) FRACTURED INSANITY - When mankind becomes diseased (Goregiastic, 2007) FULLY CONSUMED - Fully consumed (Epitomite, 2006) FUNERAL INCEPTION - Anthems of disenchantment (Warpath, 2002) GASTRORREXIS - Grotesque human disfigurement (Sevared, 2010) GURKKHAS - A life of suffering (Morbid, 2001) HIDEOUS DEFORMITY - Defoulment of human purity (Sevared, 2010) HORROR BLAST - Sublime vile anomalies (Embrace My Funeral, 2006) HOUWITSER - Bestial atrocity (Sevared, 2010) IMPERIAL SODOMY - Tormenting the pacifist (Criminal, 2001) INFERIA - Release for burial orgies (Nice To Eat You, 2005) MELANCHOLY PESSIMISM - Dreamkillers (Epidemie, 2004) MIND SNARE - Hateful attitude (Psychic Scream, 2000) MORRAH - Sense of brutality (Technical Sound, 2009) NECROTERIO - A rotten pile of dead humans (Demise, 2002) NOSCE TEIPSUM / ZERO DEGREES FREEDOM - The human condition / Split eyed perception (Pawn, 2005) OMNIUM GATHERUM - Rectifying human rejection (Life Fluid, 2001) ORATEGOD - Fall slowly until the hell abyss (Concreto, 2006) PLAGUE ANGEL - Stagnation of christ (Sevared, 2010) PLASMOPTYSIS - Breeds of the malevolence (Extreme Souls, 2010) PORKFARM - Blood harvest (Deepsend, 2008) PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT - Deeds of derangement (Morbid, 2003) PUKELIZATION - Storm of resurrection (Obliteration, 2007) PUTREVORE - Morphed from deadbreath (Xtreem, 2008) REIGN OF TERROR - Inverted beliefs of the sanguine god (Reign Of Terror, 2000) REINFECTION - Peace through killing (Goregiastic, 2005) SCREAMING AFTERBIRTH / STOMA - Zombie soup kitchen / Unreleased shit (Bizarre Leprous, 2007) SIX FEET UNDER - Graveyard classics (Metal Blade, 2000) SONS OF CHAOS - Redwork (Bloodsoaked, 2002) SONS OF SLAUGHTER - The extermination strain (Retribute, 2005) SUFFOCATION - Blood oath (Nuclear Blast/Scarecrow, 2009) (digipack) SUICIDAL CAUSTICITY - The spiritual decline (Ghastly, 2013) THIRST OF REVENGE - The beginning of the end (Pathologically Explicit, 2009) THY FLESH CONSUMED - End of blind obedience (CDN, 2004) TOMORROW'S VICTIM / PERVERSE / MOULDED FLESH - A darker day now dawns... / Blast of stench / Indulgence (Deus Mortuus, 2003) ULTIMO MONDO CANNIBALE - Pornokult (Rotten Roll, 2008) UNCLEANSED - Domination of the faithful (Grindethic, 2010) UNDERGANG - Indhentet af doden (Xtreem, 2011) UNFATHOMABLE RUINATION - Unfathomable ruination (Sevared, 2010) VULGAROYAL BLOODHILL - Muerteatroz (Rotten Roll, 2010) WACO JESUS - Receptive when beaten (Waco Jesus, 2006) WASTEFORM - Designed by disgust (MWA, 2010)